mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 02:29:23 +00:00
[MRM-1164] Improve the Selenium tests
* added tests for archiva user roles * added tests for upload artifact * modified scripts from Search and Browse Submitted by: Marecor Baclay git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/archiva/trunk@775412 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,28 +6,67 @@ MAX_WAIT_TIME_IN_MS=60000
# Search
# Search, Artifact Management
# Existing Artifact
# Reports
# Add Valid Artifact
# User Management
# For password and new password
# Guest Role
# Registered User Role
# System Administrator
SYSAD_FULLNAME=System Administrator
# User Administrator
# Global Repository Manager
# Global Repository Observer
# Repository Manager - internal
REPOMANAGER_INTERNAL_FULLNAME=Repository Manager - internal
# Repository Manager - snapshots
REPOMANAGER_SNAPSHOTS_FULLNAME=Repository Manager - snapshots
# Repository Observer - internal
REPOOBSERVER_INTERNAL_FULLNAME=Repository Observer - internal
# Repository Observer - snapshots
REPOOBSERVER_SNAPSHOTS_FULLNAME=Repository Observer - snapshots
# Add Artifact
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ under the License.
<include name= "login" />
<include name= "userroles" />
<include name= "artifactmanagement" />
<include name= "search" />
<include name= "browse" />
<include name= "reports" />
@ -19,16 +19,42 @@
* under the License.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent.AbstractArchivaTest;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;
import org.codehaus.plexus.commandline.ExecutableResolver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.commandline.DefaultExecutableResolver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.StreamConsumer;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.WriterStreamConsumer;
@Test( groups = { "about" }, alwaysRun = true )
public class ArchivaAdminTest
extends AbstractArchivaTest
public static final String PATH_TO_ARCHIVA_XML = "/target/appserver-base/conf/archiva.xml";
public static final String PATH_TO_SETTINGS_XML = "/target/local-repo/settings.xml";
public static final String NEW_LOCAL_REPO_VALUE = "/target/local-repo";
public void initializeContinuum()
throws Exception
@ -56,9 +82,153 @@ public void open()
throws Exception
String newValue = getBasedir() + NEW_LOCAL_REPO_VALUE;
updateXml( new File( getBasedir(), PATH_TO_ARCHIVA_XML ), newValue );
updateXml( new File( getBasedir(), PATH_TO_SETTINGS_XML ), newValue );
* Update localRepository element value
* @param f
* @param newValue
* @throws Exception
private void updateXml( File f, String newValue )
throws Exception
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
FileReader reader = new FileReader( f );
Document document = builder.build( reader );
Element localRepository =
(Element) XPath.newInstance( "./" + "localRepository" ).selectSingleNode( document.getRootElement() );
localRepository.setText( newValue );
// re-write xml file
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter( f );
XMLOutputter output = new XMLOutputter();
output.output( document, writer );
/*private void clickRepositories()
submitLoginPage( getAdminUsername() , getAdminPassword() );
clickLinkWithText( "Repositories" );
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Administration" );
assertTextPresent( "Administration - Repositories" );
private void removedManagedRepository( String id)
clickLinkWithLocator( "//a[contains(@href, '/admin/confirmDeleteRepository.action?repoid=" + id + "')]" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Delete Configuration and Contents" );
private int executeMaven( String workingDir, File outputFile )
throws Exception
ExecutableResolver executableResolver = new DefaultExecutableResolver();
String actualExecutable = "mvn";
File workingDirectory = new File( workingDir );
List path = executableResolver.getDefaultPath();
if ( path == null )
path = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
File e = executableResolver.findExecutable( "mvn", path );
if ( e != null )
actualExecutable = e.getAbsolutePath();
File actualExecutableFile = new File( actualExecutable );
if ( !actualExecutableFile.exists() )
actualExecutable = "mvn";
// Set command line
Commandline cmd = new Commandline();
cmd.addEnvironment( "MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD", "on" );
cmd.setExecutable( actualExecutable );
cmd.setWorkingDirectory( workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
cmd.createArgument().setValue( "clean" );
cmd.createArgument().setValue( "install" );
cmd.createArgument().setValue( "-s" );
cmd.createArgument().setValue( getBasedir() + "/target/local-repo/settings.xml" );
// Excute command
Writer writer = new FileWriter( outputFile );
StreamConsumer consumer = new WriterStreamConsumer( writer );
int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cmd, consumer, consumer );
return exitCode;
/* public void testBadDependency()
throws Exception
File outputFile = new File( getBasedir(), "/target/projects/bad-dependency/bad-dependency.log" );
int exitCode = executeMaven( getBasedir() + "/target/projects/bad-dependency", outputFile );
Assert.assertEquals( 1, exitCode );
File f = new File( getBasedir(),
