# Embedded Web Server Apache ActiveMQ Artemis embeds the [Jetty web server](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/). Its main purpose is to host the [Management Console](management-console.md). However, it can also host other web applications. ## Configuration The embedded Jetty instance is configured in `etc/bootstrap.xml` via the `web` element, e.g.: ```xml ``` The `web` element has the following attributes: - `path` The name of the subdirectory in which to find the web application archives (i.e. WAR files). This is a subdirectory of the broker's home or instance directory. - `customizer` The name of customizer class to load. - `rootRedirectLocation` The location to redirect the requests with the root target. - `webContentEnabled` Whether or not the content included in the web folder of the home and the instance directories is accessible. Default is false. The `web` element should contain at least one `binding` element to configure how clients can connect to the web-server. A `binding` element has the following attributes: - `uri` The protocol to use (i.e. `http` or `https`) as well as the host and port on which to listen. This attribute is required. - `clientAuth` Whether or not clients should present an SSL certificate when they connect. Only applicable when using `https`. - `passwordCodec` The custom coded to use for unmasking the `keystorePassword` and `trustStorePassword`. - `keyStorePath` The location on disk of the keystore. Only applicable when using `https`. - `keyStorePassword` The password to the keystore. Only applicable when using `https`. Can be masked using `ENC()` syntax or by defining `passwordCodec`. See more in the [password masking](masking-passwords.md) chapter. - `trustStorePath` The location on disk for the truststore. Only applicable when using `https`. - `trustStorePassword` The password to the truststore. Only applicable when using `https`. Can be masked using `ENC()` syntax or by defining `passwordCodec`. See more in the [password masking](masking-passwords.md) chapter. - `includedTLSProtocols` A comma seperated list of included TLS protocols, ie `"TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"`. Only applicable when using `https`. - `excludedTLSProtocols` A comma seperated list of excluded TLS protocols, ie `"TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"`. Only applicable when using `https`. - `includedCipherSuites` A comma seperated list of included cipher suites. Only applicable when using `https`. - `excludedCipherSuites` A comma seperated list of excluded cipher suites. Only applicable when using `https`. - `sniHostCheck` Whether or not the SNI Host name in the client request must match the common name or the subject alternative names in the server certificate. Default is `true`. Only applicable when using `https`. - `sniRequired` Whether or not the client request must include an SNI Host name. Default is `false`. Only applicable when using `https`. Each web application should be defined in an `app` element inside an `binding` element. The `app` element has the following attributes: - `url` The context to use for the web application. - `war` The name of the web application archive on disk. It's also possible to configure HTTP/S request logging via the `request-log` element which has the following attributes: - `filename` The full path of the request log. This attribute is required. - `append` Whether or not to append to the existing log or truncate it. Boolean flag. - `extended` Whether or not to use the extended request log format. Boolean flag. If `true` will use the format `%{client}a - %u %t "%r" %s %O "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"`. If `false` will use the format `%{client}a - %u %t "%r" %s %O`. Default is `false`. See the [format specification](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/jetty-9/org/eclipse/jetty/server/CustomRequestLog.html) for more details. - `filenameDateFormat` The log file name date format. - `retainDays` The number of days before rotated log files are deleted. - `ignorePaths` Request paths that will not be logged. Comma delimited list. - `format` Custom format to use. If set this will override `extended`. See the [format specification](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/jetty-9/org/eclipse/jetty/server/CustomRequestLog.html) for more details. The following options were previously supported, but they were replaced by the `format`: `logCookie`, `logTimeZone`, `logDateFormat`, `logLocale`, `logLatency`, `logServer`, `preferProxiedForAddress`. All these options are now deprecated and ignored. These attributes are essentially passed straight through to the underlying [`org.eclipse.jetty.server.CustomRequestLog`](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/jetty-9/org/eclipse/jetty/server/CustomRequestLog.html) and [`org.eclipse.jetty.server.RequestLogWriter`](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/jetty-9/org/eclipse/jetty/server/RequestLogWriter.html) instances. Default values are based on these implementations. Here is an example configuration: ```xml ``` ### System properties It is possible to use system properties to add or update web configuration items. If you define a system property starting with "webconfig." it will be parsed at the startup to update the web configuration. To enable the client authentication for an existing binding with the name `artemis`, set the system property `webconfig.bindings.artemis.clientAuth` to `true`, i.e. ``` java -Dwebconfig.bindings.artemis.clientAuth=true ``` To add a new binding or app set the new binding or app attributes using their new names, i.e. ``` java -Dwebconfig.bindings.my-binding.uri=http://localhost:8162 java -Dwebconfig.bindings.my-binding.apps.my-app.uri=my-app java -Dwebconfig.bindings.my-binding.apps.my-app.war=my-app.war ``` To update a binding without a name use its uri and to update an app without a name use its url , i.e. ```xml ... ``` ``` java -Dwebconfig.bindings."http://localhost:8161".clientAuth=true ``` ``` java -Dwebconfig.bindings."http://localhost:8161".apps."activemq-branding".war=my-branding.war ``` ## Proxy Forwarding The proxies and load balancers usually support `X-Forwarded` headers to send information altered or lost when a proxy is involved in the path of the request. Jetty supports the [`ForwardedRequestCustomizer`](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/current/org/eclipse/jetty/server/ForwardedRequestCustomizer.html) customizer to handle `X-Forwarded` headers. Set the `customizer` attribute via the `web` element to enable the [`ForwardedRequestCustomizer`](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/current/org/eclipse/jetty/server/ForwardedRequestCustomizer.html) customizer, ie: ```xml ``` ## Management The embedded web server can be stopped, started, or restarted via any available management interface via the `stopEmbeddedWebServer`, `starteEmbeddedWebServer`, and `restartEmbeddedWebServer` operations on the `ActiveMQServerControl` respectively.