merging ctd

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
skygo 2013-06-01 14:47:38 +00:00
commit dbb520ba6b
8 changed files with 125 additions and 203 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,13 +2,8 @@ target

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@ -39,3 +39,10 @@ Log Files
For example, a successful login of a user or a user account is created.
Note since 1.4-M4, the log4j2 asyncLogger feature is configured per default.
This mean per default AsyncLogger.WaitStrategy option is configured to Sleep.
If you are on a constrained environment, you can change it to Block (-DAsyncLogger.WaitStrategy=Block)
(See {{{}log4j2 documentation}} )

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@ -64,226 +64,135 @@ Release Notes for Archiva ${project.version}
Released: <<???>>
** Improvement
* [MRM-526] - cache-failure policy timeout should be easily configurable
* [MRM-862] - Paginate Dependencies Page
* [MRM-863] - Paginate Used By page
* [MRM-1550] - scanner failed with trying to scan maven indexes
* [MRM-1689] - Ability to delete a specific version of an an artifact from the artifact screen
* [MRM-1693] - exposing index downloaded from remote repositories
* [MRM-1699] - Re implement remember me in new UI
* [MRM-1711] - Add buttons for managing repository group as can be a pain with long list of repositories
* [MRM-1712] - Add buttons for managing proxy connectors rules as can be a pain with long list of repositories
* [MRM-1717] - open loginbox when url need authz
* [MRM-1721] - Chaining user manager implementations
* [MRM-1722] - Use cookie settings from redback for rememberme feature
* [MRM-1723] - Provide tooltips for action icons
* [MRM-1726] - merge "Artifacts" and "Artifacts Content"
* [MRM-1727] - SCM Viewer info should provide a link
* [MRM-1731] - Using cache to search users (and must be configurable dynamically) on per default
* [MRM-1734] - add some filtering for searching in users table
* [MRM-1751] - repogroup merged index ttl configurable per repository group
* [MRM-1752] - Graph visualization for dependencies
* [MRM-1760] - Multiple, incompatible, log name formats
** New Feature
* [MRM-648] - Add description field to the different types of repositories
* [MRM-1707] - Allow different implementation of transfer mechanism in the DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors class
* [MRM-875] - Allow uploading multiple artifacts
* [MRM-1714] - using LDAP can be configurable with the ui
* [MRM-918] - Switch for disabling user registration
* [MRM-1718] - ldap configuration editable with the ui.
* [MRM-1668] - download artifacts when coming from search results
** Sub-task
* [MRM-1569] - rewrite login page
* [MRM-1570] - rewrite user management page
* [MRM-1571] - rewrite role management page
* [MRM-1572] - rewrite search page
* [MRM-1573] - rewrite browse page
* [MRM-1574] - rewrite managed/remote repositories admin page
* [MRM-1575] - rewrite repositories group page
* [MRM-1576] - rewrite proxies connector page
* [MRM-1577] - rewrite legacy path admin page
* [MRM-1578] - rewrite network proxies admin page
* [MRM-1579] - rewrite repositories scanning admin page
* [MRM-1580] - rewrite system status page
* [MRM-1581] - rewrite network configuration page
* [MRM-1583] - rewrite reports page
* [MRM-1585] - rewrite appareance page
* [MRM-1586] - rewrite upload artifact page
* [MRM-1587] - rewrite delete artifact page
* [MRM-1589] - review ajax call to have sure we have error callback implemented
* [MRM-1598] - use bootstrap css 2.1.x
* [MRM-1614] - html js transversal review
* [MRM-1615] - Artifact detail view
* [MRM-1617] - reset password link
* [MRM-1620] - add a tab to browse artifact content in artifact detail view
* [MRM-1621] - add download box in artifact detail for new ui
* [MRM-1639] - History navigation
* [MRM-1656] - Failed tests: testAddUser(org.apache.archiva.redback.users.cached.CachedUserManagerTest)
* [MRM-1732] - dynamic configuration of users cache
