mirror of https://github.com/apache/archiva.git
unloaded ArtifactUtils.buildArtifact() not to handle m1 paths and created buildArtifactFromLegacyPath to do it instead.
Added unit tests for the legacy path git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/repository-manager/trunk@385513 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Copyright 2005-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
@ -191,35 +193,235 @@ public class ArtifactUtils
else if ( pathParts.size() == 3 )
return artifact;
public static Artifact buildArtifactFromLegacyPath( String path, ArtifactFactory artifactFactory )
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer( path, "/\\" );
Artifact result = null;
int numberOfTokens = tokens.countTokens();
if ( numberOfTokens == 3 )
//maven 1.x path
String groupId = tokens.nextToken();
String filename = (String) pathParts.remove( 0 );
String type = tokens.nextToken();
int idx = filename.lastIndexOf( '-' );
if ( idx > 0 )
if ( type.endsWith( "s" ) )
String extension = filename.substring( filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
type = type.substring( 0, type.length() - 1 );
String version = filename.substring( idx + 1, filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) );
// contains artifactId, version, classifier, and extension.
String avceGlob = tokens.nextToken();
String artifactId = filename.substring( 0, idx );
LinkedList avceTokenList = new LinkedList();
String types = (String) pathParts.remove( 0 );
// remove the "s" in types
String type = types.substring( 0, types.length() -1 );
if ( type.equals( extension ) )
StringTokenizer avceTokenizer = new StringTokenizer( avceGlob, "-" );
while ( avceTokenizer.hasMoreTokens() )
String groupId = (String) pathParts.remove( 0 );
avceTokenList.addLast( avceTokenizer.nextToken() );
artifact = artifactFactory.createArtifact( groupId, artifactId, version, Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, type );
String lastAvceToken = (String) avceTokenList.removeLast();
boolean valid = true;
// TODO: share with other discoverer, use artifact handlers instead
if ( lastAvceToken.endsWith( ".tar.gz" ) )
type = "distribution-tgz";
lastAvceToken = lastAvceToken.substring( 0, lastAvceToken.length() - ".tar.gz".length() );
avceTokenList.addLast( lastAvceToken );
else if ( lastAvceToken.endsWith( "sources.jar" ) )
type = "java-source";
lastAvceToken = lastAvceToken.substring( 0, lastAvceToken.length() - ".jar".length() );
avceTokenList.addLast( lastAvceToken );
else if ( lastAvceToken.endsWith( ".zip" ) )
type = "distribution-zip";
lastAvceToken = lastAvceToken.substring( 0, lastAvceToken.length() - ".zip".length() );
avceTokenList.addLast( lastAvceToken );
int extPos = lastAvceToken.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( extPos > 0 )
String ext = lastAvceToken.substring( extPos + 1 );
if ( type.equals( ext ) )
lastAvceToken = lastAvceToken.substring( 0, extPos );
avceTokenList.addLast( lastAvceToken );
//type does not match extension
valid = false;
// no extension
valid = false;
if ( valid )
// let's discover the version, and whatever's leftover will be either
// a classifier, or part of the artifactId, depending on position.
// Since version is at the end, we have to move in from the back.
Collections.reverse( avceTokenList );
// TODO: this is obscene - surely a better way?
String validVersionParts = "([Dd][Ee][Vv][_.0-9]*)|" + "([Ss][Nn][Aa][Pp][Ss][Hh][Oo][Tt])|" +
"([0-9][_.0-9a-zA-Z]*)|" + "([Gg]?[_.0-9ab]*([Pp][Rr][Ee]|[Rr][Cc]|[Gg]|[Mm])[_.0-9]*)|" +
"([Aa][Ll][Pp][Hh][Aa][_.0-9]*)|" + "([Bb][Ee][Tt][Aa][_.0-9]*)|" + "([Rr][Cc][_.0-9]*)|" +
"([Tt][Ee][Ss][Tt][_.0-9]*)|" + "([Dd][Ee][Bb][Uu][Gg][_.0-9]*)|" +
"([Uu][Nn][Oo][Ff][Ff][Ii][Cc][Ii][Aa][Ll][_.0-9]*)|" + "([Cc][Uu][Rr][Rr][Ee][Nn][Tt])|" +
"([Ll][Aa][Tt][Ee][Ss][Tt])|" + "([Ff][Cc][Ss])|" + "([Rr][Ee][Ll][Ee][Aa][Ss][Ee][_.0-9]*)|" +
"([Nn][Ii][Gg][Hh][Tt][Ll][Yy])|" + "([AaBb][_.0-9]*)";
StringBuffer classifierBuffer = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer versionBuffer = new StringBuffer();
boolean firstVersionTokenEncountered = false;
boolean firstToken = true;
int tokensIterated = 0;
for ( Iterator it = avceTokenList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
String token = (String) it.next();
boolean tokenIsVersionPart = token.matches( validVersionParts );
StringBuffer bufferToUpdate;
// NOTE: logic in code is reversed, since we're peeling off the back
// Any token after the last versionPart will be in the classifier.
