+Commons collections is a project to develop and maintain collection classes
+based on and inspired by the JDK collection framework.
+This project is JDK1.2 compatible, and does not use JDK1.5 generics.
+This release adds various new classes and fixes a number of bugs.
+All feedback should be directed to commons-user at jakarta.apache.org.
+This release is fully source and binary compatible with v3.2.
+(Checks performed using JDiff and Clirr, thanks).
+Please check the bug fixes to ensure you weren't relying on the behaviour of a bug.
+One bug was that the ExtendedProperties was hiding properties with empty
+property values. It is possible you could have been depending on that feature.
+There are is one new deprecation:
+- ExtendedProperties.include is deprecated in favour of a getInclude()/setInclude(String) pairing
+If this causes major headaches to anyone please contact dev at commons.apache.org.
+- Flat3Map - Fix setValue in MapIterator and EntrySetIterator to work correctly [COLLECTIONS-217]
+- ExtendedProperties - Include property name had confused static/instance semantics [COLLECTIONS-214]
+- CollectionUtils - Fix removeAll() method which was completely broken [COLLECTIONS-219]
+- MultiValueMap - Fix put() and putAll() to return correct results [COLLECTIONS-228]
+- SetUniqueList - addAll(int, Collection) fixed to properly insert at the specified index [COLLECTIONS-249]
+- UnboundedFifoBuffer - Serialization/Deserialization no longer creates an unmodifiable object [COLLECTIONS-220]
+- Composite classes - Now implement Serializable [COLLECTIONS-221]
+- MultiValueMap - Now implements Serializable [COLLECTIONS-240]
+- Transformed classes - now all have decorateTransform methods [COLLECTIONS-256]
+- Flat3Map - remove() now returns the correct value when size <= 3 [COLLECTIONS-261]
+- FastTreeMap - no longer loses the comparator [COLLECTIONS-264]
+- TreeBag - no longer accepts non-Comparable classes when naturally ordered [COLLECTIONS-265]
+- MultiKey - hashCode made transient to deal with RMI issues [COLLECTIONS-266]
+- ExtendedProperties - combine now imports properly [COLLECTIONS-271]
+- ExtendedProeprties - put() and putAll() now update the getKeys() map [COLLECTIONS-278]
+- CaseInsensitiveMap - Case insensitivity approach made locale independent [COLLECTIONS-294]
+- ExtendedProperties - convertProperties now filters out non-String values [COLLECTIONS-299]
+- SetUniqueList - set method no longer allows duplicates [COLLECTIONS-304]
+- SetUniqueList - subList().contains() now checks against its own values and not its parents [COLLECTIONS-307]
+- AbstractHashedMap - Map constructor now calls a private putAll rather than a potential method in a subclass [COLLECTIONS-317]
+- StaticBucketMap - putAll() uses more efficient entrySet() iterator [COLLECTIONS-320]
+- IteratorChain - Clarify constructor behaviour
+- Unmodiable collections - Improved documentation to indicate what happens when a modification attempt is made [COLLECTIONS-303]
+- MuliKey - Spelling [COLLECTIONS-216]
+- DefaultedMap - Clarify transformer behaviour [COLLECTIONS-215]
+- AbstractLinkMap - firstKey() and lastKey() documentation swapped [COLLECTIONS-262]
+- ListUtils - transformedList behaviour correctly explained [COLLECTIONS-288]
+- LRUMap - constructor javadoc no longer implies -1 maxSize means unlimited [COLLECTIONS-316]