"/target/local-repo/org/apache/maven/archiva/web/test/foo-bar/1.0-SNAPSHOT/foo-bar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" );
Assert.assertTrue( !f.exists() );
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( outputFile ) );
String str;
boolean foundSnapshot = false, foundBadDep = false;
while ( ( str = reader.readLine() ) != null )
//System.out.println( str );
if ( str.indexOf(
"mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.test -DartifactId=foo-bar" ) != -1 )
foundSnapshot = true;
else if ( str.indexOf(
"mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.test -DartifactId=bad-dependency" ) !=
-1 )
foundBadDep = true;
Assert.assertTrue( foundSnapshot );
Assert.assertTrue( foundBadDep );
public void displayLandingPage()
getSelenium().open( baseUrl );
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package org.apache.archiva.web.test;
import org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent.AbstractArtifactManagementTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@Test( groups = { "userroles" }, dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
public class ArtifactManagementTest
extends AbstractArtifactManagementTest
public void testAddArtifactNullValues()
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
assertTextPresent( "Please add a file to upload." );
assertTextPresent( "Invalid version." );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter a groupId." );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter an artifactId." );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter a version" );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter a packaging" );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactNullValues" } )
public void testAddArtifactNoGroupId()
addArtifact( " " , getArtifactId(), getVersion(), getPackaging() , getArtifactFilePath(), getRepositoryId() );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter a groupId." );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactNoGroupId" } )
public void testAddArtifactNoArtifactId()
addArtifact( getGroupId() , " ", getVersion(), getPackaging() , getArtifactFilePath(), getRepositoryId() );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter an artifactId." );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactNoGroupId" } )
public void testAddArtifactNoVersion()
addArtifact( getGroupId() , getArtifactId(), " ", getPackaging() , getArtifactFilePath(), getRepositoryId() );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter a version." );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactNoGroupId" } )
public void testAddArtifactNoPackaging()
addArtifact( getGroupId() , getArtifactId(), getVersion(), " " , getArtifactFilePath(), getRepositoryId() );
assertTextPresent( "You must enter a packaging." );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactNoGroupId" } )
public void testAddArtifactNoFilePath()
addArtifact( getGroupId() , getArtifactId(), getVersion(), getPackaging() , " ", getRepositoryId() );
assertTextPresent( "Please add a file to upload." );
public void testAddArtifactValidValues()
addArtifact( getGroupId() , getArtifactId(), getVersion(), getPackaging() , getArtifactFilePath(), getRepositoryId() );
assertTextPresent( "Artifact 'test:test:1.0' was successfully deployed to repository 'internal'" );
@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
import org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent.AbstractArtifactReportsTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@Test( groups = { "reports" }, dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
@Test( groups = { "reports" }, dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public class ReportsTest
extends AbstractArtifactReportsTest
//TODO Tests for repository with defects
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
// @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public void testRepoStatisticsWithoutRepoCompared()
@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ public void testRepoStatisticsWithoutRepoCompared()
assertTextPresent( "Please select a repository (or repositories) from the list." );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
/* @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testRepoStatisticsWithoutRepoCompared" } )
public void testRepositoryStatisticsWithoutDate()
String repositoryName = p.getProperty( "REPOSITORY_NAME" ) ;
compareRepositories( "label=" + repositoryName, "", "" );
assertTextPresent( "Statistics Report" );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testRepoStatisticsWithoutRepoCompared" } )
public void testRepositoryStatisticsEndEarlierThanStart()
String repositoryName = p.getProperty( "REPOSITORY_NAME" ) ;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public void testRepositoryStatisticsEndEarlierThanStart()
assertTextPresent( "Start Date must be earlier than the End Date" );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
/* @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public void testRepositoryStatistics()
String repositoryName = p.getProperty( "REPOSITORY_NAME" ) ;
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ public void testRepositoryStatistics()