** Bug
* [MRM-640] - breadcrumbs need to incude current doc so you can navigate back to home page
* [MRM-1334] - problem reports appear due to relative path for Archiva repository
* [MRM-1536] - Error 500 when naughtily exploring webapp directory hierarchy
* [MRM-1683] - Automatic generation of REST Api documentation
* [MRM-1563] - Project-level metadata not deleted after artifact removal
* [MRM-1684] - feeds link behaviour seems not coherent
* [MRM-1565] - Error 500 when uploading an artifact in web interface
* [MRM-1687] - artifact browser isn't sorting all items correctly.
* [MRM-1567] - Artifact data incomplete
* [MRM-1692] - Archiva should allow PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in applicationContext.xml
* [MRM-1568] - Artifact metadata is incomplete, opposite case to MRM-1567
* [MRM-1695] - Users from LDAP does not appear in User List
* [MRM-1590] - Wrong URL returned by SearchService.getArtifactVersions
* [MRM-1697] - Confusing behavior when session is lost
* [MRM-1599] - NTLM proxy no longer works
* [MRM-1698] - proxy connector update are not saved
* [MRM-1607] - maven model build failed when model have jdk profile activation
* [MRM-1700] - Authentication for remote repositories doesn't work
* [MRM-1609] - MetadataToolsTest fail in testGatherSnapshotVersionsA
* [MRM-1701] - metadatas are not removed when a snapshot is purged
* [MRM-1611] - Uploading fail on window server.
* [MRM-1703] - Cannot delete project with the ui
* [MRM-1612] - configuration changes spawn an unreasonable number of checks on repository permission templates
* [MRM-1705] - Feature to add custom parameters and/or headers when requesting an external repositories
* [MRM-1619] - The modal box when creating a repository with a directory which already exists does not disappear when click ok
* [MRM-1706] - upgrade bootstrap to 2.2.0
* [MRM-1623] - Archiva Consumers :: Consumers Archetype cannot run integration test
* [MRM-1708] - When using LDAP, users can still edit their details upon login
* [MRM-1625] - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from parsing maven-metadata.xml
* [MRM-1709] - Default redback admin does not work anymore when using LDAP in the new UI
* [MRM-1629] - Add a configuration field for the application url
* [MRM-1710] - errors are not displayed in modal box when reseting password
* [MRM-1632] - Invalid Cron in a job leads jetty to not work anymore
* [MRM-1713] - users list when using ldap doesn't work
* [MRM-1635] - Archiva not working on 64 bit Linux - must remove linux-x86-32 wrapper files
* [MRM-1720] - hard coded limitation of 30 for pageSize in SearchResultLimits
* [MRM-1637] - End of java 1.5 support
* [MRM-1724] - Cannot manually delete artifacts via web GUI
* [MRM-1640] - With the new Fest Assert version, some imports/methods call have to be changed
* [MRM-1725] - truncated line numbers in File Content
* [MRM-1642] - SNAPSHOT build failed
* [MRM-1729] - add MetadataRepository#hasMetadataFacet to prevent slow startup time
* [MRM-1644] - Archiva should set cache control headers instead of adding for maven-metadata.xml
* [MRM-1730] - upgrade to spring framework 3.2.0
* [MRM-1645] - mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog (archetype-catalog.xml) failing with Not a valid artifact path
* [MRM-1736] - map roles to ldap groups
* [MRM-1647] - Cannot upload artifact from Web UI
* [MRM-1737] - Improve welcome page
* [MRM-1649] - Delete artifact in the console doesn't really delete the artifact
* [MRM-1739] - Document installing Archiva as a Mac OS X service with launchd
* [MRM-1653] - Bad mod on file in the bundle
* [MRM-1740] - implements LDAP user/roles creation
* [MRM-1654] - Bad repository SVN in documentation
* [MRM-1744] - updating managed repository fail to correctly update maven index directory
* [MRM-1659] - Cannot connect to PostgreSQL
* [MRM-1747] - Fail to start on ibm jdk (was8)
* [MRM-1660] - use log4j 2.x
* [MRM-1748] - fail to upload supplied POM file
* [MRM-1664] - Validation error message not visible to user when adding Remote Repository
