# Rest Push Subscriptions Example This is an example of having the ActiveMQ Artemis REST interface forward a posted message to a registered URL. To run the example you will need 3 shell-script windows (or you'll need to run 2 processes in background) Step 1: mvn jetty:run This will bring up ActiveMQ Artemis and the ActiveMQ Artemis REST Interface. Two queues will be created. An "order" queue and a "shipping" queue. The broker will forward posted messages to the "shipping" queue through a registered push subscription. Step 2: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="ReceiveShipping" This will bring up a JMS client registers a MessageListener consumer to receive Order objects. It will automatically convert a posted HTTP message into an Order object using JAX-RS content handlers. Step 3: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="PushReg" This creates a push registration that listens on the "order" queue and forwards messages posted to it to a URL. This URL is the REST resource of the "shipping" queue. Step 4: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="PostOrder" This posts an order to the "order" queue. You'll see it eventually consumed by the ReceiveShipping process.