# Masking Passwords By default all passwords in Apache ActiveMQ Artemis server's configuration files are in plain text form. This usually poses no security issues as those files should be well protected from unauthorized accessing. However, in some circumstances a user doesn't want to expose its passwords to more eyes than necessary. Apache ActiveMQ Artemis can be configured to use 'masked' passwords in its configuration files. A masked password is an obscure string representation of a real password. To mask a password a user will use an 'encoder'. The encoder takes in the real password and outputs the masked version. A user can then replace the real password in the configuration files with the new masked password. When Apache ActiveMQ Artemis loads a masked password, it uses a suitable 'decoder' to decode it into real password. Apache ActiveMQ Artemis provides a default password encoder and decoder. Optionally users can use or implement their own encoder and decoder for masking the passwords. In general, a masked password can be identified using one of two ways. The first one is the `ENC()` syntax, i.e. any string value wrapped in `ENC()` is to be treated as a masked password. For example `ENC(xyz)` The above indicates that the password is masked and the masked value is `xyz`. The `ENC()` syntax is the **preferred way** of masking a password and is universally supported in every password configuration in Artemis. The other way is to use a `mask-password` attribute to tell that a password in a configuration file should be treated as 'masked'. For example: ```xml true xyz ``` This method is now **deprecated** and exists only to maintain backward-compatibility. Newer configurations may not support it. ### Password Masking in Server Configuration File #### General Masking Configuration Besides supporting the `ENC()` syntax, the server configuration file (i.e. broker.xml) has a property that defines the default masking behaviors over the entire file scope. `mask-password`: this boolean type property indicates if a password should be masked or not. Set it to "true" if you want your passwords masked. The default value is "false". `password-codec`: this string type property identifies the name of the class which will be used to decode the masked password within the broker. If not specified then the default `org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.DefaultSensitiveStringCodec` will be used. #### Specific Masking Behaviors ##### cluster-password If it is specified in `ENC()` syntax it will be treated as masked, or If `mask-password` is `true` the `cluster-password` will be treated as masked. ##### Connectors & Acceptors In broker.xml `connector` and `acceptor` configurations sometimes needs to specify passwords. For example, if a user wants to use an `acceptor` with `sslEnabled=true` it can specify `keyStorePassword` and `trustStorePassword`. Because Acceptors and Connectors are pluggable implementations, each transport will have different password masking needs. When a `connector` or `acceptor` is initialised, Apache ActiveMQ Artemis will add the aforementioned `mask-password` and `password-codec` values to the `connector` or `acceptor` parameters using the keys `activemq.usemaskedpassword` and `activemq.passwordcodec` respectively. The Netty and InVM implementations will use these as needed and any other implementations will have access to these to use if they so wish. The preferred way, however, is to use the `ENC()` syntax. ##### Core Bridges Core Bridges are configured in the server configuration file and so the masking of its `password` properties follows the same rules as that of `cluster-password`. It supports `ENC()` syntax. For using `mask-password` property, the following table summarizes the relations among the above-mentioned properties mask-password | cluster-password | acceptor/connector passwords | bridge password --- | --- | --- | --- absent|plain text|plain text|plain text false|plain text|plain text|plain text true|masked|masked|masked It is recommended that you use the `ENC()` syntax for new applications/deployments. #### Examples **Note:** In the following examples if related attributed or properties are absent, it means they are not specified in the configure file. - Unmasked ```xml bbc ``` This indicates the cluster password is a plain text value `bbc`. - Masked 1 ```xml ENC(xyz) ``` This indicates the cluster password is a masked value `xyz`. - Masked 2 ```xml true 80cf731af62c290 ``` This indicates the cluster password is a masked value and Apache ActiveMQ Artemis will use its built-in decoder to decode it. All other passwords in the configuration file, Connectors, Acceptors and Bridges, will also use masked passwords. #### Passwords in bootstrap.xml The broker embeds a web-server for hosting some web applications such as a management console. It is configured in bootstrap.xml as a web component. The web server can be secured using https protocol, and it can be configured with a keystore password and/or truststore password which by default are specified in plain text forms. To mask these passwords you need to use `ENC()` syntax. The `mask-password` boolean is not supported here. You can also set the `passwordCodec` attribute if you want to use a password codec other than the default one. For example ```xml ``` #### Passwords in management.xml The broker embeds a JMX connector which is used for management. The connector can be secured using SSL and it can be configured with a keystore password and/or truststore password which by default are specified in plain text forms. To mask these passwords you need to use `ENC()` syntax. The `mask-password` boolean is not supported here. You can also set the `password-codec` attribute if you want to use a password codec other than the default one. For example ```xml ``` ### Passwords for the JCA Resource Adapter Both ra.xml and MDB activation configuration have a `password` property that can be masked preferably using `ENC()` syntax. Alternatively it can use an optional attribute in ra.xml to indicate that a password is masked: `UseMaskedPassword` -- If setting to "true" the passwords are masked. Default is false. There is another property in ra.xml