This release focusses on bug fixes and minor enhancements.
No interface changes, or deprecations have occurred.
- SingletonMap - fully featured singleton Map implementation
- MultiKeyMap - A map that allows multiple keys to be used to map the value
- TransformedPredicate - A predicate where the input object is transformed [26946]
- ObjectGraphIterator - An iterator that can iterate over a graph of objects
- MapBackedSet - Set created by decorating a map
- AbstractReferenceMap - New base class for reference maps [26503]
- ReferenceMap - Changed to extend AbstractReferenceMap, thus gaining a mapIterator() and subclassability [26503]
- Fast3Map - Add clone() method
- MultiKey - Add getKey(index) and size() methods and make constructor public
- MultiHashMap - Add five methods to improve the API
- AbstractHashedMap,AbstractLinkedMap - Add methods to access entry methods when protected scope blocks
- Functors - Add get methods to retrieve internal state [27515]
- Functors - Add additional getInstance() methods for consistency [27856,27857]
- CollectionUtils - get(Object,int) method now supports primitive arrays
- CollectionUtils - cardinality() now works faster for Set and Bag instances [28629]
- CollectionUtils - Add size(Object) method to find the size of various collection-like objects [27909]
- SingletonIterator - make remove() functionality optional
- AbstractLinkedList/NodeCachingLinkedList - added getValue() and setValue() to Node, and made everything use them
- LRUMap - The addMapping() method now uses isFull() to determine whether it is full
Made Serializable
- Fast3Map [27946]
- FixedSizeMap/SortedMap [18815]
- LazyMap/SortedMap [18815]
- ListOrderedMap [18815]
- PredicatedMap/SortedMap [18815]
- TransformedMap/SortedMap [18815]
- TypedMap/SortedMap [18815]
- UnmodifiableMap/SortedMap/OrderedMap [18815]
- TiedMapEntry
- Map/BidiMap implementations only checked key and not value in entry set contains(Object) and remove(Object)
- AbstractHashedMap subclasses failed to clone() correctly [27159]
- ExtendedProperties - Close input stream in constructor [27737]
- Flat3Map - Handle infinite loops in toString
- LRUMap - The removeLRU() method was passed the wrong LinkEntry [28433]
- EnumIterator/MapUtils - Changed enum references to enable JDK 1.5 compliance
- TreeBidiMap - Add javadoc about requiring Comparable entries [26470]
- MultiKey - Add extra explanatations, examples and warnings
- MultiMap,MultiHashMap - Add extra documentation to clarify the interface and implementation
- XxxUtils - Clarify the internal workings of the predicated decorator classes [28115]
- BidiMap - Clarify 1 to 1 nature of the map
- LRUMap - Added extra javadoc about method implementations
- BoundedCollection/UnmodifiableBoundedCollection - reword to avoid misunderstandings
- Closure/Predicate/Transformer/Factory - Additional javadoc with links
- ClosureUtils/PredicateUtils/TransformerUtils/FactoryUtils - Additional links to implementations