//assertTextPresent( "Statistics for Repository '" + repositoryName + "'" );
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Reports" );
assertTextPresent( "Statistics Report" );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
/* @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public void testRepositoriesStatisticComparisonReport()
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ public void testRepositoriesStatisticComparisonReport()
clickButtonWithValue( "View Statistics" );
assertTextPresent( "Statistics Report" );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public void testRepositoryHealthWithoutDefect()
@ -89,15 +89,17 @@ public void testRepositoryHealthWithoutDefect()
assertTextPresent( "The operation generated an empty report." );
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
/* @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public void testRepositoryHealthWithoutGroupId()
clickButtonWithValue( "Show Report" );
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Reports" );
assertTextPresent( "The operation generated an empty report." );
//TODO As of the creation of the tests, GroupId is not a required field in showing the reports of repository health. GroupId should be required I think.
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ public void testSearchNonExistingArtifact()
assertTextPresent( "No results found" );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public void testSearchExistingArtifact()
searchForArtifact( p.getProperty( "ARTIFACT_ARTIFACTID" ) );
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ public void testSearchExistingArtifact()
assertLinkPresent( "test" );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactValidValues" } )
public void testViewSearchedArtifact()
searchForArtifact( p.getProperty( "ARTIFACT_ARTIFACTID" ) );
@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
package org.apache.archiva.web.test;
import org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent.AbstractArchivaTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@Test( groups = { "userroles" }, dependsOnMethods = { "testWithCorrectUsernamePassword" } )
public class UserRolesTest
extends AbstractArchivaTest
public void testBasicAddDeleteUser()
username = p.getProperty( "GUEST_USERNAME" );
fullname = p.getProperty( "GUEST_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
deleteUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail() );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testBasicAddDeleteUser" } )
public void testUserWithGuestRole()
username = p.getProperty("GUEST_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("GUEST_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithGuestRole" } )
public void testUserWithRegisteredUserRole()
username = p.getProperty("REGISTERED_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("REGISTERED_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithRegisteredUserRole" } )
public void testUserWithSysAdminUserRole()
username = p.getProperty("SYSAD_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("SYSAD_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithSysAdminUserRole" } )
public void testUserWithUserAdminUserRole()
username = p.getProperty("USERADMIN_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("USERADMIN_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithUserAdminUserRole" } )
public void testUserWithGlobalRepoManagerRole()
username = p.getProperty("GLOBALREPOMANAGER_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("GLOBALREPOMANAGER_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithUserAdminUserRole" } )
public void testUserWithGlobalRepoObserverRole()
username = p.getProperty("GLOBALREPOOBSERVER_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("GLOBALREPOOBSERVER_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithGlobalRepoManagerRole" } )
public void testUserWithRepoManagerInternalRole()
username = p.getProperty("REPOMANAGER_INTERNAL_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("REPOMANAGER_INTERNAL_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithGlobalRepoManagerRole" } )
public void testUserWithRepoManagerSnapshotsRole()
username = p.getProperty("REPOMANAGER_SNAPSHOTS_USERNAME");
fullname = p.getProperty("REPOMANAGER_SNAPSHOTS_FULLNAME");
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithGlobalRepoObserverRole" } )
public void testUserWithRepoObserverInternalRole()
username = p.getProperty( "REPOOBSERVER_INTERNAL_USERNAME" );
fullname = p.getProperty( "REPOOBSERVER_INTERNAL_FULLNAME" );
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@Test (dependsOnMethods = { "testUserWithGlobalRepoObserverRole" } )
public void testUserWithRepoObserverSnapshotsRole()
username = p.getProperty( "REPOOBSERVER_SNAPSHOTS_USERNAME" );
fullname = p.getProperty( "REPOOBSERVER_SNAPSHOTS_FULLNAME" );
createUser(username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword(), true);
clickLinkWithText( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
login(username, getUserRolePassword());
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword());
// this section will be removed if issue from redback after changing password will be fixed.
//assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
login(username, getUserRoleNewPassword());
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
package org.apache.archiva.web.test;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Utility class for creating xpath expressions
public class XPathExpressionUtil
public static final String CONTAINS = "contains";
public static final String AND = " and ";
public static final String CURRENT_NODE = "./";
public static final String PARENT_NODE = "../";
public static final String GRANDPARENT_NODE = "../../";
public static final String ELEMENT_ANY_LEVEL = "//";
public static final String TABLE_COLUMN = "td";
public static final String TABLE_ROW = "tr";
public static final String START_NODE_TEST = "[";
public static final String END_NODE_TEST = "]";
public static final String ANCHOR = "a";
public static final String IMG = "img";
public static final String LIST = "ul";
public static final String LINE = "li";
public static String getList( String[] values )
String xpathExpression = "";
if ( values.length > 0 )
xpathExpression += ELEMENT_ANY_LEVEL;
xpathExpression += LIST;
xpathExpression += START_NODE_TEST;
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < values.length; nIndex++ )
xpathExpression += ( ( nIndex > 0 ) ? AND : "" );
xpathExpression += contains( LINE + position( nIndex + 1 ), values[nIndex] );
xpathExpression += END_NODE_TEST;
return xpathExpression;
* expression for acquiring an element in one of the table columns
* @param element the node element
* @param elementIndex column index of the element, used for skipping
* @param columnValues the values to be matched in each column, element column is included
* @return
public static String getColumnElement( String element, int elementIndex, String[] columnValues )
return getColumnElement( element, elementIndex, null, columnValues );
* expression for acquiring an element in one of the table columns
* @param element the node element
* @param elementIndex column index of the element, used for skipping
* @param elementValue the matched element value
* @param columnValues the values to be matched in each column, element column is included
* @return
public static String getColumnElement( String element, int elementIndex, String elementValue,
String[] columnValues )
return getColumnElement( element, elementIndex, elementValue, "TEXT", columnValues );
* expression for acquiring an element in one of the table columns
* @param element the node element
* @param elementIndex column index of the element, used for skipping
* @param imageName the matched image name
* @param columnValues the values to be matched in each column, element column is included
* @return
public static String getImgColumnElement( String element, int elementIndex, String imageName,
String[] columnValues )
return getColumnElement( element, elementIndex, imageName, IMG, columnValues );
* expression for acquiring an element in one of the table columns
* @param element the node element
* @param elementIndex column index of the element, used for skipping
* @param imageName the matched image name
* @param columnValues the values to be matched in each column, element column is included
* @return
private static String getColumnElement( String element, int elementIndex, String elementValue,
String elementValueType, String[] columnValues )
String xpathExpression = null;
if ( ( columnValues != null ) && ( columnValues.length > 0 ) )
xpathExpression = ELEMENT_ANY_LEVEL + element;
xpathExpression += START_NODE_TEST;
if ( elementValue != null )
if ( "TEXT".equals( elementValueType ) )
xpathExpression += contains( elementValue );
xpathExpression += ( columnValues.length > 0 ) ? AND : "";
// we are two levels below the table row element ( tr/td/<element> )
xpathExpression += matchColumns( GRANDPARENT_NODE, columnValues, elementIndex );
xpathExpression += END_NODE_TEST;
if ( IMG.equals( elementValueType ) )
xpathExpression += "/img[contains(@src, '" + elementValue + "')]";
return xpathExpression;
* expression for acquiring the table row that matches all column values with the same order
* as the list
* @param columnValues the matched list of columnValues
