diff --git a/STATUS.html b/STATUS.html
index b71826b7f..cc490e78c 100644
--- a/STATUS.html
+++ b/STATUS.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
The Jakarta Commons Collections Package
-$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.25 2003/05/07 09:51:41 scolebourne Exp $
+$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.26 2003/05/16 15:59:51 scolebourne Exp $
[Release Info]
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ have a variable number of elements up to a fixed bound.
in some well-defined order.
BufferUtils - Contains static utility methods for
CircularFifoBuffer - a Buffer implementation that is fixed in
+ size and overwrites its oldest entry when full.
CollectionUtils - a variety of helper methods
for working with collections.
ComparatorUtils - Contains static utility methods for
@@ -77,21 +79,18 @@ have a variable number of elements up to a fixed bound.
IteratorUtils - Contains static utility methods for
ListUtils - miscelaneous utilities to manipulate Lists.
LRUMap - a least recently used Map implementation.
MultiMap - This is simply a Map with slightly different semantics.
Instead of returning an Object, it returns a Collection.
So for example, you can put( key, new Integer(1) );
and then a Object get( key ); will return you a Collection
instead of an Integer. This is an interface implemented
by MultiHashMap.
NodeCachingLinkedList - a LinkedList implementation that has better
+ performance.
PriorityQueue - a PriorityQueue interface, with
- BinaryHeap and SynchronizedPriorityQueue
- implementations.
ProxyMap - This Map
wraps another Map
- implementation, using the wrapped instance for its default
- implementation. This class is used as a framework on which to
- build to extensions for its wrapped Map
object which
- would be unavailable or inconvenient via sub-classing (but usable
- via composition).
BinaryHeap as an implementation.
PriorityQueueUtils - miscelaneous utilities to manipulate PriorityQueues.
ReferenceMap - Hashtable-based Map implementation that
allows mappings to be removed by the garbage collector.
SequencedHashMap - A map of objects whose mapping entries are
@@ -102,9 +101,6 @@ have a variable number of elements up to a fixed bound.
StaticBucketMap - An efficient, thread-safe
implementation of java.util.Map that performs well in in a highly
thread-contentious environment.
StringStack - A stack for string objects.
SynchronizedPriorityQueue - A thread-safe version of
- the priority queue.
TreeBag - An implementation of Bag that is backed by a
TreeMap. Order will be maintained among the unique representative
@@ -130,6 +126,8 @@ have a variable number of elements up to a fixed bound.
to multi-column sorting in SQL, and this class
allows Java classes to emulate that kind of behaviour
when sorting a List.
FixedOrderComparator - A comparator that will compare in an order
+ specified at construction time.
NullComparator - A comparator that will compare nulls
to be either higher or lower than other objects.
ReverseComparator - Reverses the order of another