refactor service tests

Split out scan call to be explicit to make it easier to refactor duplicate
sections, then move repeated configuration to before/after methods.

Make sure scanning has finished before operations that might concurrently try
to modify the metadata. This also means we can now verify the deletion of the
repository is successful
This commit is contained in:
Brett Porter 2014-08-01 09:50:00 +10:00
parent 2b8f78afe2
commit 8b1e1ffa71
5 changed files with 184 additions and 465 deletions

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ import org.apache.archiva.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataWriter;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.scanner.RepositoryScanStatistics;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.scanner.RepositoryScanner;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.scanner.RepositoryScannerException;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.scanner.RepositoryScannerInstance;
@ -169,6 +170,13 @@ public class DefaultRepositoriesService
public Boolean alreadyScanning( String repositoryId )
for ( RepositoryScannerInstance scan : repoScanner.getInProgressScans() )
if ( scan.getRepository().getId().equals( repositoryId ) )
return true;
return repositoryTaskScheduler.isProcessingRepositoryTask( repositoryId );

View File

@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ package;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider;
import org.apache.archiva.admin.model.beans.ManagedRepository;
import org.apache.archiva.common.utils.FileUtil;
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
@ -417,14 +420,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractArchivaRestTest
protected void createAndIndexRepo( String testRepoId, String repoPath, boolean scan )
throws Exception
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, repoPath, scan, false );
protected void createAndIndexRepo( String testRepoId, String repoPath, boolean scan, boolean stageNeeded )
throws Exception
protected void createAndIndexRepo( String testRepoId, String repoPath, boolean stageNeeded )
throws ArchivaRestServiceException, IOException, RedbackServiceException
if ( getManagedRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).getManagedRepository( testRepoId ) != null )
@ -464,23 +461,30 @@ public abstract class AbstractArchivaRestTest
getRoleManagementService( authorizationHeader ).assignTemplatedRole(
ArchivaRoleConstants.TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY_OBSERVER, testRepoId, "guest" );
if ( scan )
getRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).scanRepositoryNow( testRepoId, true );
protected void scanRepo( String testRepoId )
throws ArchivaRestServiceException
getRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).scanRepositoryNow( testRepoId, true );
protected void createAndIndexRepo( String testRepoId, String repoPath )
throws Exception
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, repoPath, true, false );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, repoPath, false );
scanRepo( testRepoId );
protected void createStagedNeededRepo( String testRepoId, String repoPath, boolean scan )
throws Exception
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, repoPath, scan, true );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, repoPath, true );
if ( scan )
scanRepo( testRepoId );
RepositoriesService repositoriesService = getRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader );
repositoriesService.scanRepositoryDirectoriesNow( testRepoId );
if ( scan )
@ -494,16 +498,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractArchivaRestTest
protected void deleteTestRepo( String id )
throws Exception
if ( getManagedRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).getManagedRepository( id ) != null )
if ( getManagedRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).getManagedRepository( id ) != null )
getManagedRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).deleteManagedRepository( id, false );
catch ( Exception e )
log.warn( "skip error deleting repo {}", id, e );
getManagedRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).deleteManagedRepository( id, false );
@ -511,4 +508,13 @@ public abstract class AbstractArchivaRestTest
return System.getProperty( "basedir" );
protected void waitForScanToComplete( String repoId )
throws ArchivaRestServiceException, InterruptedException
while ( getRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ).alreadyScanning( repoId ) ) {
// Would be better to cancel, if we had that capacity
Thread.sleep( 100 );