* @return
public static String getTableRow( String[] columnValues )
String xpathExpression = null;
if ( ( columnValues != null ) && ( columnValues.length > 0 ) )
xpathExpression = new String( ELEMENT_ANY_LEVEL + TABLE_ROW + START_NODE_TEST );
xpathExpression += matchColumns( columnValues );
xpathExpression += END_NODE_TEST;
return xpathExpression;
private static String matchColumns( String[] columnValues )
return matchColumns( columnValues, -1 );
private static String matchColumns( String[] columnValues, int skipIndex )
return matchColumns( null, columnValues, skipIndex );
private static String matchColumns( String parent, String[] columnValues, int skipIndex )
String xpathExpression = "";
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < columnValues.length; nIndex++ )
if ( ( skipIndex != nIndex ) || ( skipIndex == -1 ) )
// prepend "and" if index > 0
xpathExpression += ( ( nIndex > 0 ) ? AND : "" );
xpathExpression += contains( parent, TABLE_COLUMN + position( nIndex + 1 ), columnValues[nIndex] );
return xpathExpression;
private static String position( int nIndex )
return new String( "[" + nIndex + "]" );
private static String contains( String parent, String element, String matchedString )
String finalElement = ( parent != null ) ? parent : "";
finalElement += element;
return contains( finalElement, matchedString );
private static String contains( String matchedString )
return contains( ".", matchedString );
private static String contains( String axis, String matchedString )
return new String( CONTAINS + "(" + axis + "," + "'" + matchedString + "')" );
private static String equals( String parent, String element, String matchedString )
String finalElement = ( parent != null ) ? parent : "";
finalElement += element;
return equals( finalElement, matchedString );
private static String equals( String axis, String matchedString )
return new String( axis + "==" + "'" + matchedString + "'" );
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
package org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent;
import java.io.File;
import org.apache.archiva.web.test.XPathExpressionUtil;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@ -22,7 +26,51 @@
public abstract class AbstractArchivaTest
extends AbstractSeleniumTest
protected String username;
protected String fullname;
public String getUserEmail()
String email = p.getProperty("USERROLE_EMAIL");
return email;
public String getUserRolePassword()
String password = p.getProperty("USERROLE_PASSWORD");
return password;
public String getUserRoleNewPassword()
String password_new = p.getProperty( "NEW_USERROLE_PASSWORD" );
return password_new;
public String getBasedir()
String basedir = System.getProperty( "basedir" );
if ( basedir == null )
basedir = new File( "" ).getAbsolutePath();
return basedir;
public String getAdminUsername()
String adminUsername = p.getProperty( "ADMIN_USERNAME" );
return adminUsername;
public String getAdminPassword()
String adminPassword = p.getProperty( "ADMIN_PASSWORD" );
return adminPassword;
public void assertCreateAdmin()
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Create Admin User" );
@ -104,27 +152,6 @@ public void assertAuthenticatedPage( String username )
/* //Find Artifact
public void goToFindArtifactPage()
clickLinkWithText( "Find Artifact" );
public void assertFindArtifactPage()
//assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Find Artifact" );
assertTextPresent( "Find Artifact" );
assertTextPresent( "Search For" );
assertElementPresent( "f" );
assertTextPresent( "Checksum" );
assertElementPresent( "q" );
assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Search" );
assertTextPresent( "This allows you to search the repository using the checksum of an artifact that you are trying to identify. You can either specify the checksum to look for directly, or scan a local artifact file. " );
assertTextPresent( "Tï scan a local file, select the file you would like to locate in the remote repository. Ôhe entire file will not be uploaded$to the server. See the progress bar below for progress of locally creating a checksum that is uploaded to the server ifter you hit ");
//User Management
public void goToUserManagementPage()
@ -134,7 +161,7 @@ public void goToUserManagementPage()
public void assertUserManagementPage()
//assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ [Admin] User List" );
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ [Admin] User List" );
assertTextPresent( "[Admin] List of Users in Role: Any" );
assertTextPresent( "Navigation" );
assertImgWithAlt( "First" );
@ -162,23 +189,240 @@ public void assertUserManagementPage()
assertTextPresent( "Roles Matrix" );
//User Role
/* //User Role
public void goToUserRolesPage()
clickLinkWithText( "User Roles" );
public void assertUserRolesPage()
//assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ [Admin] Role List" );
assertTextPresent( "[Admin] Role List" );
assertTextPresent( "Role Name" );
assertTextPresent( "Role Description" );
String userRoles = "Guest,Registered User,System Administrator,User Administrator,Global Repository Observer,Archiva Guest,Archiva System Administrator,Global Repository Manager,Archiva User Administrator,Repository Observer - internal,Repository Manager - internal,Repository Observer - snapshots,Repository Manager - snapshots";
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ [Admin] User Edit" );
assertTextPresent( "[Admin] User Roles" );
assertTextPresent( "Username" );
assertTextPresent( "Full Name" );
String userRoles = "Guest,Registered User,System Administrator,User Administrator,Global Repository Observer,Global Repository Manager,Repository Observer,Repository Manager,internal,snapshots";
String[] arrayRole = userRoles.split( "," );
for ( String userroles : arrayRole )
assertLinkPresent( userroles );
assertTextPresent( userroles );
public void assertDeleteUserPage( String username )
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ [Admin] User Delete" ); //TODO
assertTextPresent( "[Admin] User Delete" );
assertTextPresent( "The following user will be deleted:" );
assertTextPresent( "Username: " + username );
assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Delete User" );
public void createUser( String userName, String fullName, String email, String password, boolean valid )
createUser( userName, fullName, email, password, password, valid );
private void createUser( String userName, String fullName, String emailAd, String password, String confirmPassword, boolean valid )
login( getAdminUsername() , getAdminPassword() );
clickLinkWithText( "User Management" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Create New User" );
setFieldValue( "user.username", userName );
setFieldValue( "user.fullName", fullName );
setFieldValue( "user.email", emailAd );
setFieldValue( "user.password", password );
setFieldValue( "user.confirmPassword", confirmPassword );
assertUserRolesPage( );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
if (valid )
String[] columnValues = {userName, fullName, emailAd};
assertElementPresent( XPathExpressionUtil.getTableRow( columnValues ) );
public void deleteUser( String userName, String fullName, String emailAdd )
deleteUser( userName, fullName, emailAdd, false, false );
public void deleteUser(String userName, String fullName, String emailAd, boolean validated, boolean locked)
String[] columnValues = {userName, fullName, emailAd};
//clickLinkWithText( "userlist" );
clickLinkWithXPath( "//table[@id='ec_table']/tbody[2]/tr[3]/td[7]/a/img" );
assertDeleteUserPage( userName );
assertElementNotPresent( XPathExpressionUtil.getTableRow( columnValues ) );
public void login( String username, String password )
login( username, password, true, "Login Page" );
public void login( String username, String password, boolean valid, String assertReturnPage )
if ( isLinkPresent( "Login" ) )
submitLoginPage( username, password, false, valid, assertReturnPage );
public void submitLoginPage( String username, String password )
submitLoginPage( username, password, false, true, "Login Page" );
public void submitLoginPage( String username, String password, boolean validUsernamePassword )
submitLoginPage( username, password, false, validUsernamePassword, "Login Page" );
public void submitLoginPage( String username, String password, boolean rememberMe, boolean validUsernamePassword,
