Clebert Suconic 3c44e26854 ACTIVEMQ6-3 renaming directories from activemq6 to activemq

We are renaming packages from activemq6 to activemq as that's more generic and version independent
On this first commit I'm just renaming the directories otherwise the history would be lost. The next commit will rename the text on the directories.
If I squash these two commits git will make us delete / add again.
2014-11-17 09:33:36 -05:00

    <title>JMS Clustered Stand-alone Example</title>
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     <h1>JMS Clustered Stand-alone Example</h1>

     <p>This example demonstrates a JMS Topic deployed on three different nodes.
         The three nodes are configured to form a cluster.</p>
     <p>Subscribers for the topic are created on each node, and a producer is created on only one of the nodes.</p>
     <p>Some messages are sent by the producer, and we verify that <strong>all</strong> subscribers receive all the
     sent messages.</p>
     <p>This example uses HornetQ's default stand-alone clustered configuration.
        The relevant snippet from the server configuration, which tells the servers to form a cluster between the three nodes
     and to load balance the messages between the nodes is:</p>     
     <pre class="prettyprint">
     <code>&lt;cluster-connection name="my-cluster"&gt;
        &lt;discovery-group-ref discovery-group-name="dg-group1"/&gt;
     <h2>Example step-by-step</h2>
     <p><i>To run the example, simply type <code>mvn verify</code> from this directory</i>. This will
        automatically start the 3 cluster nodes, each with its specific configuration.</p>
     <p>To start the tests <em>manually</em>, the following steps are:</p>
        <li>create 4 terminals (3 for the servers and 1 for the example client)</li>
        <li>in the first terminal, go to the <code>bin</code> directory and start the first server (with default configuration):
           <pre class="prettyprint"><code>./ ../config/stand-alone/clustered</code></pre>
        <li>in the second terminal, start the second server:
           <pre class="prettyprint"><code>export CLUSTER_PROPS="-Ddata.dir=../data-server2 -Djnp.port=2099 -Djnp.rmiPort=2098 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.port=6445 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.batch.port=6455"
./ ../config/stand-alone/clustered</code></pre>
        <li>in the third terminal, start the third server (with default configuration):
           <pre class="prettyprint"><code>export CLUSTER_PROPS="-Ddata.dir=../data-server3 -Djnp.port=3099 -Djnp.rmiPort=3098 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.port=7445 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.batch.port=7455"
./ ../config/stand-alone/clustered</code></pre>
        <li>finally, in the fourth terminal, start the example
           <pre class="prettyprint"><code>./ runRemote</code> (or <code>build.bat runRemote</code> on windows)</pre>
     <p>The example connects to the three cluster nodes using JNDI (which are retrieved from 
        <a href="server0/">server0</a>, <a href="server1/">server1</a>, and
        <a href="server2/">server2</a>' s JNDI properties file). The JNDI ports were specified
        using the environment property <code>jnp.port</code> (or 1098 by default) when starting the 3 cluster nodes.</p>
     <p>For a description of the example code, please read the <a href="../clustered-topic/readme.html">
        clustered-topic example</a> which is very similar (it has 2 nodes while this example has 3 nodes).