View File

@ -20,23 +20,27 @@ package;
import org.apache.archiva.maven2.model.Artifact;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.ProjectVersionMetadata;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
@ -46,6 +50,7 @@ import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class BrowseServiceTest
extends AbstractArchivaRestTest
private static final String TEST_REPO_ID = "test-repo";
Map<String, String> toMap( List<Entry> entries )
@ -64,31 +69,20 @@ public class BrowseServiceTest
public void metadatagetthenadd()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath() );
scanRepo( TEST_REPO_ID );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, false );
Map<String, String> metadatas =
toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", testRepoId ) );
toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", TEST_REPO_ID ) );
assertThat( metadatas ).isNotNull().isEmpty();
browseService.addMetadata( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", "wine", "bordeaux", testRepoId );
browseService.addMetadata( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", "wine", "bordeaux", TEST_REPO_ID );
metadatas = toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", testRepoId ) );
metadatas = toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", TEST_REPO_ID ) );
assertThat( metadatas ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().contains( MapEntry.entry( "wine", "bordeaux" ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
@ -96,89 +90,52 @@ public class BrowseServiceTest
public void metadatagetthenaddthendelete()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath() );
scanRepo( TEST_REPO_ID );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, false );
Map<String, String> metadatas =
toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", testRepoId ) );
toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", TEST_REPO_ID ) );
assertThat( metadatas ).isNotNull().isEmpty();
browseService.addMetadata( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", "wine", "bordeaux", testRepoId );
browseService.addMetadata( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", "wine", "bordeaux", TEST_REPO_ID );
metadatas = toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", testRepoId ) );
metadatas = toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", TEST_REPO_ID ) );
assertThat( metadatas ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().contains( MapEntry.entry( "wine", "bordeaux" ) );
browseService.deleteMetadata( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", "wine", testRepoId );
browseService.deleteMetadata( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", "wine", TEST_REPO_ID );
metadatas = toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", testRepoId ) );
metadatas = toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", TEST_REPO_ID ) );
assertThat( metadatas ).isNotNull().isEmpty();
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void browserootGroups()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, false );
BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.getRootGroups( testRepoId );
BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.getRootGroups( TEST_REPO_ID );
assertThat( browseResult ).isNotNull();
assertThat( browseResult.getBrowseResultEntries() ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 3 ).contains(
new BrowseResultEntry( "commons-cli", false ), new BrowseResultEntry( "commons-logging", false ),
new BrowseResultEntry( "org.apache", false ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void browsegroupId()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, false );
BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.browseGroupId( "org.apache", testRepoId );
BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.browseGroupId( "org.apache", TEST_REPO_ID );
assertThat( browseResult ).isNotNull();
assertThat( browseResult.getBrowseResultEntries() ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 ).contains(
new BrowseResultEntry( "org.apache.felix", false ),
new BrowseResultEntry( "org.apache.karaf.features", false ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
@ -186,183 +143,96 @@ public class BrowseServiceTest
public void browsegroupIdWithReleaseStartNumber()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, false );
BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.browseGroupId( "commons-logging.commons-logging", testRepoId );
BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.browseGroupId( "commons-logging.commons-logging", TEST_REPO_ID ); "browseResult: {}", browseResult );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void versionsList()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, false );
VersionsList versions =
browseService.getVersionsList( "org.apache.karaf.features", "org.apache.karaf.features.core", testRepoId );
browseService.getVersionsList( "org.apache.karaf.features", "org.apache.karaf.features.core", TEST_REPO_ID );
assertThat( versions ).isNotNull();
assertThat( versions.getVersions() ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 ).contains( "2.2.1", "2.2.2" );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void getProjectVersionMetadata()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
ProjectVersionMetadata metadata =
browseService.getProjectVersionMetadata( "org.apache.karaf.features", "org.apache.karaf.features.core",
testRepoId );
ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = browseService.getProjectVersionMetadata( "org.apache.karaf.features",
assertThat( metadata ).isNotNull();
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void readArtifactContentEntries()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
List<ArtifactContentEntry> artifactContentEntries =
browseService.getArtifactContentEntries( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", null, null, null,
testRepoId );
TEST_REPO_ID ); "artifactContentEntries: {}", artifactContentEntries );
assertThat( artifactContentEntries ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 ).contains(
new ArtifactContentEntry( "org", false, 0, testRepoId ),
new ArtifactContentEntry( "META-INF", false, 0, testRepoId ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
assertThat( artifactContentEntries ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 ).contains( new ArtifactContentEntry(
"org", false, 0, TEST_REPO_ID ), new ArtifactContentEntry( "META-INF", false, 0, TEST_REPO_ID ) );
public void readArtifactContentEntriesRootPath()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
List<ArtifactContentEntry> artifactContentEntries =
browseService.getArtifactContentEntries( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", null, null, "org/",
testRepoId );
TEST_REPO_ID ); "artifactContentEntries: {}", artifactContentEntries );
assertThat( artifactContentEntries ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 1 ).contains(
new ArtifactContentEntry( "org/apache", false, 1, testRepoId ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
new ArtifactContentEntry( "org/apache", false, 1, TEST_REPO_ID ) );
public void readArtifactContentEntriesFilesAndDirectories()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
List<ArtifactContentEntry> artifactContentEntries =
browseService.getArtifactContentEntries( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", null, null,
"org/apache/commons/logging/", testRepoId );
"org/apache/commons/logging/", TEST_REPO_ID ); "artifactContentEntries: {}", artifactContentEntries );
assertThat( artifactContentEntries ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 10 ).contains(
new ArtifactContentEntry( "org/apache/commons/logging/impl", false, 4, testRepoId ),
new ArtifactContentEntry( "org/apache/commons/logging/LogSource.class", true, 4, testRepoId ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
new ArtifactContentEntry( "org/apache/commons/logging/impl", false, 4, TEST_REPO_ID ),
new ArtifactContentEntry( "org/apache/commons/logging/LogSource.class", true, 4, TEST_REPO_ID ) );
public void getArtifactDownloadInfos()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(),
false );
List<Artifact> artifactDownloadInfos =
browseService.getArtifactDownloadInfos( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", TEST_REPO_ID );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
List<Artifact> artifactDownloadInfos =
browseService.getArtifactDownloadInfos( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", testRepoId ); "artifactDownloadInfos {}", artifactDownloadInfos );
assertThat( artifactDownloadInfos ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 3 );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw e;
} "artifactDownloadInfos {}", artifactDownloadInfos );
assertThat( artifactDownloadInfos ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 3 );
@ -370,35 +240,18 @@ public class BrowseServiceTest
public void readArtifactContentText()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
WebClient.client( browseService ).accept( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN );
String text =
browseService.getArtifactContentText( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", "sources", null,
testRepoId ).getContent();
String text =
browseService.getArtifactContentText( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", "sources", null,
TEST_REPO_ID ).getContent();
log.debug( "text: {}", text );
log.debug( "text: {}", text );
assertThat( text ).contains( "package org.apache.commons.logging;" ).contains( "public class LogSource {" );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw e;
assertThat( text ).contains( "package org.apache.commons.logging;" ).contains( "public class LogSource {" );
@ -406,36 +259,19 @@ public class BrowseServiceTest
public void readArtifactContentTextPom()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
WebClient.client( browseService ).accept( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN );
String text =
browseService.getArtifactContentText( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", null, "pom", null,
testRepoId ).getContent();
String text =
browseService.getArtifactContentText( "commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.1", null, "pom", null,
TEST_REPO_ID ).getContent(); "text: {}", text ); "text: {}", text );
assertThat( text ).contains(
"<url>${pom.artifactId.substring(8)}/</url>" ).contains(
"<subscribe></subscribe>" );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw e;
assertThat( text ).contains(
"<url>${pom.artifactId.substring(8)}/</url>" ).contains(
"<subscribe></subscribe>" );
@ -443,47 +279,22 @@ public class BrowseServiceTest
public void artifactsNumber()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(), false );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, true );
//WebClient.client( browseService ).accept( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN );
int number = browseService.getArtifacts( testRepoId ).size();
int number = browseService.getArtifacts( TEST_REPO_ID ).size(); "getArtifactsNumber: {}", number ); "getArtifactsNumber: {}", number );
assertTrue( number > 1 );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw e;
assertTrue( number > 1 );
public void metadatainbatchmode()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath() );
scanRepo( TEST_REPO_ID );
BrowseService browseService = getBrowseService( authorizationHeader, false );
@ -497,15 +308,35 @@ public class BrowseServiceTest
metadataAddRequest.setArtifactId( "commons-cli" );
metadataAddRequest.setVersion( "1.0" );
metadataAddRequest.setMetadatas( inputMetadata );
browseService.importMetadata( metadataAddRequest, testRepoId );
browseService.importMetadata( metadataAddRequest, TEST_REPO_ID );
Map<String, String> metadatas =
toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", testRepoId ) );
toMap( browseService.getMetadatas( "commons-cli", "commons-cli", "1.0", TEST_REPO_ID ) );
assertThat( metadatas ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().contains( MapEntry.entry( "buildNumber", "1" ) ).contains(
MapEntry.entry( "author", "alecharp" ) ).contains( MapEntry.entry( "jenkins_version", "1.486" ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void initialiseTestRepo()
throws RedbackServiceException, ArchivaRestServiceException, IOException, InterruptedException
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( TEST_REPO_ID, new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ).getAbsolutePath(),
false );
waitForScanToComplete( TEST_REPO_ID );
public void deleteTestRepo()
throws Exception
deleteTestRepo( TEST_REPO_ID );

