* Using SpawnedVMSupport (used to be on testsuite, moving it to Utils)
* Building the classpath for ./lib, similar to what happens on Bootstrap
* Using Path as much as possible to avoid issues encoding files
Any checkProperties();<usage of this.properties> pattern has been
replaced by an atomic checkProperties().<usage of returned properties>
to help both performance and consistency.
The cleanup is now performed into CoreTypedProperties both
for performance reasons (avoid lock/unlock many times)
and consistency, given that the operation is now atomic.
Add consumer priority support
Includes refactor of consumer iterating in QueueImpl to its own logical class, to be able to implement.
Add OpenWire JMS Test - taken from ActiveMQ5
Add Core JMS Test
Add AMQP Test
Add Docs
There's a *slight* semantic change with the behavior of the queue query
and binding query to make them consistent with the address query, namely
that they will return the name of the queue and the name of the address
in every case and the returned names will be not use the FQQN syntax but
will be parsed to reflect their actual names in the broker.
Implement custom LVQ Key and Non-Destructive in broker - protocol agnostic
Make feature configurable via broker.xml, core apis and activemqservercontrol
Add last-value-key test cases
Add non-destructive with lvq test cases
Add non-destructive with expiry-delay test cases
Update documents
Add new methods to support create, update with new attributes
Refactor to pass through queue-attributes in client side methods to reduce further method changes for adding new attributes in future and avoid methods with endless parameters. (note: in future this should prob be done server side too)
Update existing test cases and fake impls for new methods/attributes
GlobalDiskFullTest was broken before this fix.
Basically when using multiple addresses over a session you would miss flow credits on all your producers except to the first one
that ran out of credit.
Add Concurrency Test to expose concurrency errors seen in logs.
Add Fix to ensure TypedProperties to ensure threadsafety
Add forEach and forEachKey to allow for provide a thread safe way of iterating through keys and values, without needing to duplicate the collection.
Add getMapNames method to remove code duplication and to ensure thread safe
Currently we get.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: null
at org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.SimpleString.readSimpleString(SimpleString.java:183)
at org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.SimpleString$ByteBufSimpleStringPool.create(SimpleString.java:584)
Should be
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Error reading in simpleString, length=YYY is greater than readableBytes=XXX
at org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.SimpleString.readSimpleString(SimpleString.java:183)
at org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.SimpleString$ByteBufSimpleStringPool.create(SimpleString.java:584)
Replace guava Preconditions with artemis Preconditions
Replace guava Predicate with java Predicate
Replace guava Ordering with java Comparator
Replace guava Immutable, with ArrayList/Set and then wrap with unmodifiable
It includes:
- Message References: no longer uses boxed primitives and AtomicInteger
- Node: intrusive nodes no longer need a reference field holding itself
- RefCountMessage: no longer uses AtomicInteger, but AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater