merging ctd

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
skygo 2013-06-01 14:47:38 +00:00
commit dbb520ba6b
8 changed files with 125 additions and 203 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -2,13 +2,8 @@ target
build build
*.iml *.iml
.idea .idea
archiva-modules/archiva-web/archiva-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ .java-version
*.ipr *.ipr
*.iws *.iws

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId>
<artifactId>archiva</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva</artifactId>
<version>1.4-M4-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>1.4-M5-SNAPSHOT</version>
</parent> </parent>
<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
<artifactId>archiva-cli</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva-cli</artifactId>

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId>
<artifactId>archiva</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva</artifactId>
<version>1.4-M4-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>1.4-M5-SNAPSHOT</version>
</parent> </parent>
<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
<artifactId>archiva-docs</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva-docs</artifactId>
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>org.apache.maven.doxia</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.maven.doxia</groupId>
<artifactId>doxia-core</artifactId> <artifactId>doxia-core</artifactId>
<version>1.4-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>1.4</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
</dependencies> </dependencies>
</plugin> </plugin>

View File

@ -39,3 +39,10 @@ Log Files
For example, a successful login of a user or a user account is created. For example, a successful login of a user or a user account is created.
[] []
Note since 1.4-M4, the log4j2 asyncLogger feature is configured per default.
This mean per default AsyncLogger.WaitStrategy option is configured to Sleep.
If you are on a constrained environment, you can change it to Block (-DAsyncLogger.WaitStrategy=Block)
(See {{{}log4j2 documentation}} )

