2004-01-06 00:44:20 +00:00

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<title>Commons Collections - Users guide</title>
<author email="">Commons Documentation Team</author>
<section name="Introduction">
Commons-Collections provides a large number of classes to aid day to day programming.
This document highlights some key features to get you started.
<section name="Utils classes">
A Utility class is provided for each major collection interface.
Thus, the <code>Set</code> and <code>SortedSet</code> interfaces are provided for by <code>SetUtils</code>.
These classes provide useful methods for working with that collection type.
The most methods are found on the two 'root' collection utility classes -
<code>CollectionUtils</code> and <code>MapUtils</code>.
As all other collection interfaces extend <code>Collection</code> or <code>Map</code> these utilities can be used widely.
They include intersection, counting, iteration, functor and typecasting operations amongst others.
The utility classes also provide access to collection decorator classes in a way similar to the JDK <code>Collections</code> class.
<section name="Map iteration">
The JDK <code>Map</code> interface always suffered from being difficult to iterate over.
API users are forced to either iterate over an EntrySet or over the KeySet.
Commons-Collections now provides a new interface - <code>MapIterator</code> that allows simple iteration over maps.
IterableMap map = new HashedMap();
MapIterator it = map.mapIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object key =;
Object value = it.getValue();
<section name="Ordered maps">
A new interface is provided for maps that have an order but are not sorted - <code>OrderedMap</code>.
Two implementations are provided - <code>LinkedMap</code> and <code>ListOrderedMap</code> (a decorator).
This interface supports the map iterator, and also allows iteration both forwards and backwards through the map.
OrderedMap map = new LinkedMap();
map.put("FIVE", "5");
map.put("SIX", "6");
map.put("SEVEN", "7");
map.firstKey(); // returns "FIVE"
map.nextKey("FIVE"); // returns "SIX"
map.nextKey("SIX"); // returns "SEVEN"
<section name="Bidirectional maps">
A new interface hierarchy has been added to support bidirectional maps - <code>BidiMap</code>.
These represent maps where the the key can lookup the value and the value can lookup the key with equal ease.
BidiMap bidi = new TreeBidiMap();
bidi.put("SIX", "6");
bidi.get("SIX"); // returns "six"
bidi.getKey("6"); // returns "SIX"
bidi.removeValue("6"); // removes the mapping
BidiMap inverse = bidi.inverseBidiMap(); // returns a map with keys and values swapped
Additional interfaces are provided for ordered and sorted bidirectional maps.
Implementations are provided for each bidirectional map type.
<section name="Queues and buffers">
A new interface hierarchy has been added to support queues and buffers - <code>Buffer</code>.
These represent collections that have a well defined removal order.
Buffer buffer = new UnboundedFifoBuffer();
bidi.remove(); // removes and returns the next in order, "ONE" as this is a FIFO
bidi.remove(); // removes and returns the next in order, "TWO" as this is a FIFO
Implementations are provided for FIFO (queue), LIFO (stack) and Priority (removal in comparator order).
<section name="Bags">
A new interface hierarchy has been added to support bags - <code>Bag</code>.
These represent collections where a certain number of copies of each element is held.
Bag bag = new HashBag();
bag.add("ONE", 6); // add 6 copies of "ONE"
bag.remove("ONE", 2); // removes 2 copies of "ONE"
bag.getCount("ONE"); // returns 4, the number of copies in the bag (6 - 2)
Implementations are provided for both unsorted and sorted Bags.