The Collections package contains a set of Java classes that extend or augment the Java Collections Framework. This developers guide seeks to set out rules for the naming of classes and methods within the package. The purpose of this, as with all naming standards, is to improve the coherency and consistency of the whole API.
The philosophy of the naming standards is to follow those of java.util.Collections.
Collection interfaces are new types of collections not included in Java.
Examples include Bag
and SortedBag
. These interfaces
Collection implementation are new implementations of collection interfaces.
Examples include DoubleOrderedMap
and DefaultMapBag
These interfaces shall:
Utility classes provide additional functionality around an interface and its basic implementations. Examples include CollectionUtils and ListUtils.
Each class shall follow the naming pattern XxxUtils where Xxx relates to the
object being returned by the class, for example ListUtils
. Variations on a theme (SortedBag
as opposed
to Bag
) will be dealt with in one Utils class. Each Utils class
Where the method in a Utils class is a decorator, the naming pattern
yyyedXxx shall be used, such as synchronizedMap(Map)
. Typically, these decorators should be
implemented as non-public, static, inner classes; however, if warranted due to
maintenance or other reasons, these decorator classes may be moved to top-level
classes in a subpackage. The naming of such a subpackage should be discussed
and agreed upon on the developers mailing list.