first spike of the code generated OpenWire.Net code and a NAnt build

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
James Strachan 2006-01-06 17:24:01 +00:00
parent 606bba7b1e
commit 6f845eeb85
110 changed files with 7046 additions and 0 deletions

openwire-dotnet/.project Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="openwire" default="test">
<!-- set property to current date in format yyyy-MM-dd -->
<tstamp property="" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" />
<!-- global project settings -->
<property name="" value="openwire" />
<property name="project.version" value="4.0" unless="${property::exists('project.version')}" />
<property name="project.release.type" value="SNAPSHOT" unless="${property::exists('project.release.type')}" /> <!-- nightly / dev / alpha / beta# / rc# / release -->
<if test="${project.release.type == 'nightly'}">
<property name="project.version.full" value="${project.version + '-nightly-' +}" />
<if test="${project.release.type != 'nightly'}">
<property name="project.version.full" value="${project.version + if(project.release.type == 'release', '', '-' + project.release.type)}" dynamic="true" />
specifies whether the CommonAssemblyInfo.cs file should be created.
we do not want this for releases (whether they're beta or release) as
this would cause the build number to be updated
<property name="create.assemblyinfo" value="true" />
<!-- global build settings -->
<property name="lib.dir" value="${path::combine(build.dir, 'bin/lib')}" dynamic="true" />
<property name="" value="${path::combine(lib.dir, framework::get-family(framework::get-target-framework()))}" dynamic="true" />
<property name="lib.framework.dir" value="${path::combine(, version::to-string(framework::get-version(framework::get-target-framework())))}" dynamic="true" />
<!-- default configuration -->
<property name="project.config" value="debug" /> <!-- debug|release -->
<property name="" value="OpenWire" />
<property name="build.defines" value="" />
<property name="build.number" value="${math::abs(math::floor(timespan::get-total-days(datetime::now() - datetime::parse('01/01/2000'))))}" />
<!-- platform specific properties. These are the defaults -->
<property name="" value="${build.defines}" />
<fileset id="tas.msnet" basedir="src">
<include name="OpenWire.MSNet/" />
<fileset id="tas.msnet.tests" basedir="tests">
<include name="OpenWire.MSNet/" />
<fileset id="tas.win32" basedir="src">
<include name="OpenWire.Win32/" />
<include name="OpenWire.VisualCpp/" />
<include name="OpenWire.VSNet/" />
<fileset id="tas.win32.tests" basedir="tests">
<include name="OpenWire.Win32/" />
<include name="OpenWire.VisualCpp/" />
<include name="OpenWire.VSNet/" />
<fileset id="tas.core" basedir="src">
<include name="OpenWire.Resources/" />
<include name="OpenWire.DotNet/" />
<include name="OpenWire.Compression/" />
<include name="OpenWire.NUnit/" />
<include name="OpenWire.SourceControl/" />
<fileset id="tas.core.tests" basedir="tests">
<include name="OpenWire.DotNet/" />
<include name="OpenWire.Compression/" />
<include name="OpenWire.SourceControl/" />
<include name="OpenWire.NUnit/" />
<!-- named project configurations (used by self-test and self-doc tasks) -->
<target name="debug" description="Perform a 'debug' build">
<property name="project.config" value="debug" />
<property name="build.debug" value="true" />
<property name="build.dir" value="${project::get-base-directory()}/build/${framework::get-target-framework()}.${platform::get-name()}/${}-${project.version}-${project.config}" />
<target name="release" description="Perform a 'release' build">
<property name="project.config" value="release" />
<property name="build.debug" value="false" />
<property name="build.dir" value="${project::get-base-directory()}/build/${}-${project.version.full}" />
<!-- build tasks -->
<target name="init" description="Initializes build properties">
<call target="${project.config}" />
<call target="set-framework-configuration" />
<target name="create-common-assemblyinfo" if="${create.assemblyinfo}">
<!-- ensure src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs is writable if it already exists -->
<attrib file="src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs" readonly="false" if="${file::exists('src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs')}" />
<!-- generate the source file holding the common assembly-level attributes -->
<asminfo output="src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs" language="CSharp">
<import namespace="System" />
<import namespace="System.Reflection" />
<import namespace="System.Runtime.InteropServices" />
<attribute type="ComVisibleAttribute" value="false" />
<attribute type="CLSCompliantAttribute" value="true" />
<attribute type="AssemblyTitleAttribute" value="OpenWire" />
<attribute type="AssemblyDescriptionAttribute" value="A .NET Library for talking to ActiveMQ" />
<attribute type="AssemblyConfigurationAttribute" value="${project.release.type}" />
<attribute type="AssemblyCompanyAttribute" value="" />
<attribute type="AssemblyProductAttribute" value="OpenWire" />
<attribute type="AssemblyCopyrightAttribute" value="Copyright (C) 2005-${datetime::get-year(datetime::now())} Gerry Shaw" />
<attribute type="AssemblyTrademarkAttribute" value="" />
<attribute type="AssemblyCultureAttribute" value="" />
<attribute type="AssemblyVersionAttribute" value="${project.version}.${build.number}.0" />
<attribute type="AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute" value="${project.version}" />
<target name="clean" depends="init" description="Deletes current build configuration">
<delete dir="${build.dir}" if="${directory::exists(build.dir)}" />
<target name="cleanall" description="Deletes every build configuration">
<echo message="Deleting all builds from all configurations" />
<delete dir="build" if="${directory::exists('build')}" />
<target name="build" depends="init, create-common-assemblyinfo" description="Builds current configuration">
<echo message="Build Directory is ${build.dir}" />
<!-- ensure bin directory exists -->
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/bin" />
<!-- ensure lib directory exists -->
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/bin/lib" />
<!-- copy third party executables -->
<copy todir="${build.dir}/bin">
<fileset basedir="bin">
<include name="scvs.exe" />
<copy todir="${build.dir}/bin">
<fileset basedir="lib">
<!-- copy log4net assembly, workaround for Mono bug #57602 -->
<include name="log4net.dll" />
<!-- #ziplib command line client -->
<include name="scvs.exe" />
<!-- copy third party assemblies -->
<copy todir="${build.dir}/bin/lib">
<fileset basedir="lib">
<include name="**/*" />
<exclude name="log4net.dll" />
<exclude name="scvs.exe" />
<!-- build OpenWire.Core assembly -->
<nant buildfile="src/OpenWire.Core/" target="build" />
<!-- build task assemblies -->
<nant target="build">
<buildfiles refid="tas.core"/>
<!-- build Microsoft.NET specific task assemblies if we are on win32 and targeting a .NET Framework -->
<nant target="build" if="${platform::is-win32() and framework::get-family(framework::get-target-framework()) == 'net'}">
<buildfiles refid="tas.msnet"/>
<!-- build win32 specific task assemblies if we are on win32 -->
<nant target="build" if="${platform::is-win32()}">
<buildfiles refid="tas.win32" />
<!-- build OpenWire.Core.Tests assembly -->
<nant buildfile="tests/OpenWire.Core/" target="build" />
<!-- build tests for task assemblies -->
<nant target="build">
<buildfiles refid="tas.core.tests"/>
<!-- build tests for Microsoft.NET specific extension assemblies if we are on win32 and targeting a .NET Framework -->