that can specify a codec: `PasswordCodec` -- Class name and its parameters for the Decoder used to decode the masked password. Ignored if UseMaskedPassword is false. The format of this property is a full qualified class name optionally followed by key/value pairs. It is the same format as that for JMS Bridges. Example: Example 1 Using the `ENC()` syntax: ```xml password String ENC(xyz) PasswordCodec java.lang.String com.foo.ADecoder;key=helloworld ``` Example 2 Using the "UseMaskedPassword" property: ```xml UseMaskedPassword boolean true password String xyz PasswordCodec java.lang.String com.foo.ADecoder;key=helloworld ``` With this configuration, both passwords in ra.xml and all of its MDBs will have to be in masked form. ### Passwords in artemis-users.properties Apache ActiveMQ Artemis's built-in security manager uses plain properties files where the user passwords are specified in a hashed form by default. Note, the passwords are technically *hashed* rather than masked in this context. The default `PropertiesLoginModule` will not decode the passwords in `artemis-users.properties` but will instead hash the input and compare the two hashed values for password verification. Please use Artemis CLI command to add a password. For example: ```sh ./artemis user add --username guest --password guest --role admin ``` This will use the default `org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.DefaultSensitiveStringCodec` to perform a "one-way" hash of the password and alter both the `artemis-users.properties` and `artemis-roles.properties` files with the specified values. Passwords in `artemis-users.properties` are automatically detected as hashed or not by looking for the syntax `ENC()`. The `mask-password` parameter does not need to be `true` to use hashed passwords here. ### Password in login.config Artemis supports LDAP login modules to be configured in JAAS configuration file (default name is `login.config`). When connecting to a LDAP server usually you need to supply a connection password in the config file. By default this password is in plain text form. To mask it you need to configure the passwords in your login module using `ENC()` syntax. To specify a codec using the following property: `passwordCodec` - the password codec class name. (the default codec will be used if it is absent) For example: ``` LDAPLoginExternalPasswordCodec { org.apache.activemq.artemis.spi.core.security.jaas.LDAPLoginModule required debug=true initialContextFactory=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory connectionURL="ldap://localhost:1024" connectionUsername="uid=admin,ou=system" connectionPassword="ENC(-170b9ef34d79ed12)" passwordCodec="org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.DefaultSensitiveStringCodec;key=helloworld" connectionProtocol=s authentication=simple userBase="ou=system" userSearchMatching="(uid={0})" userSearchSubtree=false roleBase="ou=system" roleName=dummyRoleName roleSearchMatching="(uid={1})" roleSearchSubtree=false ; }; ``` ### Choosing a decoder for password masking As described in the previous sections, all password masking requires a decoder. A decoder uses an algorithm to convert a masked password into its original clear text form in order to be used in various security operations. The algorithm used for decoding must match that for encoding. Otherwise the decoding may not be successful. For user's convenience Apache ActiveMQ Artemis provides a default decoder. However a user can implement their own if they wish. #### The Default Decoder Whenever no decoder is specified in the configuration file, the default decoder is used. The class name for the default decoder is `org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.DefaultSensitiveStringCodec`. It has hashing, encoding, and decoding capabilities. It uses `java.crypto.Cipher` utilities to hash or encode a plaintext password and also to decode a masked string using same algorithm and key. Using this decoder/encoder is pretty straightforward. To get a mask for a password, just run the `mask` command: ```sh ./artemis mask ``` You'll get something like ``` result: 32c6f67dae6cd61b0a7ad1702033aa81e6b2a760123f4360 ``` Just copy `32c6f67dae6cd61b0a7ad1702033aa81e6b2a760123f4360` and replace your plaintext password in broker.xml with it. #### Using a custom decoder It is possible to use a custom decoder rather than the built-in one. Simply make sure the decoder is in Apache ActiveMQ Artemis's classpath. The custom decoder can also be service loaded rather than class loaded, if the decoder's service provider is installed in the classpath. Then configure the server to use it as follows: ```xml com.foo.SomeDecoder;key1=value1;key2=value2 ``` If your decoder needs params passed to it you can do this via key/value pairs when configuring. For instance if your decoder needs say a "key-location" parameter, you can define like so: ```xml com.foo.NewDecoder;key-location=/some/url/to/keyfile ``` Then configure your cluster-password like this: ```xml ENC(masked_password) ``` When Apache ActiveMQ Artemis reads the cluster-password it will initialize the NewDecoder and use it to decode "mask\_password". It also process all passwords using the new defined decoder. #### Implementing Custom Codecs To use a different decoder than the built-in one, you either pick one from existing libraries or you implement it yourself. All decoders must implement the `org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.SensitiveDataCodec` interface: ```java public interface SensitiveDataCodec { T decode(Object mask) throws Exception; void init(Map params); } ``` This is a generic type interface but normally for a password you just need String type. So a new decoder would be defined like ```java public class MyNewDecoder implements SensitiveDataCodec { public String decode(Object mask) throws Exception { //decode the mask into clear text password return "the password"; } public void init(Map params) { //initialization done here. It is called right after the decoder has been created. } } ``` Last but not least, once you get your own decoder please [add it to the classpath](using-server.md#adding-runtime-dependencies) otherwise the broker will fail to load it!