- Bumped up version to 2.0.0.Alpha
- Client bundle changes to be copmatible with 2.0.0
- Fixing bundle / Logging classes for missing format (it was an issue with the previous one already)
- Fixed up dependencies to avoid transient downloads
This was causing issues with javadoc
utils is also a package on activemq-server. ActiveMQUtilLogger is using a super class that was not part of the
source path on the javadoc plugin what caused it to exception and interrupt building
Fixing the classpath so some tests would find the LogManager configured
Fixing the dependency on the AssertionLoggerHandler so all the tests could also see it without further errors
Connection Factory is now externalizable and is now serialized as a string that represents a URI. There are schemas for every possible type for connection factory and server locator.
The client JNDI representation of factories has also been changed to be consistent with this.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACTIVEMQ6-78 performance work
There are two aspects of this work. First avoid asynchronous packets and avoid
context switch over the executors. Packet had a method to make certain packets such
as commit to use a different executor. Since it's NIO everything is done at the Netty thread now.
The second aspect was to make sure we use the proper buffering
- added missing license headers found by maven rat plugin.
most of them added automatically via apache-rat
a few manually added
- added apache-rat maven plugin to the build cycle
We are renaming packages from activemq6 to activemq as that's more generic and version independent
The previous commit renamed the directories. On this commit now I'm changing the code.
If we changed the code and the directories on the same commit git would remove and add a lot of files
without recognizing the renames.
We are renaming packages from activemq6 to activemq as that's more generic and version independent
On this first commit I'm just renaming the directories otherwise the history would be lost. The next commit will rename the text on the directories.
If I squash these two commits git will make us delete / add again.