<nant target="build" if="${platform::is-win32() and framework::get-family(framework::get-target-framework()) == 'net'}">
<buildfiles refid="tas.msnet.tests"/>
<nant target="build" if="${platform::is-win32()}">
<buildfiles refid="tas.win32.tests" />
<target name="test" depends="build">
<!-- TODO NUnit stuff -->
<target name="package-doc">
<target name="package-common" depends="build">
<!-- move config file -->
<move file="${build.dir}/bin/OpenWire.exe.config" tofile="${build.dir}/bin/${}.exe.config" />
<!-- remove non-release files -->
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}/bin">
<include name="OpenWire.Console.*" />
<!-- remove test assemblies -->
<include name="*.Tests.*" />
<!-- copy project files -->
<copy todir="${build.dir}">
<include name="*" />
<include name="doc/**" />
<include name="src/**" />
<include name="tests/**" />
<include name="examples/**" />
<include name="schema/**" />
<!-- third party assemblies -->
<include name="lib/**" />
<!-- website -->
<include name="web/**" />
<!-- docs -->
<include name="doc/**" />
<!-- exclude static html pages as these will be filter-copied -->
<exclude name="doc/**/*.html" />
<!-- exclude nighlty build file -->
<exclude name="nightly.xml" />
<!-- exclude release build file -->
<exclude name="release.xml" />
<!--exclude VS.Net stuff -->
<exclude name="**/*.suo" />
<exclude name="**/*j.user" />
<exclude name="**/bin/**" />
<exclude name="**/obj/**" />
<!-- filter-copy static html pages -->
<copy todir="${build.dir}" overwrite="true">
<include name="doc/**/*.html" />
<token key="PRODUCT_VERSION" value="${project.version.full}" />
<!-- when NOT building a release package, add prelimary notice -->
from="&lt;!-- @PRELIMINARY_NOTICE@ -->"
to="&lt;p class=&quot;topicstatus&quot;>[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]&lt;/p>"
unless="${project.release.type == 'release'}"
<!-- when building a release package, remove the placeholder -->
from="&lt;!-- @PRELIMINARY_NOTICE@ -->"
if="${project.release.type == 'release'}"
<!-- determine the zip file prefix directory -->
<property name="" value="${}-${project.version.full}" />
<target name="package-src" depends="package-common">
<!-- determine name of source zip distribution -->
<property name="" value="${project::get-base-directory()}/build/${}-${project.version.full}" />
<!-- remove package zip file if it already exists -->
<delete file="${}" if="${file::exists(}" />
<!-- create package zip file -->
<zip zipfile="${}" ziplevel="9">
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}" prefix="${}">
<include name="Makefile" />
<include name="Makefile.nmake" />
<include name="" />
<include name="OpenWire.sln" />
<include name="COPYING.txt" />
<include name="README.txt" />
<!-- third party assemblies -->
<include name="lib/**/*" />
<!-- license & release notes -->
<include name="doc/*" />
<!-- user manual (no SDK) -->
<include name="doc/help/**" />
<!-- examples -->
<include name="examples/**/*" />
<!-- sources -->
<include name="src/**/*" />
<!-- unit tests -->
<include name="tests/**/*" />
<!-- determine name of source gzipped tar distribution -->
<property name="project.gzip-path.src" value="${project::get-base-directory()}/build/${}-${project.version.full}-src.tar.gz" />
<!-- remove package gzip file if it already exists -->
<delete file="${project.gzip-path.src}" if="${file::exists(project.gzip-path.src)}" />
<!-- create package gzip file -->
<tar destfile="${project.gzip-path.src}" compression="GZip">
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}" prefix="${}">
<include name="Makefile" />
<include name="Makefile.nmake" />
<include name="" />
<include name="OpenWire.sln" />
<include name="COPYING.txt" />
<include name="README.txt" />
<!-- third party assemblies -->
<include name="lib/**/*" />
<!-- license & release notes -->
<include name="doc/*" />
<!-- user manual (no SDK) -->
<include name="doc/help/**" />
<!-- examples -->
<include name="examples/**/*" />
<!-- sources -->
<include name="src/**/*" />
<!-- unit tests -->
<include name="tests/**/*" />
<echo message="Created '${project.config}' source packages at file://${project::get-base-directory()}/build/" />
<target name="package-bin" depends="package-common">
<!-- determine name of binary zip distribution -->
<property name="" value="${project::get-base-directory()}/build/${}-${project.version.full}" />
<!-- remove package zip file if it already exists -->
<delete file="${}" if="${file::exists(}" />
<!-- create package zip file -->
<zip zipfile="${}" ziplevel="9">
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}" prefix="${}">
<include name="COPYING.txt" />
<include name="README.txt" />
<include name="bin/**/*" />
<!-- license & release notes -->
<include name="doc/*" />
<!-- user manual -->
<include name="doc/help/**" />
<!-- SDK (in HTML Help format) -->
<include name="doc/sdk/OpenWire-SDK.chm" />
<!-- examples -->
<include name="examples/**/*" />
<!-- XML Schema -->
<include name="schema/**/*" />
<!-- determine name of binary gzipped tar distribution -->
<property name="project.gzip-path.bin" value="${project::get-base-directory()}/build/${}-${project.version.full}-bin.tar.gz" />
<!-- remove package gzip file if it already exists -->
<delete file="${project.gzip-path.bin}" if="${file::exists(project.gzip-path.bin)}" />
<!-- create package gzip file -->
<tar destfile="${project.gzip-path.bin}" compression="GZip">
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}" prefix="${}">
<include name="COPYING.txt" />
<include name="README.txt" />
<include name="bin/**/*" />
<!-- license & release notes -->
<include name="doc/*" />
<!-- user manual -->
<include name="doc/help/**" />
<!-- SDK (in plain HTML format) -->
<include name="doc/sdk/*" />
<exclude name="doc/sdk/OpenWire-SDK.chm" />
<!-- examples -->
<include name="examples/**/*" />
<!-- XML Schema -->
<include name="schema/**/*" />
<echo message="Created '${project.config}' binary packages at file://${}" />
<target name="package" depends="package-doc, package-src, package-bin" description="Creates a binary and source distribution package." />
<!-- Copies files to the bin folder. -->
<target name="UpdateBin" depends="build" description="Does a release build and copies them to the bin folder.">
<delete if="false">
<fileset basedir="bin">
<include name="OpenWire*" />
<exclude name="${}.exe" />
<copy todir="bin" overwrite="true">
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}/bin/">
<include name="OpenWire*" />
<exclude name="*Test*" />
<exclude name="${}.xml" />
<exclude name="${}.exe" />
<!-- Framework support targets -->
<target name="set-framework-configuration">
<if test="${not(target::exists('set-'+framework::get-target-framework()+'-framework-configuration'))}">
<fail message="The '${framework::get-target-framework()}' framework is not supported by this version of OpenWire." />
<call target="set-${framework::get-target-framework()}-framework-configuration" />
<target name="set-net-1.0-framework-configuration">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-1.0" />
<property name="" value="${build.defines}NET,NET_1_0" dynamic="true" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_0" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
<target name="set-net-1.1-framework-configuration">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-1.1" />
<property name="" value="${build.defines}NET,NET_1_1" dynamic="true" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_1" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
<target name="set-net-2.0-framework-configuration">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-2.0" />
<property name="" value="${build.defines}NET,NET_2_0" dynamic="true" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_1" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
<target name="set-netcf-1.0-framework-configuration">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="netcf-1.0" />
<property name="" value="${build.defines}NETCF,NETCF_1_0" dynamic="true" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_1" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
<target name="set-mono-1.0-framework-configuration">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="mono-1.0" />
<property name="" value="${build.defines}MONO,MONO_1_0" dynamic="true" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_1" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
<target name="set-mono-2.0-framework-configuration">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="mono-2.0" />
<property name="" value="${build.defines}MONO,MONO_2_0" dynamic="true" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_1" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
<target name="set-sscli-1.0-framework-configuration">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="sscli-1.0" />
<property name="" value="${build.defines}SSCLI,SSCLI_1_0" dynamic="true" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_0" />
<property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
<!-- install targets -->
<target name="install" depends="install-windows, install-linux" />
<!--depends="userdoc" -->
<target name="install-windows" depends="build" if="${platform::is-win32()}">
<!-- install to program files directory by default -->
<property name="install.realprefix" value="${environment::get-folder-path('ProgramFiles')}" />
<if test="${property::exists('install.prefix') and string::get-length(install.prefix) != 0}">
<property name="install.realprefix" value="${install.prefix}" />
<property name="install.copylocation" value="${path::combine(install.realprefix, 'OpenWire')}"/>
<echo message="Installing OpenWire to '${install.copylocation}' ..." />
<copy todir="${install.copylocation}" overwrite="true">
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}">
<include name="bin/**/*" />
<include name="doc/**/*" />
<exclude name="bin/nant.tests.config" />
<exclude name="bin/*.Tests.*" />
<target name="install-linux" depends="build" if="${platform::is-unix()}">
<property name="install.realprefix" value="/usr/local" />
<if test="${property::exists('install.prefix') and string::get-length(install.prefix) != 0}">
<property name="install.realprefix" value="${install.prefix}" />
<property name="install.bindir" value="${path::combine(install.realprefix, 'bin')}"/>
<property name="install.share" value="${path::combine(install.realprefix, 'share')}"/>
<property name="install.copylocation" value="${path::combine (install.share, 'OpenWire')}"/>
<property name="prefix" value="${pkg-config::get-variable('mono', 'prefix')}"/>
<echo message="Installing OpenWire to '${install.copylocation}' ..." />
<copy todir="${install.copylocation}" overwrite="true">
<fileset basedir="${build.dir}">
<include name="bin/**/*" />
<include name="doc/**/*" />
<exclude name="bin/nant.tests.config" />
<exclude name="bin/*.Tests.*" />
<echo message="Installing OpenWire wrapper script to '${install.bindir}' ..." />
<!-- store filename of wrapper script in property -->
<property name="wrapper" value="${path::combine(install.bindir, 'nant')}" />
create wrapper file using separate echo tasks for each line to ensure
the line endings of the generated file match the platform on which
the wrapper is created
<echo file="${wrapper}" append="false">#!/bin/sh</echo>
<echo file="${wrapper}" append="true">exec ${path::combine(prefix, 'bin')}/mono ${path::combine(install.copylocation, 'bin')}/OpenWire.exe "$@"</echo>
<exec program="chmod" commandline="a+x ${path::combine(install.bindir, 'nant')}"/>
<target name="rpm" depends="init, build">
<echo message="Build dir: ${build.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${build.dir}">
<include name="OpenWire.spec" />
<nant buildfile="release.xml" target="prepare-rpm"/>
<nant buildfile="release.xml" target="binary-rpm"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for AbstractCommand.
/// </summary>
public abstract class AbstractCommand {
public const int NON_PERSISTENT = 1;
public const int PERSISTENT = 2;
* Message flag indexes (used for writing/reading to/from a Stream
public const int RECEIPT_REQUIRED_INDEX = 0;
public const int BROKERS_VISITED_INDEX =1;
private short id = 0;
private bool receiptRequired;
protected AbstractCommand()
public virtual int GetCommandType()
return 0;
public short getId()
public virtual void setId(short newId)
{ = newId;
public virtual bool isReceiptRequired()
return this.receiptRequired;
public virtual bool isReceipt()
return false;
public void setReceiptRequired(bool value)
this.receiptRequired = value;
public virtual bool isJMSMessage()
return false;
public int hashCode()
public virtual short getCommandType()
return id;
public String toString()
return getCommandTypeAsString(getCommandType()) + ": id = " + getId();
public static String getCommandTypeAsString(int type)
String packetTypeStr = "";
switch (type)
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE:
packetTypeStr = "ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE";
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_TEXT_MESSAGE:
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_OBJECT_MESSAGE:
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_BYTES_MESSAGE:
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_STREAM_MESSAGE:
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_MAP_MESSAGE:
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_MSG_ACK:
packetTypeStr = "ACTIVEMQ_MSG_ACK";
case CommandConstants.RECEIPT_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "RECEIPT_INFO";
case CommandConstants.CONSUMER_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "CONSUMER_INFO";
case CommandConstants.PRODUCER_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "PRODUCER_INFO";
case CommandConstants.TRANSACTION_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "TRANSACTION_INFO";
case CommandConstants.XA_TRANSACTION_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "XA_TRANSACTION_INFO";
case CommandConstants.ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_INFO:
case CommandConstants.SESSION_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "SESSION_INFO";
case CommandConstants.DURABLE_UNSUBSCRIBE:
case CommandConstants.RESPONSE_RECEIPT_INFO:
case CommandConstants.INT_RESPONSE_RECEIPT_INFO:
case CommandConstants.CAPACITY_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "CAPACITY_INFO";
case CommandConstants.CAPACITY_INFO_REQUEST:
case CommandConstants.WIRE_FORMAT_INFO:
packetTypeStr = "WIRE_FORMAT_INFO";
case CommandConstants.KEEP_ALIVE:
packetTypeStr = "KEEP_ALIVE";
case CommandConstants.CACHED_VALUE_COMMAND:
packetTypeStr = "CachedValue";
default :
packetTypeStr = "UNKNOWN PACKET TYPE: " + type;
return packetTypeStr;
protected virtual bool equals(Object left, Object right)
return left == right || (left != null && left.Equals(right));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// A base class with useful implementation inheritence methods
/// for creating marshallers of the OpenWire protocol
/// </summary>
public abstract class AbstractCommandMarshaller {
public abstract Command CreateCommand();
public abstract void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn);
public abstract void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for ActiveMQDestination.
