2018-06-18 15:46:35 -04:00
2018-06-18 15:46:35 -04:00
2018-06-18 15:46:35 -04:00
2018-06-18 15:46:35 -04:00

Camel Example

To run the example, simply type mvn verify from this directory, or mvn -PnoServer verify if you want to start and create the broker manually.

This example contains 2 different Maven modules:

  1. camel-broker The module responsible for creating the broker, deploying the WAR-based Camel application, and running the client.
  2. camel-war The module used to build the WAR-based Camel application.

The overall goal of this example is to demonstrate how to build and deploy a Camel route to the broker.

The client itself is essentially the same as the one in the core-bridge example except there is only 1 broker in this example rather than 2. A Camel route defined in the WAR is responsible for moving messages between 2 queues. The client sends a message to one queue, the Camel route moves that message to a second queue, and then the client reads that message from the second queue.