// Any token UP TO first non-versionPart is part of the version.
if ( !tokenIsVersionPart )
if ( firstVersionTokenEncountered )
//noinspection BreakStatement
bufferToUpdate = classifierBuffer;
firstVersionTokenEncountered = true;
bufferToUpdate = versionBuffer;
if ( firstToken )
firstToken = false;
bufferToUpdate.insert( 0, '-' );
bufferToUpdate.insert( 0, token );
// Now, restore the proper ordering so we can build the artifactId.
Collections.reverse( avceTokenList );
// if we didn't find a version, then punt. Use the last token
// as the version, and set the classifier empty.
if ( versionBuffer.length() < 1 )
if ( avceTokenList.size() > 1 )
int lastIdx = avceTokenList.size() - 1;
versionBuffer.append( avceTokenList.get( lastIdx ) );
avceTokenList.remove( lastIdx );
classifierBuffer.setLength( 0 );
// if everything is kosher, then pop off all the classifier and
// version tokens, leaving the naked artifact id in the list.
avceTokenList =
new LinkedList( avceTokenList.subList( 0, avceTokenList.size() - tokensIterated ) );
StringBuffer artifactIdBuffer = new StringBuffer();
firstToken = true;
for ( Iterator it = avceTokenList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
String token = (String) it.next();
if ( firstToken )
firstToken = false;
artifactIdBuffer.append( '-' );
artifactIdBuffer.append( token );
String artifactId = artifactIdBuffer.toString();
if ( artifactId.length() > 0 )
int lastVersionCharIdx = versionBuffer.length() - 1;
if ( lastVersionCharIdx > -1 && versionBuffer.charAt( lastVersionCharIdx ) == '-' )
versionBuffer.setLength( lastVersionCharIdx );
String version = versionBuffer.toString();
if ( version.length() >= 1 )
if ( classifierBuffer.length() > 0 )
result = artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier( groupId, artifactId, version, type,
classifierBuffer.toString() );
result = artifactFactory.createArtifact( groupId, artifactId, version,
Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, type );
return artifact;
return result;
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package org.apache.maven.repository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusTestCase;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
* @author Edwin Punzalan
public class ArtifactUtilsLegacyTest
extends PlexusTestCase
private ArtifactFactory factory;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
factory = (ArtifactFactory) container.lookup( ArtifactFactory.ROLE );
protected void tearDown()
throws Exception
container.release( factory );
public void testWrongArtifactPackaging()
throws ComponentLookupException
String testPath = "org.apache.maven.test/jars/artifactId-1.0.jar.md5";
Artifact artifact = getArtifactFromPath( testPath );
assertNull( "Artifact should be null for wrong package extension", artifact );
public void testNoArtifactid()
String testPath = "groupId/jars/-1.0.jar";
Artifact artifact = getArtifactFromPath( testPath );
assertNull( "Artifact should be null when artifactId is missing", artifact );
testPath = "groupId/jars/1.0.jar";
artifact = getArtifactFromPath( testPath );
assertNull( "Artifact should be null when artifactId is missing", artifact );
public void testNoType()
throws ComponentLookupException
String testPath = "invalid/invalid/1/invalid-1";
Artifact artifact = getArtifactFromPath( testPath );
assertNull( "Artifact should be null for no type", artifact );
public void testSnapshot()
throws ComponentLookupException
String testPath = "org.apache.maven.test/jars/maven-model-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar";
Artifact artifact = getArtifactFromPath( testPath );
assertNotNull( "Artifact path with invalid snapshot error", artifact );
assertEquals( createArtifact( "org.apache.maven.test", "maven-model", "1.0-SNAPSHOT" ), artifact );
public void testNormal()
throws ComponentLookupException
String testPath = "javax.sql/jars/jdbc-2.0.jar";
Artifact artifact = getArtifactFromPath( testPath );
assertNotNull( "Normal artifact path error", artifact );
assertEquals( createArtifact( "javax.sql", "jdbc", "2.0" ), artifact );
private Artifact getArtifactFromPath( String path )
return ArtifactUtils.buildArtifactFromLegacyPath( path, factory );
private Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, String version )
return factory.createArtifact( groupId, artifactId, version, null, "jar" );
private Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String type )
return factory.createArtifact( groupId, artifactId, version, null, type );
private Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String type, String classifier )
return factory.createArtifactWithClassifier( groupId, artifactId, version, type, classifier );
Reference in New Issue