1. Add tests case to verify issue and fix, tests also tests for same behavior using CORE, OPENWIRE and AMQP JMS Clients.
2. Update Core Client to check for queue before creating, sharedQueue as per createQueue logic.
3. Update ServerSessionPacketHandler to handle packets from old clients to perform to implement the same fix server side for older clients.
4. Correct AMQP protocol so correct error code is returned on security exception so that amqp jms can correctly throw JMSsecurityException
5. Correct AMQP protocol to check for queue exists before create
6. Correct OpenWire protocol to check for address exists before create
If a client ack mode consumer receives a message and closes without
acking it, the redelivery of the message won't set the redelivery
flag (JMSRedelivered) because it doesn't increment the delivery count
when message is cancelled back to queue.
(Perf improvement)
If a client ack mode consumer receives a message and closes without
acking it, the redelivery of the message won't set the redelivery
flag (JMSRedelivered) because it doesn't increment the delivery count
when message is cancelled back to queue.
Configure a value of 128KB for AMQP max frame size by default to improve
overall performance and provide a limit on delivery size before chunking
Use new no copy variants for the delivery send and receive and make
use of the ReadableBuffer type that is now used to convery tranfer
payloads without a copy. Also set max outgoing frame size to match
the configured maxFrameSize for the AMQP protocol head to avoid the
case where an overly large frame can be written instead of chunking
a large message.
OpenWireMessageConverter::toAMQMessage on bytes messages is lazy
allocating a write buffer with a default size of 1024 even when
it won't be used to write anything.
It avoid an useless allocation by reducing it to new byte[0].
messageAcknowledged plugin callback methods
Knowing the consumer that expired or acked a message (if available) is
useful and right now a message reference only contains a consumer id
which by itself is not unique so the actual consumer needs to be passed
Make sure the correct buffer is used when decoding the stored Core
message that originated from the conversion of an AMQP message sent and
annotated as a JMS ObjectMessage which trips the large message boundary.
It includes:
- Message References: no longer uses boxed primitives and AtomicInteger
- Node: intrusive nodes no longer need a reference field holding itself
- RefCountMessage: no longer uses AtomicInteger, but AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater
Alternate patch that doesn't copy the message bytes unless doing a
redelivery or skipping delivery annotations in the original version of
the message. Proton-J will copy the bytes provided to the Sender's send
method so a copy isn't necessary on most common sends.
To prevent a socket from hanging open by a bad client the broker should
make sure to stop the transport if a connection attempt fails by an
OpenWire client
Check for AMQSession being null before handling various TX state checks
in order to ensure the correct errors are thrown and TX rollback is
handled properly.
OpenWireFormat instances are shared between OpenWire connections/sessions/consumers, preventing the clients to scale due to the synchronized marshal/unmarshal on it.
It includes:
- direct transport buffer pooling
- groupId SimpleString pooling
- clientId SimpleString pooling
- reduced ActiveMQDestination[] and AtomicLong allocations on AMQSession:send
- reduced ActiveMQDestination allocations
- refactored shouldBlockProducer path of AMQPSession::send to reduce method size
- exclusive OpenWireFormat per session and connection (in/out) to avoid contention
- refactored trace log to favour inlining
- changed lastSent volatile set into lazy set to avoid full barrier cost on x86
- stateless OpenWireMessageConverter
- send's lock removal thanks to thread-safe NettyConnection
This is good when you are a customer and an artemis engineer (e.g. me) asks your journal print-data but you can't do it because that would expose your user's data. If you do artemis data print --safe, that will only expose the journal structure without exposing user's data and eliminate any liability between the engineer and users.