When running the examples from the distribution the example poms need to
find the top level activemq-pom. For snapshot releases this will only
exist in the snapshot repo. In additon we include the snapshot plugins
repo for the activemq-maven-plugin
The TransactionFailoverExample IDs are not really unique if the journal is not cleaned up
This commit will make the IDs to use an UUID so the ID will always be unique even if you reuse the journal
Connection Factory is now externalizable and is now serialized as a string that represents a URI. There are schemas for every possible type for connection factory and server locator.
The client JNDI representation of factories has also been changed to be consistent with this.
This patch moves test dependencies into out of the main pom and into the
tests module pom. This will make managing 3rd party category X
dependencies much easier going forward. In addition each dependency
license has been outlined in the pom and README entry added to outline
future policy when adding 3rd party depdendencies.
fixed distribution so that file based security works and hot deployers as broken and no longer needed with new bootstrap.
Also combined the jms and core configuration files.
This example requires a Transaction Manager implementation to run. As
we are not shipping with an appropriate Transaction Manager this is
being removed.
- added missing license headers found by maven rat plugin.
most of them added automatically via apache-rat
a few manually added
- added apache-rat maven plugin to the build cycle
The release profile now builds a static html version of the user manual for the web site using gitbook.
Also added a new profile 'distro' that builds the distribution but without the docs.
Updated read me with build process.
this has been identified as a dead feature.
It was only useful for presentations...
it had its time and we have better examples we can use...
It's time for this feature to go!
We are renaming packages from activemq6 to activemq as that's more generic and version independent
The previous commit renamed the directories. On this commit now I'm changing the code.
If we changed the code and the directories on the same commit git would remove and add a lot of files
without recognizing the renames.