/// </summary>
public abstract class ActiveMQDestination {
* Topic Destination object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_TOPIC = 1;
* Temporary Topic Destination object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_TOPIC = 2;
* Queue Destination object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_QUEUE = 3;
* Temporary Queue Destination object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_QUEUE = 4;
* prefix for Advisory message destinations
public const String ADVISORY_PREFIX = "ActiveMQ.Advisory.";
* prefix for consumer advisory destinations
public const String CONSUMER_ADVISORY_PREFIX = ADVISORY_PREFIX + "Consumers.";
* prefix for producer advisory destinations
public const String PRODUCER_ADVISORY_PREFIX = ADVISORY_PREFIX + "Producers.";
* prefix for connection advisory destinations
public const String CONNECTION_ADVISORY_PREFIX = ADVISORY_PREFIX + "Connections.";
* The default target for ordered destinations
public const String DEFAULT_ORDERED_TARGET = "coordinator";
private const int NULL_DESTINATION = 10;
private const String TEMP_PREFIX = "{TD{";
private const String TEMP_POSTFIX = "}TD}";
private const String COMPOSITE_SEPARATOR = ",";
private const String QUEUE_PREFIX = "queue://";
private const String TOPIC_PREFIX = "topic://";
private String physicalName = "";
// Cached transient data
private bool exclusive;
private bool ordered;
private bool advisory;
private String orderedTarget = DEFAULT_ORDERED_TARGET;
* The Default Constructor
protected ActiveMQDestination() {
* Construct the ActiveMQDestination with a defined physical name;
* @param name
protected ActiveMQDestination(String name) {
this.physicalName = name;
this.advisory = name != null && name.startsWith(ADVISORY_PREFIX);
* @return Returns the advisory.
public bool isAdvisory() {
return advisory;
* @param advisory The advisory to set.
public void setAdvisory(bool advisory) {
this.advisory = advisory;
* @return true if this is a destination for Consumer advisories
public bool isConsumerAdvisory(){
return isAdvisory() && physicalName.startsWith(ActiveMQDestination.CONSUMER_ADVISORY_PREFIX);
* @return true if this is a destination for Producer advisories
public bool isProducerAdvisory(){
return isAdvisory() && physicalName.startsWith(ActiveMQDestination.PRODUCER_ADVISORY_PREFIX);
* @return true if this is a destination for Connection advisories
public bool isConnectionAdvisory(){
return isAdvisory() && physicalName.startsWith(ActiveMQDestination.CONNECTION_ADVISORY_PREFIX);
* @return Returns the exclusive.
public bool isExclusive() {
return exclusive;
* @param exclusive The exclusive to set.
public void setExclusive(bool exclusive) {
this.exclusive = exclusive;
* @return Returns the ordered.
public bool isOrdered() {
return ordered;
* @param ordered The ordered to set.
public void setOrdered(bool ordered) {
this.ordered = ordered;
* @return Returns the orderedTarget.
public String getOrderedTarget() {
return orderedTarget;
* @param orderedTarget The orderedTarget to set.
public void setOrderedTarget(String orderedTarget) {
this.orderedTarget = orderedTarget;
* A helper method to return a descriptive string for the topic or queue
* @param destination
* @return a descriptive string for this queue or topic
public static String inspect(ActiveMQDestination destination) {
if (destination is Topic) {
return "Topic(" + destination.toString() + ")";
else {
return "Queue(" + destination.toString() + ")";
* @param destination
* @return @throws JMSException
* @throws javax.jms.JMSException
public static ActiveMQDestination transformDestination(ActiveMQDestination destination) {
ActiveMQDestination result = null;
if (destination != null) {
if (destination is ActiveMQDestination) {
result = (ActiveMQDestination) destination;
else {
if (destination is TemporaryQueue) {
result = new ActiveMQTemporaryQueue(((Queue) destination).getQueueName());
else if (destination is TemporaryTopic) {
result = new ActiveMQTemporaryTopic(((Topic) destination).getTopicName());
else if (destination is Queue) {
result = new ActiveMQTemporaryQueue(((Queue) destination).getQueueName());
else if (destination is Topic) {
result = new ActiveMQTemporaryTopic(((Topic) destination).getTopicName());
return result;
* Write an ActiveMQDestination to a Stream
* @param destination
* @param dataOut
* @throws IOException
public static void writeToStream(ActiveMQDestination destination, Object dataOut) {
* Read an ActiveMQDestination from a Stream
* @param dataIn
* @return the ActiveMQDestination
* @throws IOException
public static ActiveMQDestination readFromStream(Object dataIn) {
//TODO Serilization
* Create a Destination
* @param type
* @param pyhsicalName
* @return
public static ActiveMQDestination createDestination(int type,String pyhsicalName){
ActiveMQDestination result = null;
if (type == ACTIVEMQ_TOPIC) {
result = new ActiveMQTopic(pyhsicalName);
else if (type == ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_TOPIC) {
result = new ActiveMQTemporaryTopic(pyhsicalName);
else if (type == ACTIVEMQ_QUEUE) {
result = new ActiveMQQueue(pyhsicalName);
else {
result = new ActiveMQTemporaryQueue(pyhsicalName);
return result;
* Create a temporary name from the clientId
* @param clientId
* @return
public static String createTemporaryName(String clientId) {
return TEMP_PREFIX + clientId + TEMP_POSTFIX;
* From a temporary destination find the clientId of the Connection that created it
* @param destination
* @return the clientId or null if not a temporary destination
public static String getClientId(ActiveMQDestination destination) {
String answer = null;
if (destination != null && destination.isTemporary()) {
String name = destination.getPhysicalName();
int start = name.indexOf(TEMP_PREFIX);
if (start >= 0) {
start += TEMP_PREFIX.length();
int stop = name.lastIndexOf(TEMP_POSTFIX);
if (stop > start && stop < name.length()) {
answer = name.substring(start, stop);
return answer;
* @param o object to compare
* @return 1 if this is less than o else 0 if they are equal or -1 if this is less than o
public int compareTo(Object o) {
if (o is ActiveMQDestination) {
return compareTo((ActiveMQDestination) o);
return -1;
* Lets sort by name first then lets sort topics greater than queues
* @param that another destination to compare against
* @return 1 if this is less than o else 0 if they are equal or -1 if this is less than o
public int compareTo(ActiveMQDestination that) {
int answer = 0;
if (physicalName != that.physicalName) {
if (physicalName == null) {
return -1;
else if (that.physicalName == null) {
return 1;
answer = physicalName.compareTo(that.physicalName);
if (answer == 0) {
if (isTopic()) {
if (that.isQueue()) {
return 1;
else {
if (that.isTopic()) {
return -1;
return answer;
* @return Returns the Destination type
public abstract int getDestinationType();
* @return Returns the physicalName.
public String getPhysicalName() {
return this.physicalName;
* @param newPhysicalName The physicalName to set.
public void setPhysicalName(String newPhysicalName) {
this.physicalName = newPhysicalName;
* Returns true if a temporary Destination
* @return true/false
public bool isTemporary() {
return getDestinationType() == ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_TOPIC ||
getDestinationType() == ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_QUEUE;
* Returns true if a Topic Destination
* @return true/false
public bool isTopic() {
return getDestinationType() == ACTIVEMQ_TOPIC ||
getDestinationType() == ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_TOPIC;
* Returns true if a Queue Destination
* @return true/false
public bool isQueue() {
return !isTopic();
* Returns true if this destination represents a collection of
* destinations; allowing a set of destinations to be published to or subscribed
* from in one JMS operation.
* <p/>
* If this destination is a composite then you can call {@link #getChildDestinations()}
* to return the list of child destinations.
* @return true if this destination represents a collection of child destinations.
public bool isComposite() {
return physicalName.indexOf(COMPOSITE_SEPARATOR) > 0;
* Returns a list of child destinations if this destination represents a composite
* destination.
