When user attempts unauthorized anonymous sasl the broker can return an
error of 'failed' instead of the security error that is expected in
these cases.
* Upgrading versions
* Adding wildfly-common dependency as jboss-logmanager now depends on it
for simple common operations such as getting hostname or process id
* Updating bootclasspath with wildfly-common
Add test that exhibits the issue when sending AMQP (non JMS) to Artemis that one mapping to Core JMS the destination is not resolving as the RoutingType can be missing.
Add fix.
this was reverted previously on commit f4436a9f72afeb8117ecd6e377df8198eeec9aa3.
It seems it is ok after further changes into FQQN, so this is being reapplied
Add consumer priority support
Includes refactor of consumer iterating in QueueImpl to its own logical class, to be able to implement.
Add OpenWire JMS Test - taken from ActiveMQ5
Add Core JMS Test
Add AMQP Test
Add Docs
There's a *slight* semantic change with the behavior of the queue query
and binding query to make them consistent with the address query, namely
that they will return the name of the queue and the name of the address
in every case and the returned names will be not use the FQQN syntax but
will be parsed to reflect their actual names in the broker.
If a client sends a message to a multicast address and using a qpid-jms
client to receive the message from one of the queues using fully
qualified queue name will fail with following error message:
Address xxxx is not configured for queue support
[condition = amqp:illegal-state]
It should be able to receive the message without any error.
These improvements were also part of this task:
- Routing is now cached as much as possible.
- A new Runnable is avoided for each individual message,
since we use the Netty executor to perform delivery
Update to latest proton-j release and refactor the dispostion code to use
the new type enums to better deal with the dispistions. Updates to Qpid JMS
0.37.0 which still uses the current netty 4.1.28.Final dependency.
Refactor ServerJMSMessage so it correctly transposes all JMSX headers.
Push common JMSX mappings for JMS to Message Interface mappings into MessageUtil to avoid duplication in ActiveMQMessage and ServerJMSMessage
With AMQP protocol when some messages are received in a transaction,
calling JMX QueueControl.listDeliveringMessages() returns empty list
before the transaction is committed.
Add test cases
Add GroupSequence to Message Interface
Implement Support closing/reset group in queue impl
Update Documentation (copy from activemq5)
Change/Fix OpenWireMessageConverter to use default of 0 if not set, for OpenWire as per documentation http://activemq.apache.org/activemq-message-properties.html
GlobalDiskFullTest was broken before this fix.
Basically when using multiple addresses over a session you would miss flow credits on all your producers except to the first one
that ran out of credit.
This is fixing the test org.apache.activemq.artemis.tests.integration.amqp.DivertTopicToQueueTest
This test was broken because the copy wouldn't use the Buffer view gotten by data.duplicate().
Add Concurrency Test to expose concurrency errors seen in logs.
Add Fix to ensure TypedProperties to ensure threadsafety
Add forEach and forEachKey to allow for provide a thread safe way of iterating through keys and values, without needing to duplicate the collection.
Add getMapNames method to remove code duplication and to ensure thread safe
Major refactoring of the AMQPMessage abstraction to resolve
some issue of message corruption still present in the code and
improve the API handling of message changes and re-encoding.
Improves handling of decoding of message sections limiting the
work to only the portions needed and ensuring the state data
is always updated with what has been done. Fixes issues of
corrupt state on copy of message or other changes in filters.