# The Client Classpath

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis requires just a single jar on the *client classpath*.

> **Warning**
> The client jar mentioned here can be found in the `lib/client` directory of
> the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis distribution.  Be sure you only use the jar from
> the correct version of the release, you *must not* mix and match versions of
> jars from different Apache ActiveMQ Artemis versions. Mixing and matching
> different jar versions may cause subtle errors and failures to occur.

Whether you are using JMS or just the Core API simply add the
`artemis-jms-client-all.jar` from the `lib/client` directory to your client
classpath. This is a "shaded" jar that contains all the Artemis code plus
dependencies (e.g.  JMS spec, Netty, etc.).