* Added initial bloom filter code. Added changed lang3 dependency from
test to compile in pom.xml
* added tests + made recommended changes.
* Updated documentation
* refactored ProtoBloomFilter added tests.
* Cleand up code and added tests
* Added CountingBloomFilter
* Fixed CountingBloomFilter issues
Fixed checkstyle and bug report issues
* Initial bloom filter collections checkin
* Added unit tests
* fixed test cases
* Extract BloomFilter as an interface
* added missing license info
* fixed Jacoco errors
* fixed names for so build picks up tests
* cleaned up Jacoco report for BloomNestedCollection
* removed unused code
* cleaned up and reformatted
* added javadoc
fixed issue with BloomNestedCollection detecting duplicates in an edge
* fixed candidate testing bug
* Cleand up niggling report issues.
* fixed javadoc errors
* fixed javadoc for java 13 issue
* Second set of fixes.
* "package private for testing" for methods and properties.
* In "Builder":
** Field "hashes" made "final"
* removes some "Serializable" implementations.
* "StandardBloomFilter" made non non "final" fields final and changed
"final protected" to "final private".
* removed transient fields
* made Package name singular
* added javadocs for private and protected fields and methods.
* Occurrences of "bloom" replaced with "Bloom"
* removed checkstyle and findbugs exclusions
* Fixed method and class names
* Documentation updates
* Fixed checkstyle isses
Added BloomFilterConfiguration functions for estimation.
* added .checkstyle to eclipse ignore section.
* renamed test classes to match main class names
* Updated the documentation.
* Implemented requested changes. Part of COLLECTIONS-728
Changed remaining "get" comments to "gets" etc.
Added final where possible and reasonable.
renamed enum Change to CHANGE
fixed missing javadoc links and missed name changes.
fixed ProtoBloomFilter hashCode
renamed CollectionStatistics to BloomCollectionStatistics
renamed CollectionConfiguration to BloomCollectionConfiguration
renamed BloomCollectionStatistics.getTxnCount() to getTransactionCount()
* Added final set of constructors and tests for them.
Cleaned up issues from Gilles Sadowski review
* fixes for Gilles Sadowski issues in BloomCollectionStatistics
* Update javadoc
* renamed match() -> matches() and inverseMatch() -> inverseMatches()
This follows the pattern set with the Object.equals() method name.
* added isFull() method to check if a bloom filter is full.
* Changed gate from StandardBloomFilter to BloomFilter
* renamed BloomCollectionX -> BloomFilterGatedX
BloomCollectionConfiguration -> BloomFilterGatedConfiguraiton
BloomCollectionStatistics -> BloomFilterGatedStatistics
* Made the StandardBloomFilter(BitSet) constructor public
* removed extraneous build() methods from ProtoBloomFilter.Factory
* Added Use cases
* Initial cut
* changes for interface
* Changed to Hasher implementation
* Added missing files and removed Shape from some BloomFilter calls
* Added @since 4.5 tags
* fixed javadoc
* fixed PMD errors
* Added tests and fixed sign extension issues
* changed to Byte constant
* made BloomFilter.verify*() non final
* Added remove(Hasher) for completeness
* Replaced private implementation of MurmurHash3 with commons-codec
* fixed typo
* Removed Hasher.Factory added HashFunction interface
* removed Usage.md
* made commons-codec dependency optional
* Improved performance of Iterator.
* renamed instance variable "md" as messageDigest.
* updated javadoc
* renamed Iter to Iterator and removed unused imports
* removed unused imports
* Made instance variables final.
Also fixed MD5 constructor to throw IllegalStateException if MD5 algo
can not be found.
* removed unused imports
* Updated javadoc.
* Added HashFunctionIdentity to replace HashFunctionName
Added test cases, updated java doc.
Renamed function implementations to reflect actual function.
Added comparators for HashFunctionIdentity
* fixed naming issues
* Updated javadoc
* fixed checkstyle issue
* Removed link that was causing problems in java 11+ javadoc
* changed HashFunctionIdentity.getProcess() to getProcessType()
* changed HashFunctionIdentity.getProcess() to getProcessType()
* Added package documentation
* Added BloomFilter interface and removed unnecessary methods
* updated tests and fixed issues
* Moved set operations to separate class and updated tests
* fixed FindBugs, PMD and Checkstyle errors
* fixed javadocs
* Added SetOperations and tests
* Added javadocs indicating optional commons-codec required
* Added another cosine test
* Updated to commons-codec 1.14
* fixed typos
* moved Hasher to o.a.c.c.b.hasher package
* extracted Shape.java and moved to o.a.c.c.b.hasher package
* Added javadoc and removed unused imports in testing code
* Added isEmpty() method to Hasher
* COLLECTIONS-739: Fix inconsistent @throws in DefaultedMap.
* COLLECTIONS-739: Change IllegalArgumentException to NullPointerException in DefaultedMap.defaultedMap, and update Javadoc correspondingly.
* COLLECTIONS-739: Add tests for factory methods in DefaultedMap.
* COLLECTIONS-739: Change null checking to use Objects.requireNonNull.
* COLLECTIONS-740: Add missing @throws comment for SwitchTransformer.switchTransformer.
* COLLECTIONS-740: Fix inconsistency between Javadocs of TransformerUtils.switchTransformer and SwitchTransformer.switchTransformer.
* Add junit for getWithNull and subList in the LazyListTest.
* Add junit for add, addAll, remove, subList, isFull and maxSize in the FixedSizeListTest.
* Add junit for subList in the PredicatedListTest.
* Add junit for subList in the TransformedListTest.
* Remove the kinds of //---... lines.