Both authentication and authorization will hit the underlying security
repository (e.g. files, LDAP, etc.). For example, creating a JMS
connection and a consumer will result in 2 hits with the *same*
authentication request. This can cause unwanted (and unnecessary)
resource utilization, especially in the case of networked configuration
like LDAP.
There is already a rudimentary cache for authorization, but it is
cleared *totally* every 10 seconds by default (controlled via the
security-invalidation-interval setting), and it must be populated
initially which still results in duplicate auth requests.
This commit optimizes authentication and authorization via the following
- Replace our home-grown cache with Google Guava's cache. This provides
simple caching with both time-based and size-based LRU eviction. See more
at I also thought
about using Caffeine, but we already have a dependency on Guava and the
cache implementions look to be negligibly different for this use-case.
- Add caching for authentication. Both successful and unsuccessful
authentication attempts will be cached to spare the underlying security
repository as much as possible. Authenticated Subjects will be cached
and re-used whenever possible.
- Authorization will used Subjects cached during authentication. If the
required Subject is not in the cache it will be fetched from the
underlying security repo.
- Caching can be disabled by setting the security-invalidation-interval
to 0.
- Cache sizes are configurable.
- Management operations exist to inspect cache sizes at runtime.
In certain cases with shared-store HA a broker's activation can fail but
the broker will still be holding the journal lock. This results in a
"zombie" broker which can't actually service clients and prevents the
backup from activating.
This commit adds an ActivationFailureListener to catch activation
failures and stop the broker completely.
The calculation used by
ActiveMQServerControlImpl.getDiskStoreUsagePercentage() is incorrect. It
uses disk space info with global-max-size which is for address memory.
Also, the existing getDiskStoreUsage() method *already* returns a
percentage of total disk store usage so this method seems redundant.
Add the command `check` to the Command Line utility. This command exposes some
checks for nodes and queues using the management API for most of them.
The checks have been implemented to be modular. Each user can compose his own
health check, ie to produce and consume from a queue the command is
`artemis check queue --name TEST --produce 1 --consume 1`.
it is intentional to compare brokerURL == DEFAULT_BROKER_URL here
so, I added a @SuppressWarnings to clear the false positivie.
And also added some comment on why this is intentional.
This commit does the following:
- Deprecates existing overloaded createQueue, createSharedQueue,
createTemporaryQueue, & updateQueue methods for ClientSession,
ServerSession, ActiveMQServer, & ActiveMQServerControl where
- Deprecates QueueAttributes, QueueConfig, & CoreQueueConfiguration.
- Deprecates existing overloaded constructors for QueueImpl.
- Implements QueueConfiguration with JavaDoc to be the single,
centralized configuration object for both client-side and broker-side
queue creation including methods to convert to & from JSON for use in
the management API.
- Implements new createQueue, createSharedQueue & updateQueue methods
with JavaDoc for ClientSession, ServerSession, ActiveMQServer, &
ActiveMQServerControl as well as a new constructor for QueueImpl all
using the new QueueConfiguration object.
- Changes all internal broker code to use the new methods.
FQQN support for the CLI was implemented via ARTEMIS-1840 before general
FQQN support was added for producers via ARTEMIS-1867. The CLI's FQQN
functionality is slightly different from what is now generally available
and it can be confusing for users. By refactoring the CLI to use the
general FQQN support the code can be much simpler and consistent with
the expected behavior. Refactoring includes:
- Deprecating the use of "fqqn://". The CLI commands use JMS so using
"fqqn://" (instead of "queue://" or "topic://") makes the destination
type ambiguous which can yield unexpected message routing behavior.
Now "queue://" and "topic://" can be used with the normal FQQN syntax
(e.g. address::queue).
- Eliminating the use of the _AMQ_ROUTE_TO header when sending messags
to an FQQN. The _AMQ_ROUTE_TO header is an internal header used when
routing messages over a cluster bridge. Using it in the CLI for FQQN
support was a clever hack, but using the general FQQN support
eliminates complexity and makes behavior consistent between
standalone JMS clients using FQQN and the CLI.
- De-duplicating MessageSerializer initialization boilerplate.
- Removing limitation where using an FQQN with an anycast address
required the same name for the address and queue.
This is a Large commit where I am refactoring largeMessage Body out of CoreMessage
which is now reused with AMQP.
I had also to fix Reference Counting to fix how Large Messages are Acked
And I also had to make sure Large Messages are transversing correctly when in cluster.
There is an optimization in AMQP, that properties are only parsed over demand.
It happens that after ARTEMIS-2294 (commit 2dd06716989820eeecad7f39faabfbb8f025f7f1),
every send would request for the property on the message, resulting the properties to always be parsed upon send.
Even when there's no use of application properties.
Add the config parameter `page-sync-timeout` to set a customized value,
because if the broker is configured to use ASYNCIO journal, the timeout
has the same value of NIO default journal buffer timeout ie 3333333.