* [MRM-1753] - Number of artifacts type is not displayed in the statistics view
* [MRM-1665] - Adding a Snapshot Managed Repository results in Releases being checked too.
* [MRM-1754] - DownloadMergedIndexNonDefaultPathTest test fail
* [MRM-1667] - The role management is not shown on role edit tab
* [MRM-1755] - [Patch] Activating the dependency tree tab on snapshot artifact fails with NotSuchMethodException
* [MRM-1672] - Upload Artifact section doesn't clear uploaded artifacts
* [MRM-1674] - While creating admin account, entering invalid password yields no error message
* [MRM-1675] - When resetting admin account's password, using invalid new password yields no error message
* [MRM-1676] - use tomcat-jdbc for connection pooling in embeded distrib.
* [MRM-1681] - addProxy Connectors Rules screen
* [MRM-1682] - archiva server has no option to configure the registration mail
** Improvement
* [MRM-130] - improve search results page
* [MRM-491] - paginate report pages
* [MRM-722] - Scan Repository Now should display a confirmation message
* [MRM-854] - Changing ProxyConnector sorting is painful with many remote repsitories.
* [MRM-947] - Add some screenshots in "Runtime Configuration" pages
* [MRM-1030] - Change the web context for jetty deliverable to / (ROOT context)
* [MRM-1142] - Improve delete artifact from webapp
* [MRM-1263] - creating an m2eclipse compatible index should be an optional component
* [MRM-1543] - artifact display doesn't show eventual classifiers
* [MRM-1564] - spring 3.1.0 upgrade
* [MRM-1606] - Upgrade to wagon 2.2
* [MRM-1610] - Use Jackson as jaxrs provider for cxf for performance reasons
* [MRM-1624] - Apache project branding requirements: DOAP file [PATCH]
* [MRM-1626] - Use MavenXpp3Reader as a static variable
* [MRM-1655] - In interface Scheduler the method schedulJob takes an implementation, not a interface
* [MRM-1661] - There is no image in the carousel for a couple of seconds
* [MRM-1662] - Add a link to all screenshots page in the caption of the carousel
* [MRM-1663] - Missing links on the carousel to force the image to display
* [MRM-1677] - upgrade jetty 8
* [MRM-1680] - Delete artifact by groupId/artifactId/versionId in context when authenticated w/ Admin privileges...
* [MRM-1757] - Unable to download uploaded artifact from repository
** Task
* [MRM-709] - Use commons-io instead of Plexus Utils
* [MRM-1627] - Add documentation for Setup archiva with ldap
* [MRM-710] - Use commons-lang instead of Plexus Utils
* [MRM-1515] - see how to reduce dependencies number
* [MRM-1566] - remove xml rpc services
* [MRM-1594] - Upgrade to commons-codec 1.6
* [MRM-1595] - Upgrade to Guava 11.0.1
* [MRM-1596] - Upgrade to commons-collections 3.2.1
* [MRM-1597] - Upgrade to commons-io 2.1
* [MRM-1604] - Upgrade to maven-bundle-plugin 2.3.7
* [MRM-1608] - Upgrade to commons-pool 1.6
* [MRM-1638] - Improve unit test for archiva build
* [MRM-1686] - stop support of struts2 webapp
** Wish
* [MRM-1628] - Silently ignore request to delete artifacts that does not exist on disk anymore
* [MRM-1745] - path of merged index for group configurable
Previous Releases

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Virtual Repositories
merging repositories index for which the current user has karma.
This merged index is available in the path .indexer .
To not generate this merged index on each request, there is a ttl value for build merged index.
This ttl has a default value of 30 minutes. You can change it with modifying the sys props value <<<>>> (see your <<<wrapper.conf>>> file)
To not generate this merged index on each request, there is a ttl (time to live) value for build merged index. It can be configured
in the repository group configuration. This ttl has a default value of 30 minutes.

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@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
<relativePath />
<name>Apache Archiva</name>
@ -67,23 +67,23 @@
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