/* * Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as * applicable. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Collections; namespace ActiveMQ { [TestFixture] public class TransactionTest : TestSupport { private static int destinationCounter; IDestination destination; IConnection connection; ISession session; IMessageProducer producer; IMessageConsumer consumer; [SetUp] public void SetUp() { Connect(); // lets consume any outstanding messages from previous test runs while (consumer.Receive(1000) != null) { } session.Commit(); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { Disconnect(); } [Test] public void TestSendRollback() { IMessage[] outbound = new IMessage[]{ session.CreateTextMessage("First Message"), session.CreateTextMessage("Second Message") }; //sends a message producer.Send(outbound[0]); session.Commit(); //sends a message that gets rollbacked producer.Send(session.CreateTextMessage("I'm going to get rolled back.")); session.Rollback(); //sends a message producer.Send(outbound[1]); session.Commit(); //receives the first message ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("About to consume message 1"); IMessage message = consumer.Receive(1000); messages.Add(message); Console.WriteLine("Received: " + message); //receives the second message Console.WriteLine("About to consume message 2"); message = consumer.Receive(4000); messages.Add(message); Console.WriteLine("Received: " + message); //validates that the rollbacked was not consumed session.Commit(); IMessage[] inbound = new IMessage[messages.Count]; messages.CopyTo(inbound); AssertTextMessagesEqual("Rollback did not work.", outbound, inbound); } [Test] public void TestSendSessionClose() { IMessage[] outbound = new IMessage[]{ session.CreateTextMessage("First Message"), session.CreateTextMessage("Second Message") }; //sends a message producer.Send(outbound[0]); session.Commit(); //sends a message that gets rollbacked producer.Send(session.CreateTextMessage("I'm going to get rolled back.")); consumer.Dispose(); session.Dispose(); Reconnect(); //sends a message producer.Send(outbound[1]); session.Commit(); //receives the first message ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("About to consume message 1"); IMessage message = consumer.Receive(1000); messages.Add(message); Console.WriteLine("Received: " + message); //receives the second message Console.WriteLine("About to consume message 2"); message = consumer.Receive(4000); messages.Add(message); Console.WriteLine("Received: " + message); //validates that the rollbacked was not consumed session.Commit(); IMessage[] inbound = new IMessage[messages.Count]; messages.CopyTo(inbound); AssertTextMessagesEqual("Rollback did not work.", outbound, inbound); } [Test] public void TestReceiveRollback() { IMessage[] outbound = new IMessage[]{ session.CreateTextMessage("First Message"), session.CreateTextMessage("Second Message") }; //sent both messages producer.Send(outbound[0]); producer.Send(outbound[1]); session.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Sent 0: " + outbound[0]); Console.WriteLine("Sent 1: " + outbound[1]); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); IMessage message = consumer.Receive(1000); messages.Add(message); Assert.AreEqual(outbound[0], message); session.Commit(); // rollback so we can get that last message again. message = consumer.Receive(1000); Assert.IsNotNull(message); Assert.AreEqual(outbound[1], message); session.Rollback(); // Consume again.. the previous message should // get redelivered. message = consumer.Receive(5000); Assert.IsNotNull(message, "Should have re-received the message again!"); messages.Add(message); session.Commit(); IMessage[] inbound = new IMessage[messages.Count]; messages.CopyTo(inbound); AssertTextMessagesEqual("Rollback did not work", outbound, inbound); } [Test] public void TestReceiveTwoThenRollback() { IMessage[] outbound = new IMessage[]{ session.CreateTextMessage("First Message"), session.CreateTextMessage("Second Message") }; producer.Send(outbound[0]); producer.Send(outbound[1]); session.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Sent 0: " + outbound[0]); Console.WriteLine("Sent 1: " + outbound[1]); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); IMessage message = consumer.Receive(1000); AssertTextMessageEqual("first mesage received before rollback", outbound[0], message); message = consumer.Receive(1000); Assert.IsNotNull(message); AssertTextMessageEqual("second message received before rollback", outbound[1], message); session.Rollback(); // Consume again.. the previous message should // get redelivered. message = consumer.Receive(5000); Assert.IsNotNull(message, "Should have re-received the first message again!"); messages.Add(message); AssertTextMessageEqual("first message received after rollback", outbound[0], message); message = consumer.Receive(5000); Assert.IsNotNull(message, "Should have re-received the second message again!"); messages.Add(message); AssertTextMessageEqual("second message received after rollback", outbound[1], message); Assert.IsNull(consumer.ReceiveNoWait()); session.Commit(); IMessage[] inbound = new IMessage[messages.Count]; messages.CopyTo(inbound); AssertTextMessagesEqual("Rollback did not work", outbound, inbound); } protected override string CreateDestinationName() { // TODO - how can we get the test name? return base.CreateDestinationName() + (++destinationCounter); } protected void AssertTextMessagesEqual(String message, IMessage[] expected, IMessage[] actual) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Length, "Incorrect number of messages received"); for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++) { AssertTextMessageEqual(message + ". Index: " + i, expected[i], actual[i]); } } protected void AssertTextMessageEqual(String message, IMessage expected, IMessage actual) { Assert.IsTrue(expected is ITextMessage, "expected object not a text message"); Assert.IsTrue(actual is ITextMessage, "actual object not a text message"); String expectedText = ((ITextMessage) expected).Text; String actualText = ((ITextMessage) actual).Text; Assert.AreEqual(expectedText, actualText, message); } protected void Connect() { IConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory("localhost", 61616); connection = factory.CreateConnection(); session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional); // reuse the same destination if we reconnect if (destination == null) { destination = CreateDestination(session); } consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination); producer = session.CreateProducer(destination); } protected void Disconnect() { if (connection != null) { connection.Dispose(); connection = null; } } protected void Reconnect() { Disconnect(); Connect(); } } }