Embedded JMS Server Example

This examples shows how to setup and run an embedded JMS server using ActiveMQ along with ActiveMQ configuration files.

Example step-by-step

To run the example, simply type mvn verify -Pexample from this directory

  1. Create ActiveMQ core configuration files and make sure they are within your classpath. By default, ActiveMQ expects the classnames to be "activemq-configuration.xml", "activemq-jms.xml", and "activemq-users.xml".
  2. Create and start ActiveMQ JMS server
  3.             EmbeddedJMS jmsServer = new EmbeddedJMS();

    At this point the JMS server is started and any JMS clients can look up JMS resources from the JNDI to send/receive messages from the server. To keep the example simple, we will send and receive a JMS message from the same JVM used to run the JMS server.

  4. Lookup JMS resources defined in the configuration
  5.             ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory)context.lookup("/cf");
                Queue queue = (Queue)context.lookup("/queue/queue1");
  6. Send and receive a message using JMS API
  7. See the Queue Example for detailed steps to send and receive a JMS message

    Finally, we stop the JMS server and its associated resources.

  8. Stop the JMS server
  9.             jmsServer.stop();
  10. Stop the JNDI server
  11.             naming.stop();