# Building We use Apache Maven to build the code, docs, distribution, etc. and to manage dependencies. The minimum required Maven version is 3.0.0. Note that there are some [compatibility issues with Maven 3.X](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Maven+3.x+Compatibility+Notes) still unsolved. This is specially true for the ['site' plugin](https://maven.apache.org/plugins-archives/maven-site-plugin-3.3/maven-3.html). ## Full Release #### Upgrading the `gitbook` version and regenerating the `npm-shrinkwrap.json` file The full release uses `gitbook` to build a static website from the documentation. This is automatically installed using an `NPM` plugin and is controled via a package.json file. Install `NPM` using the instructions below cd artemis-website alter the `package.json` changing the version npm cache clean; rm -rf ./node_modules/ ./node npm-shrinkwrap.json npm install --save-dev npm shrinkwrap --dev The new npm-shrinkwrap.json should be written, commit it. #### Install npm On Fedora $ yum install npm #### Install npm On Mac-OS The easiest way would be through brew [brew] You first install brew using the instructions on the [brew] website. After you installed brew you can install npm by: brew install npm [brew]: To build the full release with documentation, Javadocs, and the full web site: $ mvn -Prelease package To install it to your local maven repo: $ mvn -Prelease install ## Build the distribution without docs It is possible to build a distribution with out the manuals and Javadocs. simply run $ mvn package