../project.xml Collections commons-collections 3.0-rc1 Apache Software Foundation http://www.apache.org http://jakarta.apache.org/images/jakarta-logo.gif 2001 jakarta /images/logo.png Commons Collections Types that extend and augment the Java Collections Framework. Stephen Colebourne scolebourne Morgan Delagrange morgand Matthew Hawthorne matth Geir Magnusson geirm Craig McClanahan craigmcc Phil Steitz psteitz Arun M. Thomas amamment Rodney Waldhoff rwaldhoff Henri Yandell bayard Max Rydahl Andersen Federico Barbieri Arron Bates Nicola Ken Barozzi Ola Berg Christopher Berry Janek Bogucki Chuck Burdick Dave Bryson Julien Buret Jonathan Carlson Ram Chidambaram Peter Donald Steve Downey Rich Dougherty Stefano Fornari Andrew Freeman Gerhard Froehlich Paul Jack Eric Johnson Kent Johnson Marc Johnson Nissim Karpenstein Mohan Kishore Simon Kitching Peter KoBek David Leppik Berin Loritsch Stefano Mazzocchi Brian McCallister Leon Messerschmidt Mauricio S. Moura Kasper Nielsen Steve Phelps Ilkka Priha Herve Quiroz Daniel Rall Henning P. Schmiedehausen Howard Lewis Ship Joe Raysa Michael Smith Jan Sorensen Jon S. Stevens James Strachan Leo Sutic Neil O'Toole Jeff Turner Jeff Varszegi Ralph Wagner David Weinrich Dieter Wimberger Serhiy Yevtushenko Jason van Zyl junit 3.8.1 org/apache/commons/collections/TestAllPackages.java maven-changelog-plugin maven-changes-plugin maven-developer-activity-plugin maven-file-activity-plugin maven-javadoc-plugin maven-junit-report-plugin maven-jxr-plugin maven-license-plugin