View File

@ -64,226 +64,135 @@ Release Notes for Archiva ${project.version}
Released: <<???>> Released: <<???>>
** Improvement
* [MRM-526] - cache-failure policy timeout should be easily configurable
* [MRM-862] - Paginate Dependencies Page
* [MRM-863] - Paginate Used By page
* [MRM-1550] - scanner failed with trying to scan maven indexes
* [MRM-1689] - Ability to delete a specific version of an an artifact from the artifact screen
* [MRM-1693] - exposing index downloaded from remote repositories
* [MRM-1699] - Re implement remember me in new UI
* [MRM-1711] - Add buttons for managing repository group as can be a pain with long list of repositories
* [MRM-1712] - Add buttons for managing proxy connectors rules as can be a pain with long list of repositories
* [MRM-1717] - open loginbox when url need authz
* [MRM-1721] - Chaining user manager implementations
* [MRM-1722] - Use cookie settings from redback for rememberme feature
* [MRM-1723] - Provide tooltips for action icons
* [MRM-1726] - merge "Artifacts" and "Artifacts Content"
* [MRM-1727] - SCM Viewer info should provide a link
* [MRM-1731] - Using cache to search users (and must be configurable dynamically) on per default
* [MRM-1734] - add some filtering for searching in users table
* [MRM-1751] - repogroup merged index ttl configurable per repository group
* [MRM-1752] - Graph visualization for dependencies
* [MRM-1760] - Multiple, incompatible, log name formats
** New Feature ** New Feature
* [MRM-648] - Add description field to the different types of repositories * [MRM-1707] - Allow different implementation of transfer mechanism in the DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors class
* [MRM-875] - Allow uploading multiple artifacts * [MRM-1714] - using LDAP can be configurable with the ui
* [MRM-918] - Switch for disabling user registration * [MRM-1718] - ldap configuration editable with the ui.
* [MRM-1668] - download artifacts when coming from search results * [MRM-1732] - dynamic configuration of users cache
** Sub-task
* [MRM-1569] - rewrite login page
* [MRM-1570] - rewrite user management page
* [MRM-1571] - rewrite role management page
* [MRM-1572] - rewrite search page
* [MRM-1573] - rewrite browse page
* [MRM-1574] - rewrite managed/remote repositories admin page
* [MRM-1575] - rewrite repositories group page
* [MRM-1576] - rewrite proxies connector page
* [MRM-1577] - rewrite legacy path admin page
* [MRM-1578] - rewrite network proxies admin page
* [MRM-1579] - rewrite repositories scanning admin page
* [MRM-1580] - rewrite system status page
* [MRM-1581] - rewrite network configuration page
* [MRM-1583] - rewrite reports page
* [MRM-1585] - rewrite appareance page
* [MRM-1586] - rewrite upload artifact page
* [MRM-1587] - rewrite delete artifact page
* [MRM-1589] - review ajax call to have sure we have error callback implemented
* [MRM-1598] - use bootstrap css 2.1.x
* [MRM-1614] - html js transversal review
* [MRM-1615] - Artifact detail view
* [MRM-1617] - reset password link
* [MRM-1620] - add a tab to browse artifact content in artifact detail view
* [MRM-1621] - add download box in artifact detail for new ui
* [MRM-1639] - History navigation
* [MRM-1656] - Failed tests: testAddUser(org.apache.archiva.redback.users.cached.CachedUserManagerTest)
** Bug ** Bug
* [MRM-640] - breadcrumbs need to incude current doc so you can navigate back to home page * [MRM-1334] - problem reports appear due to relative path for Archiva repository
* [MRM-1536] - Error 500 when naughtily exploring webapp directory hierarchy * [MRM-1683] - Automatic generation of REST Api documentation
* [MRM-1563] - Project-level metadata not deleted after artifact removal * [MRM-1684] - feeds link behaviour seems not coherent
* [MRM-1565] - Error 500 when uploading an artifact in web interface * [MRM-1687] - artifact browser isn't sorting all items correctly.
* [MRM-1567] - Artifact data incomplete * [MRM-1692] - Archiva should allow PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in applicationContext.xml
* [MRM-1568] - Artifact metadata is incomplete, opposite case to MRM-1567 * [MRM-1695] - Users from LDAP does not appear in User List
* [MRM-1590] - Wrong URL returned by SearchService.getArtifactVersions * [MRM-1697] - Confusing behavior when session is lost
* [MRM-1599] - NTLM proxy no longer works * [MRM-1698] - proxy connector update are not saved
* [MRM-1607] - maven model build failed when model have jdk profile activation * [MRM-1700] - Authentication for remote repositories doesn't work
* [MRM-1609] - MetadataToolsTest fail in testGatherSnapshotVersionsA * [MRM-1701] - metadatas are not removed when a snapshot is purged
* [MRM-1611] - Uploading fail on window server. * [MRM-1703] - Cannot delete project with the ui
* [MRM-1612] - configuration changes spawn an unreasonable number of checks on repository permission templates * [MRM-1705] - Feature to add custom parameters and/or headers when requesting an external repositories
* [MRM-1619] - The modal box when creating a repository with a directory which already exists does not disappear when click ok * [MRM-1706] - upgrade bootstrap to 2.2.0
* [MRM-1623] - Archiva Consumers :: Consumers Archetype cannot run integration test * [MRM-1708] - When using LDAP, users can still edit their details upon login
* [MRM-1625] - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from parsing maven-metadata.xml * [MRM-1709] - Default redback admin does not work anymore when using LDAP in the new UI
* [MRM-1629] - Add a configuration field for the application url * [MRM-1710] - errors are not displayed in modal box when reseting password
* [MRM-1632] - Invalid Cron in a job leads jetty to not work anymore * [MRM-1713] - users list when using ldap doesn't work
* [MRM-1635] - Archiva not working on 64 bit Linux - must remove linux-x86-32 wrapper files * [MRM-1720] - hard coded limitation of 30 for pageSize in SearchResultLimits
* [MRM-1637] - End of java 1.5 support * [MRM-1724] - Cannot manually delete artifacts via web GUI
* [MRM-1640] - With the new Fest Assert version, some imports/methods call have to be changed * [MRM-1725] - truncated line numbers in File Content
* [MRM-1642] - SNAPSHOT build failed * [MRM-1729] - add MetadataRepository#hasMetadataFacet to prevent slow startup time
* [MRM-1644] - Archiva should set cache control headers instead of adding for maven-metadata.xml * [MRM-1730] - upgrade to spring framework 3.2.0
* [MRM-1645] - mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog (archetype-catalog.xml) failing with Not a valid artifact path * [MRM-1736] - map roles to ldap groups
* [MRM-1647] - Cannot upload artifact from Web UI * [MRM-1737] - Improve welcome page
* [MRM-1649] - Delete artifact in the console doesn't really delete the artifact * [MRM-1739] - Document installing Archiva as a Mac OS X service with launchd
* [MRM-1653] - Bad mod on file in the bundle * [MRM-1740] - implements LDAP user/roles creation
* [MRM-1654] - Bad repository SVN in documentation * [MRM-1744] - updating managed repository fail to correctly update maven index directory
* [MRM-1659] - Cannot connect to PostgreSQL * [MRM-1747] - Fail to start on ibm jdk (was8)
* [MRM-1660] - use log4j 2.x * [MRM-1748] - fail to upload supplied POM file
* [MRM-1664] - Validation error message not visible to user when adding Remote Repository * [MRM-1753] - Number of artifacts type is not displayed in the statistics view
* [MRM-1665] - Adding a Snapshot Managed Repository results in Releases being checked too. * [MRM-1754] - DownloadMergedIndexNonDefaultPathTest test fail
* [MRM-1667] - The role management is not shown on role edit tab * [MRM-1755] - [Patch] Activating the dependency tree tab on snapshot artifact fails with NotSuchMethodException
* [MRM-1672] - Upload Artifact section doesn't clear uploaded artifacts * [MRM-1757] - Unable to download uploaded artifact from repository
* [MRM-1674] - While creating admin account, entering invalid password yields no error message
* [MRM-1675] - When resetting admin account's password, using invalid new password yields no error message
* [MRM-1676] - use tomcat-jdbc for connection pooling in embeded distrib.
* [MRM-1681] - addProxy Connectors Rules screen
* [MRM-1682] - archiva server has no option to configure the registration mail
** Improvement
* [MRM-130] - improve search results page
* [MRM-491] - paginate report pages
* [MRM-722] - Scan Repository Now should display a confirmation message
* [MRM-854] - Changing ProxyConnector sorting is painful with many remote repsitories.
* [MRM-947] - Add some screenshots in "Runtime Configuration" pages
* [MRM-1030] - Change the web context for jetty deliverable to / (ROOT context)
* [MRM-1142] - Improve delete artifact from webapp
* [MRM-1263] - creating an m2eclipse compatible index should be an optional component
* [MRM-1543] - artifact display doesn't show eventual classifiers
* [MRM-1564] - spring 3.1.0 upgrade
* [MRM-1606] - Upgrade to wagon 2.2
* [MRM-1610] - Use Jackson as jaxrs provider for cxf for performance reasons
* [MRM-1624] - Apache project branding requirements: DOAP file [PATCH]
* [MRM-1626] - Use MavenXpp3Reader as a static variable
* [MRM-1655] - In interface Scheduler the method schedulJob takes an implementation, not a interface
* [MRM-1661] - There is no image in the carousel for a couple of seconds
* [MRM-1662] - Add a link to all screenshots page in the caption of the carousel
* [MRM-1663] - Missing links on the carousel to force the image to display
* [MRM-1677] - upgrade jetty 8
* [MRM-1680] - Delete artifact by groupId/artifactId/versionId in context when authenticated w/ Admin privileges...
** Task ** Task
* [MRM-709] - Use commons-io instead of Plexus Utils * [MRM-1627] - Add documentation for Setup archiva with ldap
* [MRM-710] - Use commons-lang instead of Plexus Utils * [MRM-1686] - stop support of struts2 webapp
* [MRM-1515] - see how to reduce dependencies number
* [MRM-1566] - remove xml rpc services
* [MRM-1594] - Upgrade to commons-codec 1.6
* [MRM-1595] - Upgrade to Guava 11.0.1
* [MRM-1596] - Upgrade to commons-collections 3.2.1
* [MRM-1597] - Upgrade to commons-io 2.1
* [MRM-1604] - Upgrade to maven-bundle-plugin 2.3.7
* [MRM-1608] - Upgrade to commons-pool 1.6
* [MRM-1638] - Improve unit test for archiva build
** Wish ** Wish
* [MRM-1628] - Silently ignore request to delete artifacts that does not exist on disk anymore
* [MRM-1745] - path of merged index for group configurable
Previous Releases Previous Releases

