Additional tests for groups and fix for repository remove action

This commit is contained in:
Martin Stockhammer 2021-06-30 20:21:12 +02:00
parent 0f1a03e086
commit 084b9efccf
3 changed files with 125 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public interface RepositoryGroupService
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "Authenticated user is not permitted to delete the group",
content = @Content( mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema( implementation = ArchivaRestError.class ) ) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "The group with the given id does not exist, or the repository was not part of the group.",
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Either the group with the given id does not exist, or the repository was not part of the group.",
content = @Content( mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema( implementation = ArchivaRestError.class ) ) ),

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@ -279,15 +279,15 @@ public class DefaultRepositoryGroupService implements RepositoryGroupService
public RepositoryGroup deleteRepositoryFromGroup( String repositoryGroupId, String repositoryId ) throws
public RepositoryGroup deleteRepositoryFromGroup( final String repositoryGroupId, final String repositoryId ) throws
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( repositoryGroupId ) )
throw new ArchivaRestServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ErrorKeys.REPOSITORY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND, "" ), 404 );
throw new ArchivaRestServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ErrorKeys.REPOSITORY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND, repositoryGroupId ), 404 );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( repositoryId ) )
throw new ArchivaRestServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ErrorKeys.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, "" ), 404 );
throw new ArchivaRestServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ErrorKeys.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, repositoryId ), 404 );
@ -295,12 +295,14 @@ public class DefaultRepositoryGroupService implements RepositoryGroupService
if (repositoryGroup==null) {
throw new ArchivaRestServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ErrorKeys.REPOSITORY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND, "" ), 404 );
if (repositoryGroup.getRepositories().stream().noneMatch( r -> repositoryId.equals( r.getId() ) )) {
throw new ArchivaRestServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ErrorKeys.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, repositoryId ), 404 );
if (!(repositoryGroup instanceof EditableRepositoryGroup)) {
log.error( "This group instance is not editable: {}", repositoryGroupId );
throw new ArchivaRestServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ErrorKeys.REPOSITORY_GROUP_UPDATE_FAILED, "" ), 500 );
EditableRepositoryGroup editableRepositoryGroup = (EditableRepositoryGroup) repositoryGroup;
editableRepositoryGroup.removeRepository( repositoryId );
org.apache.archiva.repository.RepositoryGroup newGroup = repositoryRegistry.putRepositoryGroup( editableRepositoryGroup );
return RepositoryGroup.of( newGroup );

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package;
import io.restassured.response.Response;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
@ -191,6 +192,73 @@ public class NativeRepositoryGroupServiceTest extends AbstractNativeRestServices
void testRemoveRepositoryGroup( )
String token = getAdminToken( );
List<String> groups = new ArrayList<>( );
for ( int i=0; i<10; i++)
String groupName = String.format( "group_%03d", i );
groups.add( groupName );
Map<String, Object> jsonAsMap = new HashMap<>( );
jsonAsMap.put( "id", groupName );
Response response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.body( jsonAsMap )
.post( "" )
.then( ).statusCode( 201 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
RepositoryGroup result = response.getBody( ).jsonPath( ).getObject( "", RepositoryGroup.class );
assertNotNull( result );
Response response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.delete( "group_001" )
.then( ).statusCode( 200 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.get( "" )
.then( ).statusCode( 200 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
PagedResult resultList = response.getBody( ).jsonPath( ).getObject( "", PagedResult.class );
assertEquals( 9, resultList.getPagination( ).getTotalCount( ) );
response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.delete( "group_005" )
.then( ).statusCode( 200 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.get( "" )
.then( ).statusCode( 200 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
resultList = response.getBody( ).jsonPath( ).getObject( "", PagedResult.class );
assertEquals( 8, resultList.getPagination( ).getTotalCount( ) );
} finally
for (String groupName : groups)
if (!("group_001".equals(groupName) || "group_005".equals(groupName) ) )
given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.delete( groupName )
.then( ).statusCode( 200 );
void testAddRepositoryToGroup( )
@ -347,4 +415,54 @@ public class NativeRepositoryGroupServiceTest extends AbstractNativeRestServices
void testRemoveRepositoryFromGroup404( )
String token = getAdminToken( );
Map<String, Object> jsonAsMap = new HashMap<>( );
jsonAsMap.put( "id", "group_001" );
jsonAsMap.put( "repositories", Arrays.asList( "internal" ) );
Response response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.body( jsonAsMap )
.post( "" )
.then( ).statusCode( 201 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
RepositoryGroup result = response.getBody( ).jsonPath( ).getObject( "", RepositoryGroup.class );
assertNotNull( result );
response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.get( "" )
.then( ).statusCode( 200 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
PagedResult resultList = response.getBody( ).jsonPath( ).getObject( "", PagedResult.class );
assertEquals( 1, resultList.getPagination( ).getTotalCount( ) );
assertNotNull( result.getRepositories( ) );
assertEquals( 1, result.getRepositories( ).size( ) );
assertTrue( result.getRepositories( ).contains( "internal" ) );
response = given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.body( jsonAsMap )
.delete( "group_001/repositories/internalxx" )
.then( ).statusCode( 404 ).extract( ).response( );
assertNotNull( response );
ArchivaRestError error = response.getBody( ).jsonPath( ).getObject( "", ArchivaRestError.class );
assertNotNull( error );
} finally
given( ).spec( getRequestSpec( token ) ).contentType( JSON )
.when( )
.delete( "group_001" )
.then( ).statusCode( 200 );