The JDBC Lock Acquisition Timeout is no longer exposed to any user configuration and defaulted to infinite to match the behaviour of the journal (file-based) one.
When creting a durable topic subscription using the Artemis 1.x JMS
client library. The client sends a QueueQuery to the server to see if
the durable subsciption queue already exists. The broker then performs
some transformation of the queue addresses to suit the 1.x naming
scheme. However, if the queue does not already exist the transform is
attempted on a null string causing NPE. To fix we simply check that the
result return isExists=true.
Add Test Case to stop and restart server after config reload and check state, this re-creates network health check issue where config changes are lost when network health check de-activates the server and then re-activates.
Add fix to update the held configuration thats used when initialisation steps during start are done.
Free hash set used to hold page position for acks and removed refs.
The two set is cleared, but they still hold a big array.
It is safe to replace the old one with empty set.
Logging for the "fast-tests" profile used for PR builds could be reduced
significantly. This would save time as well as prevent log truncation
(Travis CI only supports logs up to 4MB).
Revert #1875
This reverts commit 5ad45369ce22423543146b47cc9feb8a6db89cbf.
The storage manager is broken now as the AddressManager change here is trying to insert a record on the journal before startup.
- LargeServerMessageImpl.finalize is eventually causing deadlocks
- CoreMessage needs to check properties before decoding
- PagingTest tweaks
- ServerLocatorImpl can deadlock eventually, avoiding a lock and using actors
- ActiveMQServerImpl.finalize is also evil and can cause deadlocks on the testsuite
- MqttClusterRemoteSubscribeTest needs to setup the Address now on the setup
The PageCountPendingImpl was increasing the encode size without using its full allocation.
This was causing issues on replication as the encode is also used to determine the size of the packets.
however the packets were not receive the full allocated data causing missing packets on the replication
and test failures.
This is fixing the issue
This is good when you are a customer and an artemis engineer (e.g. me) asks your journal print-data but you can't do it because that would expose your user's data. If you do artemis data print --safe, that will only expose the journal structure without exposing user's data and eliminate any liability between the engineer and users.
Transactions may initialize a PagedReference without a valid message yet
during load of prepared transactions.
Caching has to be lazy on this case and it should load on demand.
Adding new metrics for tracking message counts and sizes on a Queue.
This includes tracking metrics for pending, delivering and scheduled
messages. The paging store also tracks message size now.
Cache `messageID`, `transactionID` and `isLargeMessage`
in PagedReference, so that when acknowledge, we do not have to
get PagedMessage which may be GCed and cause re-read entire page.