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Virtual Repositories
merging repositories index for which the current user has karma. merging repositories index for which the current user has karma.
This merged index is available in the path .indexer . This merged index is available in the path .indexer .
To not generate this merged index on each request, there is a ttl value for build merged index. To not generate this merged index on each request, there is a ttl (time to live) value for build merged index. It can be configured
This ttl has a default value of 30 minutes. You can change it with modifying the sys props value <<<>>> (see your <<<wrapper.conf>>> file) in the repository group configuration. This ttl has a default value of 30 minutes.

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId>
<artifactId>archiva</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva</artifactId>
<version>1.4-M4-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>1.4-M5-SNAPSHOT</version>
</parent> </parent>
<artifactId>archiva-jetty</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva-jetty</artifactId>
<packaging>pom</packaging> <packaging>pom</packaging>
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
--> -->
<systemProperty>jetty.logs=%ARCHIVA_BASE%/logs</systemProperty> <systemProperty>jetty.logs=%ARCHIVA_BASE%/logs</systemProperty>
<systemProperty></systemProperty> <systemProperty></systemProperty>
<systemProperty></systemProperty> <systemProperty>AsyncLogger.WaitStrategy=Sleep</systemProperty>
</systemProperties> </systemProperties>
<extraArguments> <extraArguments>
<extraArgument>-XX:MaxPermSize=128m</extraArgument> <extraArgument>-XX:MaxPermSize=128m</extraArgument>