String assertReturnPage )
setFieldValue( "username", username );
setFieldValue( "password", password );
if ( rememberMe )
checkField( "rememberMe" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Login" );
if ( validUsernamePassword )
assertTextPresent( "Current User:" );
assertTextPresent( username );
assertLinkPresent( "Edit Details" );
assertLinkPresent( "Logout" );
if ( "Login Page".equals( assertReturnPage ) )
assertPage( assertReturnPage );
// User Roles
public void assertUserRoleCheckBoxPresent(String value)
getSelenium() .isElementPresent("xpath=//input[@id='addRolesToUser_addNDSelectedRoles' and @name='addNDSelectedRoles' and @value='" + value + "']");
public void assertResourceRolesCheckBoxPresent(String value) {
getSelenium().isElementPresent("xpath=//input[@name='addDSelectedRoles' and @value='" + value + "']");
public void checkUserRoleWithValue(String value)
getSelenium().click( "xpath=//input[@id='addRolesToUser_addNDSelectedRoles' and @name='addNDSelectedRoles' and @value='" + value + "']");
public void checkResourceRoleWithValue(String value)
getSelenium().click( "xpath=//input[@name='addDSelectedRoles' and @value='" + value + "']" );
public void changePassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword) {
assertPage("Apache Archiva \\ Change Password");
setFieldValue("existingPassword", oldPassword);
setFieldValue("newPassword", newPassword);
setFieldValue("newPasswordConfirm", newPassword);
clickButtonWithValue("Change Password");
public void assertCreateUserPage()
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ [Admin] User Create" );
assertTextPresent( "[Admin] User Create" );
assertTextPresent( "Username*:" );
assertElementPresent( "user.username" );
assertTextPresent( "Full Name*:");
assertElementPresent( "user.fullName" );
assertTextPresent( "Email Address*:" );
assertElementPresent( "user.email" );
assertTextPresent( "Password*:" );
assertElementPresent( "user.password" );
assertTextPresent( "Confirm Password*:" );
assertElementPresent( "user.confirmPassword" );
assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Create User" );
public void assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( String role )
if ( role.equals( "Guest" ) || role.equals( "Registered User" ) || role.equals( "Global Repository Observer" ) || role.equals( "Repository Observer - internal" ) || role.equals( "Repository Observer - snapshots" ) )
assertTextPresent( "Search" );
assertLinkPresent( "Find Artifact" );
assertLinkPresent( "Browse" );
assertLinkNotPresent( "Repositories" );
else if ( role.equals( "User Administrator" ) )
assertTextPresent( "Search" );
assertLinkPresent( "Find Artifact" );
assertLinkPresent( "Browse" );
assertLinkPresent( "User Management" );
assertLinkPresent( "User Roles" );
assertLinkNotPresent( "Repositories" );
else if ( role.equals( "Global Repository Manager" ) || role.equals( "Repository Manager - internal" ) || role.equals( "Repository Manager - snapshots" ) )
assertTextPresent( "Search" );
assertLinkPresent( "Find Artifact" );
assertLinkPresent( "Browse" );
assertLinkPresent( "Upload Artifact" );
assertLinkPresent( "Delete Artifact" );
assertLinkNotPresent( "Repositories" );
assertTextPresent( "Search" );
String navMenu = "Find Artifact,Browse,Reports,User Management,User Roles,Appearance,Upload Artifact,Delete Artifact,Repository Groups,Repositories,Proxy Connectors,Legacy Support,Network Proxies,Repository Scanning,Database";
String[] arrayMenu = navMenu.split( "," );
for (String navmenu : arrayMenu )
assertLinkPresent( navmenu );
/* //Find Artifact
public void goToFindArtifactPage()
clickLinkWithText( "Find Artifact" );
public void assertFindArtifactPage()
//assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Find Artifact" );
assertTextPresent( "Find Artifact" );
assertTextPresent( "Search For" );
assertElementPresent( "f" );
assertTextPresent( "Checksum" );
assertElementPresent( "q" );
assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Search" );
assertTextPresent( "This allows you to search the repository using the checksum of an artifact that you are trying to identify. You can either specify the checksum to look for directly, or scan a local artifact file. " );