* @return
/*public List getChildDestinations() {
List answer = new ArrayList();
StringTokenizer iter = new StringTokenizer(physicalName, COMPOSITE_SEPARATOR);
while (iter.hasMoreTokens()) {
String name = iter.nextToken();
Destination child = null;
if (name.startsWith(QUEUE_PREFIX)) {
child = new ActiveMQQueue(name.substring(QUEUE_PREFIX.length()));
else if (name.startsWith(TOPIC_PREFIX)) {
child = new ActiveMQTopic(name.substring(TOPIC_PREFIX.length()));
else {
child = createDestination(name);
if (answer.size() == 1) {
// lets put ourselves inside the collection
// as we are not really a composite destination
answer.set(0, this);
return answer;
* @return string representation of this instance
public String toString() {
return this.physicalName;
* @return hashCode for this instance
public int hashCode() {
int answer = 0xcafebabe;
if (this.physicalName != null) {
answer = physicalName.hashCode();
if (isTopic()) {
answer ^= 0xfabfab;
return answer;
* if the object passed in is equivalent, return true
* @param obj the object to compare
* @return true if this instance and obj are equivalent
public bool equals(Object obj) {
bool result = this == obj;
if (!result && obj != null && obj is ActiveMQDestination) {
ActiveMQDestination other = (ActiveMQDestination) obj;
result = this.getDestinationType() == other.getDestinationType() &&
return result;
* @return true if the destination matches multiple possible destinations
public bool isWildcard() {
if (physicalName != null) {
return physicalName.indexOf(DestinationFilter.ANY_CHILD) >= 0
|| physicalName.indexOf(DestinationFilter.ANY_DESCENDENT) >= 0;
return false;
* @param destination
* @return true if the given destination matches this destination; including wildcards
public bool matches(ActiveMQDestination destination) {
if (isWildcard()) {
return getDestinationFilter().matches(destination);
else {
return equals(destination);
* @return the DestinationFilter
public DestinationFilter getDestinationFilter() {
if (filter == null) {
filter = DestinationFilter.parseFilter(this);
return filter;
* @return the associated paths associated with this Destination
public String[] getDestinationPaths() {
if (paths == null) {
paths = DestinationPath.getDestinationPaths(physicalName);
return paths;
// Implementation methods
* Factory method to create a child destination if this destination is a composite
* @param name
* @return the created Destination
public abstract ActiveMQDestination createDestination(String name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for ActiveMQQueue.
/// </summary>
public class ActiveMQQueue : ActiveMQDestination {
public ActiveMQQueue() : base(){}
public ActiveMQQueue(String name) : base(name){}
public String getQueueName() {
return base.getPhysicalName();
public override int getDestinationType() {
public override ActiveMQDestination createDestination(String name) {
return new ActiveMQQueue(name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for ActiveMQTopic.
/// </summary>
public class ActiveMQTopic : ActiveMQDestination
public ActiveMQTopic(): base() {}
public ActiveMQTopic(String name):base(name){}
public String getTopicName()
return super.getPhysicalName();
public override int getDestinationType()
public override ActiveMQDestination createDestination(String name)
return new ActiveMQTopic(name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// An OpenWire command
/// </summary>
public interface Command {
int GetCommandType();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// TODO autogenerate this file!
/// </summary>
class CommandConstants
public const int NOT_SET = 0;
* ActiveMQMessage object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE = 6;
* ActiveMQTextMessage object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_TEXT_MESSAGE = 7;
* ActiveMQObjectMessage object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_OBJECT_MESSAGE = 8;
* ActiveMQBytesMessage
public const int ACTIVEMQ_BYTES_MESSAGE = 9;
* ActiveMQStreamMessage object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_STREAM_MESSAGE = 10;
* ActiveMQMapMessage object
public const int ACTIVEMQ_MAP_MESSAGE = 11;
* Message acknowledge
public const int ACTIVEMQ_MSG_ACK = 15;
* Recipt message
public const int RECEIPT_INFO = 16;
* Consumer Infomation
public const int CONSUMER_INFO = 17;
* Producer Info
public const int PRODUCER_INFO = 18;
* Transaction info
public const int TRANSACTION_INFO = 19;
* XA Transaction info
public const int XA_TRANSACTION_INFO = 20;
* Broker infomation message
public const int ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_INFO = 21;
* Connection info message
public const int ACTIVEMQ_CONNECTION_INFO = 22;
* Session Info message
public const int SESSION_INFO = 23;
* Durable Unsubscribe message
public const int DURABLE_UNSUBSCRIBE = 24;
* A receipt with an Object reponse.
public const int RESPONSE_RECEIPT_INFO = 25;
* A receipt with an Integer reponse.
public const int INT_RESPONSE_RECEIPT_INFO = 26;
* Infomation about the Capacity for more Messages for either Connection/Broker
public const int CAPACITY_INFO = 27;
* Request infomation about the current capacity
public const int CAPACITY_INFO_REQUEST = 28;
* Infomation about the wire format expected
public const int WIRE_FORMAT_INFO = 29;
* Keep-alive message
public const int KEEP_ALIVE = 30;
* A command to the Broker Admin
public const int BROKER_ADMIN_COMMAND = 31;
* transmit cached values for the wire format
public const int CACHED_VALUE_COMMAND = 32;
* transmit cached values for the wire format
public const int CLEANUP_CONNECTION_INFO = 33;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQBytesMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQBytesMessage : ActiveMQMessage
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQDestination
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQDestination : AbstractCommand
string physicalName;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string PhysicalName
return physicalName;
physicalName = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQMapMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQMapMessage : ActiveMQMessage
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQMessage : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQObjectMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQObjectMessage : ActiveMQMessage
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQQueue
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQQueue : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQStreamMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQStreamMessage : ActiveMQMessage
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempDestination
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQTempDestination : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempQueue
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQTempQueue : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempTopic
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQTempTopic : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTextMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQTextMessage : ActiveMQMessage
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTopic
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ActiveMQTopic : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for BaseCommand
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class BaseCommand : AbstractCommand
short commandId;
bool responseRequired;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public short CommandId
return commandId;
commandId = value;
public bool ResponseRequired
return responseRequired;
responseRequired = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for BrokerId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class BrokerId : AbstractCommand
string brokerId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string BrokerIdValue
return brokerId;
brokerId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for BrokerInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class BrokerInfo : AbstractCommand
BrokerId brokerId;
string brokerURL;
BrokerInfo[] peerBrokerInfos;
string brokerName;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public BrokerId BrokerId
return brokerId;
brokerId = value;
public string BrokerURL
return brokerURL;
brokerURL = value;
public BrokerInfo[] PeerBrokerInfos
return peerBrokerInfos;
peerBrokerInfos = value;
public string BrokerName
return brokerName;
brokerName = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ConnectionId : AbstractCommand
string connectionId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string ConnectionIdValue
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ConnectionInfo : AbstractCommand
ConnectionId connectionId;
string clientId;
string password;
string userName;
BrokerId[] brokerPath;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ConnectionId ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;
public string ClientId
return clientId;
clientId = value;
public string Password
return password;
password = value;
public string UserName
return userName;
userName = value;
public BrokerId[] BrokerPath
return brokerPath;
brokerPath = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConsumerId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ConsumerId : AbstractCommand
string connectionId;
long sessionId;
long consumerId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;
public long SessionId
return sessionId;
sessionId = value;
public long ConsumerIdValue
return consumerId;
consumerId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConsumerInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ConsumerInfo : AbstractCommand
ConsumerId consumerId;
bool browser;
ActiveMQDestination destination;
int prefetchSize;
bool dispatchAsync;
string selector;
string subcriptionName;
bool noLocal;
bool exclusive;
bool retroactive;
byte priority;
BrokerId[] brokerPath;
bool networkSubscription;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ConsumerId ConsumerId
return consumerId;
consumerId = value;
public bool Browser
return browser;
browser = value;
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public int PrefetchSize
return prefetchSize;
prefetchSize = value;
public bool DispatchAsync
return dispatchAsync;
dispatchAsync = value;
public string Selector
return selector;
selector = value;
public string SubcriptionName
return subcriptionName;
subcriptionName = value;
public bool NoLocal
return noLocal;
noLocal = value;
public bool Exclusive
return exclusive;
exclusive = value;
public bool Retroactive
return retroactive;
retroactive = value;
public byte Priority
return priority;
priority = value;
public BrokerId[] BrokerPath
return brokerPath;
brokerPath = value;
public bool NetworkSubscription
return networkSubscription;
networkSubscription = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ControlCommand
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ControlCommand : AbstractCommand
string command;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string Command
return command;
command = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for DataArrayResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class DataArrayResponse : AbstractCommand
Command[] data;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public Command[] Data
return data;
data = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for DataResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class DataResponse : AbstractCommand
Command data;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public Command Data
return data;
data = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for DestinationInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class DestinationInfo : AbstractCommand
ConnectionId connectionId;
ActiveMQDestination destination;
byte operationType;
long timeout;
BrokerId[] brokerPath;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ConnectionId ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public byte OperationType