View File

@ -36,98 +36,66 @@ public class MergeRepositoriesServiceTest
extends AbstractArchivaRestTest
private static final String TEST_REPOSITORY = "test-repository";
private File repo = new File( System.getProperty( "builddir" ), "test-repository" );
private File repoStage = new File( System.getProperty( "builddir" ), "test-repository-stage" );
public void startServer()
throws Exception
FileUtils.copyDirectory( new File( System.getProperty( "basedir" ), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ), repo );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( new File( System.getProperty( "basedir" ), "src/test/repo-with-osgi-stage" ),
repoStage );
public void stopServer()
throws Exception
// TODO delete repositories
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( repo );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( repoStage );
public void getMergeConflictedArtifacts()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repository";
MergeRepositoriesService service = getMergeRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader );
createStagedNeededRepo( testRepoId, repo.getAbsolutePath(), true );
List<Artifact> artifactMetadatas = service.getMergeConflictedArtifacts( TEST_REPOSITORY + "-stage",
MergeRepositoriesService service = getMergeRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader ); "conflicts: {}", artifactMetadatas );
List<Artifact> artifactMetadatas = service.getMergeConflictedArtifacts( testRepoId + "-stage", testRepoId ); "conflicts: {}", artifactMetadatas );
assertThat( artifactMetadatas ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 8 );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw e;
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
assertThat( artifactMetadatas ).isNotNull().isNotEmpty().hasSize( 8 );
public void merge()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repository";
createStagedNeededRepo( testRepoId, repo.getAbsolutePath(), true );
String mergedArtifactPath =
String mergedArtifactPomPath =
String mergedArtifactPath =
String mergedArtifactPomPath =
assertTrue( new File( repoStage, mergedArtifactPath ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( repoStage, mergedArtifactPomPath ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( repoStage, mergedArtifactPath ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( repoStage, mergedArtifactPomPath ).exists() );
MergeRepositoriesService service = getMergeRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader );
MergeRepositoriesService service = getMergeRepositoriesService( authorizationHeader );
service.mergeRepositories( TEST_REPOSITORY + "-stage", TEST_REPOSITORY, true );
service.mergeRepositories( testRepoId + "-stage", testRepoId, true );
assertTrue( new File( repo, mergedArtifactPath ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( repo, mergedArtifactPomPath ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( repo, mergedArtifactPath ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( repo, mergedArtifactPomPath ).exists() );
public void deleteStageRepo()
throws Exception
waitForScanToComplete( TEST_REPOSITORY );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw e;
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
deleteTestRepo( TEST_REPOSITORY );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( repo );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( repoStage );
public void createStageRepo()
throws Exception
FileUtils.copyDirectory( new File( System.getProperty( "basedir" ), "src/test/repo-with-osgi" ), repo );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( new File( System.getProperty( "basedir" ), "src/test/repo-with-osgi-stage" ),
repoStage );
createStagedNeededRepo( TEST_REPOSITORY, repo.getAbsolutePath(), true );

