org.apache.commons commons-parent 52 4.0.0 commons-collections4 4.5-SNAPSHOT Apache Commons Collections 2001 The Apache Commons Collections package contains types that extend and augment the Java Collections Framework. jira scm:git: scm:git: Matt Benson mbenson James Carman jcarman Stephen Colebourne scolebourne Robert Burrell Donkin rdonkin Morgan Delagrange morgand Gary Gregory ggregory Matthew Hawthorne matth Dipanjan Laha dlaha Geir Magnusson geirm Luc Maisonobe luc Craig McClanahan craigmcc Thomas Neidhart tn Adrian Nistor adriannistor Arun M. Thomas amamment Rodney Waldhoff rwaldhoff Henri Yandell bayard Rob Tompkins chtompki Rafael U. C. Afonso Max Rydahl Andersen Avalon Federico Barbieri Jeffrey Barnes Nicola Ken Barozzi Arron Bates Sebastian Bazley Benjamin Bentmann Ola Berg Sam Berlin Christopher Berry Nathan Beyer Rune Peter Bjørnstad Janek Bogucki Maarten Brak Dave Bryson Chuck Burdick Julien Buret Josh Cain Jonathan Carlson Ram Chidambaram Steve Clark Benoit Corne Eric Crampton Dimiter Dimitrov Peter Donald Steve Downey Rich Dougherty Tom Dunham Stefano Fornari Andrew Freeman Gerhard Froehlich Goran Hacek David Hay Mario Ivankovits Paul Jack Eric Johnson Kent Johnson Marc Johnson Roger Kapsi Nissim Karpenstein Shinobu Kawai Stephen Kestle Mohan Kishore Simon Kitching Thomas Knych Serge Knystautas Peter KoBek Jordan Krey Olaf Krische Guilhem Lavaux Paul Legato David Leppik Berin Loritsch Hendrik Maryns Stefano Mazzocchi Brian McCallister David Meikle Steven Melzer Leon Messerschmidt Mauricio S. Moura Kasper Nielsen Stanislaw Osinski Alban Peignier Mike Pettypiece Steve Phelps Ilkka Priha Jonas Van Poucke Will Pugh Herve Quiroz Daniel Rall Robert Ribnitz Huw Roberts Henning P. Schmiedehausen Joerg Schmuecker Howard Lewis Ship Joe Raysa Jeff Rodriguez Ashwin S Jordane Sarda Thomas Schapitz Jon Schewe Andreas Schlosser Christian Siefkes Michael Smith Stephen Smith Jan Sorensen Jon S. Stevens James Strachan Leo Sutic Radford Tam Chris Tilden Neil O'Toole Jeff Turner Kazuya Ujihara Thomas Vahrst Jeff Varszegi Ralph Wagner Hollis Waite David Weinrich Dieter Wimberger Serhiy Yevtushenko Sai Zhang Jason van Zyl Geoff Schoeman Goncalo Marques Vamsi Kavuri Claude Warren Chen Guoping org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-api ${commons.junit.version} test org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-engine ${commons.junit.version} test org.junit.vintage junit-vintage-engine ${commons.junit.version} test org.hamcrest hamcrest-core org.hamcrest hamcrest 2.2 test org.easymock easymock 4.2 test org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.11 test commons-io commons-io 2.8.0 test commons-codec commons-codec 1.15 true Apache Commons Site ${commons.deployment.protocol}://${commons.componentid} UTF-8 UTF-8 1.8 1.8 collections org.apache.commons.collections4 4.4 (Requires Java 8 or later) 4.2 (Requires Java 7 or later) commons-collections4-${commons.release.2.version} 4.1 (Requires Java 6 or later) commons-collections4-${commons.release.3.version} 3.2.2 (Requires Java 1.3 or later) commons-collections-${commons.release.4.version} sha256 -bin COLLECTIONS 12310465 RC1 3.1.1 8.39 collections site-content 2.8 0.8.6 5.7.0 4.4 true Gary Gregory 86fdc7e2a11262cb clean verify apache-rat:check checkstyle:check clirr:check javadoc:javadoc org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin **/* **/*$* **/ **/Abstract*.java **/ maven-assembly-plugin src/assembly/bin.xml src/assembly/src.xml gnu org.apache.rat apache-rat-plugin site-content/**/* src/test/resources/org/apache/commons/collections4/data/test/* maven-checkstyle-plugin ${checkstyle.version} checkstyle ${checkstyle.dep.version} ${basedir}/src/conf/checkstyle.xml ${basedir}/src/conf/license-header.txt ${basedir}/src/conf/checkstyle-suppressions.xml false true NOTICE.txt,LICENSE.txt,**/,**/,**/ org.apache.maven.plugins maven-scm-publish-plugin javadocs org.apache.maven.plugins maven-jar-plugin test-jar org.apache.commons.collections4 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-javadoc-plugin 8 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-changes-plugin ${commons.changes.version} %URL%/%ISSUE% false Fix Version,Key,Summary,Type,Resolution,Status Key DESC,Type,Fix Version DESC Fixed Resolved,Closed Bug,New Feature,Task,Improvement,Wish,Test ${commons.release.version} 500 changes-report jira-report maven-checkstyle-plugin ${checkstyle.version} ${basedir}/src/conf/checkstyle.xml false ${basedir}/src/conf/checkstyle-suppressions.xml checkstyle org.codehaus.mojo clirr-maven-plugin ${commons.clirr.version} ${minSeverity} org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin ${commons.findbugs.version} Normal Default ${basedir}/src/conf/findbugs-exclude-filter.xml maven-pmd-plugin 3.14.0 ${} pmd cpd setup-checkout site-content org.apache.maven.plugins maven-antrun-plugin 3.0.0 prepare-checkout pre-site run java9 9 3.0.1 true