return operationType;
operationType = value;
public long Timeout
return timeout;
timeout = value;
public BrokerId[] BrokerPath
return brokerPath;
brokerPath = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ExceptionResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ExceptionResponse : AbstractCommand
string exception;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string Exception
return exception;
exception = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for FlushCommand
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class FlushCommand : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for IntegerResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class IntegerResponse : AbstractCommand
int result;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public int Result
return result;
result = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalQueueAck
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class JournalQueueAck : AbstractCommand
ActiveMQDestination destination;
MessageAck messageAck;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public MessageAck MessageAck
return messageAck;
messageAck = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTopicAck
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class JournalTopicAck : AbstractCommand
ActiveMQDestination destination;
MessageId messageId;
long messageSequenceId;
string subscritionName;
string clientId;
TransactionId transactionId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public MessageId MessageId
return messageId;
messageId = value;
public long MessageSequenceId
return messageSequenceId;
messageSequenceId = value;
public string SubscritionName
return subscritionName;
subscritionName = value;
public string ClientId
return clientId;
clientId = value;
public TransactionId TransactionId
return transactionId;
transactionId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTrace
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class JournalTrace : AbstractCommand
string message;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string Message
return message;
message = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTransaction
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class JournalTransaction : AbstractCommand
TransactionId transactionId;
byte type;
bool wasPrepared;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public TransactionId TransactionId
return transactionId;
transactionId = value;
public byte Type
return type;
type = value;
public bool WasPrepared
return wasPrepared;
wasPrepared = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for KeepAliveInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class KeepAliveInfo : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for LocalTransactionId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class LocalTransactionId : AbstractCommand
long transactionId;
ConnectionId connectionId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public long TransactionId
return transactionId;
transactionId = value;
public ConnectionId ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for Message
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class Message : AbstractCommand
ProducerId producerId;
ActiveMQDestination destination;
TransactionId transactionId;
ActiveMQDestination originalDestination;
MessageId messageId;
TransactionId originalTransactionId;
string groupID;
int groupSequence;
string correlationId;
bool persistent;
long expiration;
byte priority;
ActiveMQDestination replyTo;
long timestamp;
string type;
byte[] content;
byte[] marshalledProperties;
Command dataStructure;
ConsumerId targetConsumerId;
bool compressed;
int redeliveryCounter;
BrokerId[] brokerPath;
long arrival;
string userID;
bool recievedByDFBridge;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ProducerId ProducerId
return producerId;
producerId = value;
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public TransactionId TransactionId
return transactionId;
transactionId = value;
public ActiveMQDestination OriginalDestination
return originalDestination;
originalDestination = value;
public MessageId MessageId
return messageId;
messageId = value;
public TransactionId OriginalTransactionId
return originalTransactionId;
originalTransactionId = value;
public string GroupID
return groupID;
groupID = value;
public int GroupSequence
return groupSequence;
groupSequence = value;
public string CorrelationId
return correlationId;
correlationId = value;
public bool Persistent
return persistent;
persistent = value;
public long Expiration
return expiration;
expiration = value;
public byte Priority
return priority;
priority = value;
public ActiveMQDestination ReplyTo
return replyTo;
replyTo = value;
public long Timestamp
return timestamp;
timestamp = value;
public string Type
return type;
type = value;
public byte[] Content
return content;
content = value;
public byte[] MarshalledProperties
return marshalledProperties;
marshalledProperties = value;
public Command DataStructure
return dataStructure;
dataStructure = value;
public ConsumerId TargetConsumerId
return targetConsumerId;
targetConsumerId = value;
public bool Compressed
return compressed;
compressed = value;
public int RedeliveryCounter
return redeliveryCounter;
redeliveryCounter = value;
public BrokerId[] BrokerPath
return brokerPath;
brokerPath = value;
public long Arrival
return arrival;
arrival = value;
public string UserID
return userID;
userID = value;
public bool RecievedByDFBridge
return recievedByDFBridge;
recievedByDFBridge = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for MessageAck
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class MessageAck : AbstractCommand
ActiveMQDestination destination;
TransactionId transactionId;
ConsumerId consumerId;
byte ackType;
MessageId firstMessageId;
MessageId lastMessageId;
int messageCount;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public TransactionId TransactionId
return transactionId;
transactionId = value;
public ConsumerId ConsumerId
return consumerId;
consumerId = value;
public byte AckType
return ackType;
ackType = value;
public MessageId FirstMessageId
return firstMessageId;
firstMessageId = value;
public MessageId LastMessageId
return lastMessageId;
lastMessageId = value;
public int MessageCount
return messageCount;
messageCount = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for MessageDispatch
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class MessageDispatch : AbstractCommand
ConsumerId consumerId;
ActiveMQDestination destination;
Message message;
int redeliveryCounter;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ConsumerId ConsumerId
return consumerId;
consumerId = value;
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public Message Message
return message;
message = value;
public int RedeliveryCounter
return redeliveryCounter;
redeliveryCounter = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for MessageId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class MessageId : AbstractCommand
ProducerId producerId;
long producerSequenceId;
long brokerSequenceId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ProducerId ProducerId
return producerId;
producerId = value;
public long ProducerSequenceId
return producerSequenceId;
producerSequenceId = value;
public long BrokerSequenceId
return brokerSequenceId;
brokerSequenceId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ProducerId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ProducerId : AbstractCommand
string connectionId;
long producerId;
long sessionId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;
public long ProducerIdValue
return producerId;
producerId = value;
public long SessionId
return sessionId;
sessionId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ProducerInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ProducerInfo : AbstractCommand
ProducerId producerId;
ActiveMQDestination destination;
BrokerId[] brokerPath;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ProducerId ProducerId
return producerId;
producerId = value;
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public BrokerId[] BrokerPath
return brokerPath;
brokerPath = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for RemoveInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class RemoveInfo : AbstractCommand
Command objectId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public Command ObjectId
return objectId;
objectId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for RemoveSubscriptionInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class RemoveSubscriptionInfo : AbstractCommand
ConnectionId connectionId;
string subcriptionName;
string clientId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ConnectionId ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;
public string SubcriptionName
return subcriptionName;
subcriptionName = value;
public string ClientId
return clientId;
clientId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for Response
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class Response : AbstractCommand
short correlationId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public short CorrelationId
return correlationId;
correlationId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for SessionId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class SessionId : AbstractCommand
string connectionId;
long sessionId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;
public long SessionIdValue
return sessionId;
sessionId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for SessionInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class SessionInfo : AbstractCommand
SessionId sessionId;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public SessionId SessionId
return sessionId;
sessionId = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ShutdownInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class ShutdownInfo : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for SubscriptionInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class SubscriptionInfo : AbstractCommand
string clientId;
ActiveMQDestination destination;
string selector;
string subcriptionName;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public string ClientId
return clientId;
clientId = value;
public ActiveMQDestination Destination
return destination;
destination = value;
public string Selector
return selector;
selector = value;
public string SubcriptionName
return subcriptionName;
subcriptionName = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for TransactionId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class TransactionId : AbstractCommand
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for TransactionInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class TransactionInfo : AbstractCommand
ConnectionId connectionId;
TransactionId transactionId;
byte type;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public ConnectionId ConnectionId
return connectionId;
connectionId = value;
public TransactionId TransactionId
return transactionId;
transactionId = value;
public byte Type
return type;
type = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for WireFormatInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class WireFormatInfo : AbstractCommand
byte[] magic;
int version;
int options;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public byte[] Magic
return magic;
magic = value;
public int Version
return version;
version = value;
public int Options
return options;
options = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for XATransactionId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using OpenWire.Core;
namespace OpenWire.Core.Commands
public class XATransactionId : AbstractCommand
int formatId;
byte[] globalTransactionId;
byte[] branchQualifier;
// TODO generate Equals method
// TODO generate HashCode method