View File

@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.archiva</groupId>
<artifactId>archiva-parent</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva-parent</artifactId>
<version>10-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>10</version>
<relativePath /> <relativePath />
</parent> </parent>
<artifactId>archiva</artifactId> <artifactId>archiva</artifactId>
<version>1.4-M4-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>1.4-M5-SNAPSHOT</version>
<packaging>pom</packaging> <packaging>pom</packaging>
<name>Apache Archiva</name> <name>Apache Archiva</name>
@ -67,23 +67,23 @@
<maven-model-converter.version>2.1</maven-model-converter.version> <maven-model-converter.version>2.1</maven-model-converter.version>
<maven.indexer.version>5.1.1</maven.indexer.version> <maven.indexer.version>5.1.1</maven.indexer.version>
<wagon.version>2.4</wagon.version> <wagon.version>2.4</wagon.version>
<redback.version>2.1-SNAPSHOT</redback.version> <redback.version>2.1</redback.version>
<redback.cache.version>2.1-SNAPSHOT</redback.cache.version> <redback.cache.version>2.1</redback.cache.version>
<redback.quartz.version>2.0</redback.quartz.version> <redback.quartz.version>2.0</redback.quartz.version>
<redback.registry.version>2.1-SNAPSHOT</redback.registry.version> <redback.registry.version>2.1</redback.registry.version>
<redback.spring-utils.version>2.0</redback.spring-utils.version> <redback.spring-utils.version>2.0</redback.spring-utils.version>
<redback.taskqueue.version>2.0</redback.taskqueue.version> <redback.taskqueue.version>2.0</redback.taskqueue.version>
<slf4j.version>1.7.5</slf4j.version> <slf4j.version>1.7.5</slf4j.version>
<log4j.version>2.0-beta6-SNAPSHOT</log4j.version> <log4j.version>2.0-beta6</log4j.version>
<spring.version>3.2.2.RELEASE</spring.version> <spring.version>3.2.3.RELEASE</spring.version>
<javax.jcr.version>2.0</javax.jcr.version> <javax.jcr.version>2.0</javax.jcr.version>
<>UTF-8</> <>UTF-8</>
<surefire.redirectTestOutputToFile>true</surefire.redirectTestOutputToFile> <surefire.redirectTestOutputToFile>true</surefire.redirectTestOutputToFile>
<lucene.version>3.6.2</lucene.version> <lucene.version>3.6.2</lucene.version>
<jackrabbit.version>2.6.0</jackrabbit.version> <jackrabbit.version>2.6.1</jackrabbit.version>
<cxfVersion>2.6.6</cxfVersion> <cxfVersion>2.6.6</cxfVersion>
<derbyVersion></derbyVersion> <derbyVersion></derbyVersion>
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>org.apache.archiva.redback.components</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.archiva.redback.components</groupId>
<artifactId>spring-jdo2</artifactId> <artifactId>spring-jdo2</artifactId>
<version>2.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>2.1</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
<dependency> <dependency>
@ -498,6 +498,11 @@
<artifactId>jackson-core-asl</artifactId> <artifactId>jackson-core-asl</artifactId>
<version>${jacksonVersion}</version> <version>${jacksonVersion}</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId>
<artifactId>cxf-bundle-jaxrs</artifactId> <artifactId>cxf-bundle-jaxrs</artifactId>
@ -1126,6 +1131,11 @@
<artifactId>commons-logging-api</artifactId> <artifactId>commons-logging-api</artifactId>
<version>1.1</version> <version>1.1</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>javax.servlet</groupId> <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId>
<artifactId>servlet-api</artifactId> <artifactId>servlet-api</artifactId>
@ -1187,12 +1197,6 @@
<version>${log4j.version}</version> <version>${log4j.version}</version>
<scope>runtime</scope> <scope>runtime</scope>
</dependency> </dependency>
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId>
<artifactId>log4j-slf4j-impl</artifactId> <artifactId>log4j-slf4j-impl</artifactId>
@ -1211,6 +1215,12 @@
<version>${log4j.version}</version> <version>${log4j.version}</version>
<scope>runtime</scope> <scope>runtime</scope>
</dependency> </dependency>
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>taglibs</groupId> <groupId>taglibs</groupId>
@ -1719,7 +1729,7 @@
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>org.apache.archiva.redback.components.modello</groupId> <groupId>org.apache.archiva.redback.components.modello</groupId>
<artifactId>modello-plugin-redback-registry</artifactId> <artifactId>modello-plugin-redback-registry</artifactId>
<version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <version>1.0</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
</dependencies> </dependencies>
</plugin> </plugin>
@ -1794,6 +1804,7 @@
<exclude>.repository/**</exclude> <exclude>.repository/**</exclude>
<exclude>*.patch</exclude> <exclude>*.patch</exclude>
<exclude>**/target/**</exclude> <exclude>**/target/**</exclude>
</excludes> </excludes>
</configuration> </configuration>
</plugin> </plugin>