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import org.apache.archiva.maven2.model.Artifact;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -37,22 +39,12 @@ import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class SearchServiceTest
extends AbstractArchivaRestTest
private static final String TEST_REPO = "test-repo";
public void quickSearchOnArtifactId()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
// START SNIPPET: quick-search
@ -65,8 +57,6 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
assertTrue( " not 6 results for commons-logging search but " + artifacts.size() + ":" + artifacts,
artifacts.size() == 6 ); "artifacts for commons-logging size {} search {}", artifacts.size(), artifacts );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
@ -78,16 +68,6 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
public void quickSearchOnArtifactIdGuest()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( null );
// START SNIPPET: quick-search
@ -100,24 +80,12 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
assertTrue( " not 6 results for commons-logging search but " + artifacts.size() + ":" + artifacts,
artifacts.size() == 6 ); "artifacts for commons-logging size {} search {}", artifacts.size(), artifacts );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void searchArtifactVersions()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
// START SNIPPET: searchservice-artifact-versions
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
@ -138,24 +106,12 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void searchWithSearchRequestGroupIdAndArtifactIdAndClassifier()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
// START SNIPPET: searchservice-with-classifier
@ -171,24 +127,12 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
assertTrue( " not 2 results for commons-logging search but " + artifacts.size() + ":" + artifacts,
artifacts.size() == 2 ); "artifacts for commons-logging size {} search {}", artifacts.size(), artifacts );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void searchWithSearchRequestBundleSymbolicNameOneVersion()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
// START SNIPPET: searchservice-with-osgi
@ -203,25 +147,15 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
" not 1 results for Bundle Symbolic Name org.apache.karaf.features.command but " + artifacts.size() + ":"
+ artifacts, artifacts.size() == 1
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void searchWithSearchRequestBundleSymbolicNameTwoVersion()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
UiConfiguration uiConfiguration = new UiConfiguration();
uiConfiguration.setApplicationUrl( null );
getArchivaAdministrationService().setUiConfiguration( uiConfiguration );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
@ -243,29 +177,17 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void searchWithSearchRequestExportPackageOneVersion()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, getBasedir() + "/src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
searchRequest.setBundleExportPackage( "org.apache.karaf.features.command.completers" );
searchRequest.setRepositories( Arrays.asList( testRepoId ) );
searchRequest.setRepositories( Arrays.asList( TEST_REPO ) );
List<Artifact> artifacts = searchService.searchArtifacts( searchRequest );
@ -274,7 +196,6 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
+ artifacts.size() + ":" + artifacts, artifacts.size() == 1 ); "artifact url {}", artifacts.get( 0 ).getUrl() );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
@ -284,16 +205,6 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
public void searchWithSearchUnknwownRepoId()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
@ -303,10 +214,8 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
List<Artifact> artifacts = searchService.searchArtifacts( searchRequest );
assertNotNull( artifacts );
assertTrue( " not 0 results for Bundle ExportPackage org.apache.karaf.features.command.completers but "
+ artifacts.size() + ":" + artifacts, artifacts.size() == 0 );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
assertTrue( " not 0 results for Bundle ExportPackage org.apache.karaf.features.command.completers but " +
artifacts.size() + ":" + artifacts, artifacts.size() == 0 );
@ -316,16 +225,6 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
public void searchWithSearchNoRepos()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
@ -338,31 +237,19 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
+ artifacts.size() + ":" + artifacts, artifacts.size() == 1 ); "artifact url {}", artifacts.get( 0 ).getUrl() );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void getAllGroupIds()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
Collection<String> groupIds = searchService.getAllGroupIds( Arrays.asList( testRepoId ) ).getGroupIds();
Collection<String> groupIds = searchService.getAllGroupIds( Arrays.asList( TEST_REPO ) ).getGroupIds(); "groupIds {}", groupIds );
assertFalse( groupIds.isEmpty() );
assertTrue( groupIds.contains( "commons-cli" ) );
assertTrue( groupIds.contains( "org.apache.felix" ) );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
@ -372,25 +259,44 @@ public class SearchServiceTest
public void getSearchArtifactsWithOnlyClassifier()
throws Exception
String testRepoId = "test-repo";
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( testRepoId, "src/test/repo-with-classifier-only" );
createAndIndexRepo( TEST_REPO, "src/test/repo-with-classifier-only" );
SearchService searchService = getSearchService( authorizationHeader );
SearchRequest searchRequest =
new SearchRequest( "", "studio-all-update-site", null, null, null, Arrays.asList( "test-repo" ) );
new SearchRequest( "", "studio-all-update-site", null, null, null, Arrays.asList( TEST_REPO ) );
List<Artifact> artifacts = searchService.searchArtifacts( searchRequest ); "artifacts: {}", artifacts );
assertEquals( 1, artifacts.size() );
deleteTestRepo( testRepoId );
public void createRepo()
throws Exception
// force guest user creation if not exists
if ( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).getGuestUser() == null )
assertNotNull( getUserService( authorizationHeader ).createGuestUser() );
createAndIndexRepo( TEST_REPO, "src/test/repo-with-osgi" );
waitForScanToComplete( TEST_REPO );
public void deleteRepo()
throws Exception
deleteTestRepo( TEST_REPO );