The below error is prevented by using Wait.assertEquals
where Assert.assertEquals was used previously.
Expected :2
Actual :1
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
The below error is prevented by using Wait.assertEquals
where Assert.assertEquals was used previously.
Expected :2
Actual :1
This commit adds support for tracking metrics for bridges for both
normal bridges and bridges that are part of a cluster. The two
statistics added in this commit are messages pending acknowledgement
and messages acknowledged but more can be added later.
The below error is prevented by adding Wait.assertEquals,
where Assert.assertEquals was used previously. Timeout is
set to small increments, since we rarely need to wait more
than 100 ms for the condition to become true.
java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<1> but was:<0>
at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at org.apache.activemq.artemis.tests.integration.client.HeuristicXATest.doRecoverHeuristicCompletedTxWithRestart(
at org.apache.activemq.artemis.tests.integration.client.HeuristicXATest.testRecoverHeuristicCommitWithRestart(
Anonymous senders (those created without a target address) are not
blocked when max-disk-usage is reached. The cause is that when such
a sender is created on the broker, the broker doesn't check the
disk/memory usage and gives out the credit immediately.
In a live-backup scenario, if the live is restarted and shutdown too soon,
the client have a chance to fail on failover because it's internal topology
is inconsistent with the final status. The client keeps connecting to live
already shut down, never trying to connect to the backup.
It's a porting from HORNETQ-1572.
Tests should always extend ActiveMQTestBase whenever is possible.
This is because there are a few rules to avoid thread leakages.
The test was also leaking an executor and I believe it was
not always stopping the servers, which I fixed here.
When "large" messages are converted to / from core in order to be stored
in the large message store the type of the AMQP body section is being
lost and reconstituted incorrectly in some cases. The message needs to
be annotated with the original AMQP type for the body and that used to
manage the conversion back to AMQP from Core.
This reverts commit c3fbd1b9e479f87898e0acd53f386d588c997632.
Based on the discussion on the PR this shouldn't have
been merged. It's importing JMS-specific code into the core broker which
is something we've worked hard to eliminate in recent releases.
Avoids pooling corner cases interacting with ARTEMIS 1843 + ARTEMIS 1861 improvements.
Also tagging ARTEMIS-1941 to note test needs altered along with it.
updates max frame size tests to verify behaviour seen with standalone
brokers rather than non represenative test-only conditions, as well
as more closely validate the recieved messages
Calling close multiple times on ServerConsumer can result in multiple
notifications being routed around the cluster. This causes cluster
topology info to become skewed. Which affects a number of components
such as message redistribution, metrics and can eventually cause OOM
should multiple queues be redistributing at the same time.