// TODO generate ToString method
public override int GetCommandType() {
return 1;
// Properties
public int FormatId
return formatId;
formatId = value;
public byte[] GlobalTransactionId
return globalTransactionId;
globalTransactionId = value;
public byte[] BranchQualifier
return branchQualifier;
branchQualifier = value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
using System;
namespace OpenWire.Core
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for DestinationFilter.
/// </summary>
public abstract class DestinationFilter
public const String ANY_DESCENDENT = ">";
public const String ANY_CHILD = "*";
public bool matches(ActiveMQMessage message)
return matches(message.getJMSDestination());
public abstract bool matches(ActiveMQDestination destination);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQBytesMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQBytesMessageMarshaller : ActiveMQMessageMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQBytesMessage();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQBytesMessage info = (ActiveMQBytesMessage) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQBytesMessage info = (ActiveMQBytesMessage) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQDestination
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQDestinationMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQDestination();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQDestination info = (ActiveMQDestination) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQDestination info = (ActiveMQDestination) command;
writeUTF(info.getPhysicalName(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQMapMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQMapMessageMarshaller : ActiveMQMessageMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQMapMessage();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQMapMessage info = (ActiveMQMapMessage) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQMapMessage info = (ActiveMQMapMessage) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQMessageMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQMessage();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQMessage info = (ActiveMQMessage) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQMessage info = (ActiveMQMessage) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQObjectMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQObjectMessageMarshaller : ActiveMQMessageMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQObjectMessage();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQObjectMessage info = (ActiveMQObjectMessage) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQObjectMessage info = (ActiveMQObjectMessage) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQQueue
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQQueueMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQQueue();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQQueue info = (ActiveMQQueue) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQQueue info = (ActiveMQQueue) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQStreamMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQStreamMessageMarshaller : ActiveMQMessageMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQStreamMessage();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQStreamMessage info = (ActiveMQStreamMessage) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQStreamMessage info = (ActiveMQStreamMessage) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempDestination
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQTempDestinationMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQTempDestination();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQTempDestination info = (ActiveMQTempDestination) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQTempDestination info = (ActiveMQTempDestination) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempQueue
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQTempQueueMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQTempQueue();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQTempQueue info = (ActiveMQTempQueue) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQTempQueue info = (ActiveMQTempQueue) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempTopic
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQTempTopicMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQTempTopic();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQTempTopic info = (ActiveMQTempTopic) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQTempTopic info = (ActiveMQTempTopic) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTextMessage
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQTextMessageMarshaller : ActiveMQMessageMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQTextMessage();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQTextMessage info = (ActiveMQTextMessage) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQTextMessage info = (ActiveMQTextMessage) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTopic
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ActiveMQTopicMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ActiveMQTopic();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ActiveMQTopic info = (ActiveMQTopic) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ActiveMQTopic info = (ActiveMQTopic) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for BaseCommand
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class BaseCommandMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new BaseCommand();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
BaseCommand info = (BaseCommand) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
BaseCommand info = (BaseCommand) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for BrokerId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class BrokerIdMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new BrokerId();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
BrokerId info = (BrokerId) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
BrokerId info = (BrokerId) command;
writeUTF(info.getBrokerId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for BrokerInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class BrokerInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new BrokerInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
BrokerInfo info = (BrokerInfo) command;
info.setBrokerId((org.apache.activemq.command.BrokerId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setPeerBrokerInfos((org.apache.activemq.command.BrokerInfo[]) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
BrokerInfo info = (BrokerInfo) command;
writeObject(info.getBrokerId(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getBrokerURL(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getPeerBrokerInfos(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getBrokerName(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ConnectionIdMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ConnectionId();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ConnectionId info = (ConnectionId) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ConnectionId info = (ConnectionId) command;
writeUTF(info.getConnectionId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ConnectionInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ConnectionInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ConnectionInfo info = (ConnectionInfo) command;
info.setConnectionId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setBrokerPath((org.apache.activemq.command.BrokerId[]) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ConnectionInfo info = (ConnectionInfo) command;
writeObject(info.getConnectionId(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getClientId(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getPassword(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getUserName(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getBrokerPath(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConsumerId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ConsumerIdMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ConsumerId();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ConsumerId info = (ConsumerId) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ConsumerId info = (ConsumerId) command;
writeUTF(info.getConnectionId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ConsumerInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ConsumerInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ConsumerInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ConsumerInfo info = (ConsumerInfo) command;
info.setConsumerId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConsumerId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setBrokerPath((org.apache.activemq.command.BrokerId[]) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ConsumerInfo info = (ConsumerInfo) command;
writeObject(info.getConsumerId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getSelector(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getSubcriptionName(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getBrokerPath(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ControlCommand
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ControlCommandMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ControlCommand();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ControlCommand info = (ControlCommand) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ControlCommand info = (ControlCommand) command;
writeUTF(info.getCommand(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for DataArrayResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class DataArrayResponseMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new DataArrayResponse();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
DataArrayResponse info = (DataArrayResponse) command;
info.setData((org.apache.activemq.command.DataStructure[]) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
DataArrayResponse info = (DataArrayResponse) command;
writeObject(info.getData(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for DataResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class DataResponseMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new DataResponse();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
DataResponse info = (DataResponse) command;
info.setData((org.apache.activemq.command.DataStructure) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
DataResponse info = (DataResponse) command;
writeObject(info.getData(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for DestinationInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class DestinationInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new DestinationInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
DestinationInfo info = (DestinationInfo) command;
info.setConnectionId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setBrokerPath((org.apache.activemq.command.BrokerId[]) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
DestinationInfo info = (DestinationInfo) command;
writeObject(info.getConnectionId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getBrokerPath(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ExceptionResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ExceptionResponseMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ExceptionResponse();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ExceptionResponse info = (ExceptionResponse) command;
info.setException((java.lang.Throwable) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ExceptionResponse info = (ExceptionResponse) command;
writeObject(info.getException(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for FlushCommand