assertTextPresent( "Tï scan a local file, select the file you would like to locate in the remote repository. Ôhe entire file will not be uploaded$to the server. See the progress bar below for progress of locally creating a checksum that is uploaded to the server ifter you hit ");
@ -219,4 +463,4 @@ public void assertUploadArtifactPage()
assertElementPresent( uploadelements );
assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Submit" );
} */
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
package org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent;
public abstract class AbstractArtifactManagementTest
extends AbstractArchivaTest
public String getGroupId()
String groupId = p.getProperty( "GROUPID" ) ;
return groupId;
public String getArtifactId()
String artifactId = p.getProperty( "GROUPID" ) ;
return artifactId;
public String getVersion()
String version = p.getProperty( "VERSION" ) ;
return version;
public String getPackaging()
String packaging = p.getProperty( "PACKAGING" ) ;
return packaging;
public String getArtifactFilePath()
String artifactFilePath = p.getProperty( "ARTIFACTFILEPATH" ) ;
return artifactFilePath;
public String getRepositoryId()
String repositoryId = p.getProperty( "REPOSITORYID" ) ;
return repositoryId;
public void goToAddArtifactPage()
clickLinkWithText( "Upload Artifact" );
public void goToDeleteArtifactPage()
clickLinkWithText( "Delete Artifact" );
public void addArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String packaging, String artifactFilePath, String repositoryId )
addArtifact(groupId, artifactId, version, packaging, true, artifactFilePath, repositoryId);
public void addArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String packaging, boolean generatePom, String artifactFilePath, String repositoryId)
setFieldValue( "groupId" , groupId );
setFieldValue( "artifactId" , artifactId );
setFieldValue( "version" , version );
setFieldValue( "packaging" , packaging );
if ( generatePom )
checkField( "generatePom" );
setFieldValue( "artifact" , artifactFilePath );
setFieldValue( "repositoryId" , repositoryId );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
public void deleteArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String repositoryId )
setFieldValue( "groupId" , groupId );
setFieldValue( "artifactId" , artifactId );
setFieldValue( "version" , version );
selectValue( "repositoryId" , repositoryId );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" ) ;
public void assertAddArtifactPage()
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Upload Artifact" );
assertTextPresent( "Upload Artifact" );
String artifact = "Upload Artifact,Group Id*:,Artifact Id*:,Version*:,Packaging*:,Classifier:,Generate Maven 2 POM,Artifact File*:,POM File:,Repository Id:";
String[] arrayArtifact = artifact.split( "," );
for ( String arrayartifact : arrayArtifact )
assertTextPresent( arrayartifact );
String artifactElements = "upload_groupId,upload_artifactId,upload_version,upload_packaging,upload_classifier,upload_generatePom,upload_artifact,upload_pom,upload_repositoryId,upload_0";
String[] arrayArtifactElements = artifactElements.split( "," );
for ( String artifactelements : arrayArtifactElements )
assertElementPresent( artifactelements );
public void assertDeleteArtifactPage()
assertPage( "Apache Archiva \\ Delete Artifact" );
assertTextPresent( "Delete Artifact" );
assertTextPresent( "Group Id*:" );
assertTextPresent( "Artifact Id*:" );
assertTextPresent( "Version*:" );
assertTextPresent( "Repository Id:" );
assertElementPresent( "groupId" );
assertElementPresent( "artifactId" );
assertElementPresent( "version" );
assertElementPresent( "repositoryId" );
assertButtonWithValuePresent( "Submit" );
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public void assertLinkPresent( String text )
Assert.assertTrue( isElementPresent( "link=" + text ), "The link '" + text + "' isî't present." );
public void assertLinkNotPresenu( String text )
public void assertLinkNotPresent( String text )
Assert.assertFalse( isElementPresent( "link=" + text ), "The link('" + text + "' is present." );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user