Performing direct deliveries of management messages could enter
a code path on QueueImpl::addTail with a NULL pageIterator: performing
a null check will avoid it to throw NPE.
The test may fail if the live crashes too soon and the
message is directly sent to backup and the expected
blocking send will never happen.
To fix that a wait is added to ensure the message
is sent to the live (and intercepted) before
crashing the live.
This test fails occasionally because the queue's delivering thread
may interference with the consumer's iterator during consumers adding.
The result is that the first of the 2 consumers may get iterated
twice and therefore the messages received by the 2 consumers are
not even.
Tha change puts the message add after the consumer add so that
the delivering thread only kicks off after consumers are all added
and messages should be evenly distributed to both consumers.
The Audit log allows user to log some important actions,
such as ones performed via management APIs or clients,
like queue management, sending messages, etc.
The log tries to record who (the user if any) doing what
(like deleting a queue) with arguments (if any) and timestamps.
By default the audit log is disabled. Through configuration can
be easily turned on.
this was reverted previously on commit f4436a9f72afeb8117ecd6e377df8198eeec9aa3.
It seems it is ok after further changes into FQQN, so this is being reapplied
When the MQTT consumer client (cleanSession property set to true) reconnected, there are certain probabilities that these two bugs will occur.
This is because the MQTT consumer client thinks that its connection has been disconnected and triggers reconnection, but the MQTT connection is still alive at Artemis broker. This bug occurs when new and old connections occur while operating the same queue for unsafe behavior.
Multiple consumers using the same clientId in the cluster, the last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection!
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
to address apache-rat-plugin:0.12:check
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
to address checkstyle
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
add javadoc
Added test reproducer and changed Queue::isDurableMessage usages into
Queue::isDurable to allow acks to hit the journal and being
correctly replicated across nodes.
Add ability to configure when creating auto created queues at the queue level
Add support for configuring message count check
Add test cases
Update docs
Support using group buckets on a queue for better local group scaling
Support disabling message groups on a queue
Support rebalancing groups when a consumer is added.
* Using SpawnedVMSupport (used to be on testsuite, moving it to Utils)
* Building the classpath for ./lib, similar to what happens on Bootstrap
* Using Path as much as possible to avoid issues encoding files
Push isDirectDeliver method from netty impl, to the Connection interface
Add support to InVMConnection for isDirectDeliver flag and ability to set via config, defaulting to false, to keep current default behavior.
Extend DirectDeliverTest to check InVM as well.
Add consumer priority support
Includes refactor of consumer iterating in QueueImpl to its own logical class, to be able to implement.
Add OpenWire JMS Test - taken from ActiveMQ5
Add Core JMS Test
Add AMQP Test
Add Docs
When broker's advisory is disabled (supportAdvisory=false) any
advisory consumer won't get created at broker and the advisory
consumer ID won't be stored.
Legacy openwire clients can have a reference of advisory consumer
regardless broker's settings and therefore when it closes the
advisory consumer the broker has no reference to it.
Therefore broker throws an exception like:
javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Cannot
remove a consumer that had not been registered
If the broker stores the consumer info (even it doesn't create
it) the exception can be avoided.
There's a *slight* semantic change with the behavior of the queue query
and binding query to make them consistent with the address query, namely
that they will return the name of the queue and the name of the address
in every case and the returned names will be not use the FQQN syntax but
will be parsed to reflect their actual names in the broker.