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class FlushCommandMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new FlushCommand();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
FlushCommand info = (FlushCommand) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
FlushCommand info = (FlushCommand) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for IntegerResponse
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class IntegerResponseMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new IntegerResponse();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
IntegerResponse info = (IntegerResponse) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
IntegerResponse info = (IntegerResponse) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalQueueAck
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class JournalQueueAckMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new JournalQueueAck();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
JournalQueueAck info = (JournalQueueAck) command;
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setMessageAck((org.apache.activemq.command.MessageAck) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
JournalQueueAck info = (JournalQueueAck) command;
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getMessageAck(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTopicAck
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class JournalTopicAckMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new JournalTopicAck();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
JournalTopicAck info = (JournalTopicAck) command;
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setMessageId((org.apache.activemq.command.MessageId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setTransactionId((org.apache.activemq.command.TransactionId) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
JournalTopicAck info = (JournalTopicAck) command;
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getMessageId(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getSubscritionName(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getClientId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getTransactionId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTrace
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class JournalTraceMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new JournalTrace();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
JournalTrace info = (JournalTrace) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
JournalTrace info = (JournalTrace) command;
writeUTF(info.getMessage(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTransaction
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class JournalTransactionMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new JournalTransaction();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
JournalTransaction info = (JournalTransaction) command;
info.setTransactionId((org.apache.activemq.command.TransactionId) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
JournalTransaction info = (JournalTransaction) command;
writeObject(info.getTransactionId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for KeepAliveInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class KeepAliveInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new KeepAliveInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
KeepAliveInfo info = (KeepAliveInfo) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
KeepAliveInfo info = (KeepAliveInfo) command;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for LocalTransactionId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class LocalTransactionIdMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new LocalTransactionId();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
LocalTransactionId info = (LocalTransactionId) command;
info.setConnectionId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionId) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
LocalTransactionId info = (LocalTransactionId) command;
writeObject(info.getConnectionId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for MessageAck
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class MessageAckMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new MessageAck();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
MessageAck info = (MessageAck) command;
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setTransactionId((org.apache.activemq.command.TransactionId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setConsumerId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConsumerId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setFirstMessageId((org.apache.activemq.command.MessageId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setLastMessageId((org.apache.activemq.command.MessageId) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
MessageAck info = (MessageAck) command;
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getTransactionId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getConsumerId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getFirstMessageId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getLastMessageId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for MessageDispatch
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class MessageDispatchMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new MessageDispatch();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
MessageDispatch info = (MessageDispatch) command;
info.setConsumerId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConsumerId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setMessage((org.apache.activemq.command.Message) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
MessageDispatch info = (MessageDispatch) command;
writeObject(info.getConsumerId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getMessage(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for MessageId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class MessageIdMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new MessageId();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
MessageId info = (MessageId) command;
info.setProducerId((org.apache.activemq.command.ProducerId) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
MessageId info = (MessageId) command;
writeObject(info.getProducerId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for Message
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class MessageMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new Message();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
Message info = (Message) command;
info.setProducerId((org.apache.activemq.command.ProducerId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setTransactionId((org.apache.activemq.command.TransactionId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setOriginalDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setMessageId((org.apache.activemq.command.MessageId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setOriginalTransactionId((org.apache.activemq.command.TransactionId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setReplyTo((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setContent((org.activeio.ByteSequence) readObject(dataIn));
info.setMarshalledProperties((org.activeio.ByteSequence) readObject(dataIn));
info.setDataStructure((org.apache.activemq.command.DataStructure) readObject(dataIn));
info.setTargetConsumerId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConsumerId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setBrokerPath((org.apache.activemq.command.BrokerId[]) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
Message info = (Message) command;
writeObject(info.getProducerId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getTransactionId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getOriginalDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getMessageId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getOriginalTransactionId(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getGroupID(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getCorrelationId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getReplyTo(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getType(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getContent(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getMarshalledProperties(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getDataStructure(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getTargetConsumerId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getBrokerPath(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getUserID(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ProducerId
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ProducerIdMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ProducerId();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ProducerId info = (ProducerId) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ProducerId info = (ProducerId) command;
writeUTF(info.getConnectionId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for ProducerInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ProducerInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new ProducerInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
ProducerInfo info = (ProducerInfo) command;
info.setProducerId((org.apache.activemq.command.ProducerId) readObject(dataIn));
info.setDestination((org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination) readObject(dataIn));
info.setBrokerPath((org.apache.activemq.command.BrokerId[]) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
ProducerInfo info = (ProducerInfo) command;
writeObject(info.getProducerId(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getDestination(), dataOut);
writeObject(info.getBrokerPath(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for RemoveInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class RemoveInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new RemoveInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
RemoveInfo info = (RemoveInfo) command;
info.setObjectId((org.apache.activemq.command.DataStructure) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
RemoveInfo info = (RemoveInfo) command;
writeObject(info.getObjectId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for RemoveSubscriptionInfo
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class RemoveSubscriptionInfoMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new RemoveSubscriptionInfo();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
RemoveSubscriptionInfo info = (RemoveSubscriptionInfo) command;
info.setConnectionId((org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionId) readObject(dataIn));
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
RemoveSubscriptionInfo info = (RemoveSubscriptionInfo) command;
writeObject(info.getConnectionId(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getSubcriptionName(), dataOut);
writeUTF(info.getClientId(), dataOut);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Marshalling code for Open Wire Format for Response
// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!
// if you need to make a change, please see the Groovy scripts in the
// activemq-openwire module
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using OpenWire.Core;
using OpenWire.Core.Commands;
using OpenWire.Core.IO;
namespace OpenWire.Core.IO
public class ResponseMarshaller : AbstractCommandMarshaller
public override Command CreateCommand() {
return new Response();
public override void BuildCommand(Command command, BinaryReader dataIn) {
super.buildCommand(command, dataIn);
Response info = (Response) command;
public override void WriteCommand(Command command, BinaryWriter dataOut) {
super.writeCommand(command, dataOut);
Response info = (Response) command;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More