GlobalDiskFullTest was broken before this fix.
Basically when using multiple addresses over a session you would miss flow credits on all your producers except to the first one
that ran out of credit.
This is fixing the test org.apache.activemq.artemis.tests.integration.amqp.DivertTopicToQueueTest
This test was broken because the copy wouldn't use the Buffer view gotten by data.duplicate().
Add Concurrency Test to expose concurrency errors seen in logs.
Add Fix to ensure TypedProperties to ensure threadsafety
Add forEach and forEachKey to allow for provide a thread safe way of iterating through keys and values, without needing to duplicate the collection.
Add getMapNames method to remove code duplication and to ensure thread safe
Further fix around network loss.
If network loss (split) and slave activates, for a period its config used when it initializes in initialisePart2 was stale.
Add/Extend test to ensure address-setting change made on live preserved on slave (after activation)
Add/Extend test to ensure security-setting change made on live preserved on backup (after activation)
Major refactoring of the AMQPMessage abstraction to resolve
some issue of message corruption still present in the code and
improve the API handling of message changes and re-encoding.
Improves handling of decoding of message sections limiting the
work to only the portions needed and ensuring the state data
is always updated with what has been done. Fixes issues of
corrupt state on copy of message or other changes in filters.
Given that NettyConnector::createConnection isn't happening on the
channel's event loop, it could race with a channel close event, that
would clean the whole channel pipeline, leading to a NPE while
trying to use a configured channel handler of the pipeline.