the IntelliJ import wizard doesn't contain a sentence
like:"Select "Import from existing model".
This should be changed to "import project from external model" to be
conform and the IntelliJ IDEA version should be updated, too.
Added a wait-for-activation option to shared-store master HA policies.
This option is enabled by default to ensure unchanged server startup behavior.
If this option is enabled, ActiveMQServer.start() with a shared-store master server will not return
before the server has been activated.
If this options is disabled, start() will return after a background activation thread has been started.
The caller can use waitForActivation() to wait until server is activated, or just check the current activation status.
Broker should support full qualified queue names (FQQN)
as well as bare queue names. This means when clients access
to a queue they have two equivalent ways to do so. One way
is by queue names and the other is by FQQN (i.e. address::qname)
names. Currently only receiving is supported.
Broker should support full qualified queue names (FQQN)
as well as bare queue names. This means when clients access
to a queue they have two equivalent ways to do so. One way
is by queue names and the other is by FQQN (i.e. address::qname)
names. Currently only receiving is supported.
Adjust slow-consumer detection logic to use the number of messages in
the queue and not just the number of messages added since the last
check. This means the getRate() method now returns the rate of messages
which it *could* have dispatched since the last check rather than the
rate at which it received messages. This is a more reliable metric to
ensure the slow-consumer detection logic doesn't flag a consumer as
slow unfairly. Although the reliability will come at a performance cost
since getMessageCount() must lock the queue.
Currently there is no documentation about updating ActiveMQ Artemis in the Artemis user manual. This commit adds a brief description of the steps necessary to update Artemis to newer versions.