####Running the ActiveMQ Artemis JMeter Performance Testing Examples ######Create and run a sample broker for performance testing: ```sh artemis create my-broker --queues exampleQueue --topics exampleTopic my-broker/bin/artemis run ``` ######Download and Install JMeter's latest release: http://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgi ######Copy artemis-jms-client dependencies under $JMETER_HOME/lib folder: - artemis-jms-client.jar - artemis-core-client.jar - jgroups.jar - artemis-commons.jar - jboss-logmanager.jar - jboss-logging.jar - commons-beanutils.jar - commons-logging.jar (already present under JMeter's lib folder - may not be needed) - commons-collections.jar (already present under JMeter's lib folder - may not be needed) - artemis-selector.jar - artemis-journal.jar - artemis-native.jar - netty-all.jar - javax.inject.jar - geronimo-jms_2.0_spec.jar ######Create a jndi.properties file with the connectionFactory Server Information: ``` connectionFactory.ConnectionFactory=tcp://localhost:61616 ``` ######Pack jndi.properties file into a jar file and put it under $JMETER_HOME/lib folder: ```sh jar -cf artemis-jndi.jar jndi.properties ``` ######Open jMeter and run the available Test Plan examples: - 1.jms_p2p_test.jmx - 2.pub_sub_test.jmx