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synced 2025-03-06 16:09:22 +00:00
Ensure UTF-8 file encoding
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ o LANG-1080: Add NoClassNameToStringStyle implementation of ToStringStyle.
Thanks to Innokenty Shuvalov.
o LANG-883: Add StringUtils.containsAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) method.
Thanks to Daniel Stewart.
o LANG-1052: Multiline recursive to string style. Thanks to Jan Matèrne.
o LANG-1052: Multiline recursive to string style. Thanks to Jan Matèrne.
o LANG-536: Add isSorted() to ArrayUtils. Thanks to James Sawle.
o LANG-1033: Add StringUtils.countMatches(CharSequence, char)
o LANG-1021: Provide methods to retrieve all fields/methods annotated with a
specific type. Thanks to Alexander Müller.
specific type. Thanks to Alexander Müller.
o LANG-1016: NumberUtils#isParsable method(s). Thanks to
Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez.
Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez.
o LANG-999: Add fuzzy String matching logic to StringUtils. Thanks to
Ben Ripkens.
o LANG-994: Add zero copy read method to StrBuilder. Thanks to
@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ o LANG-943: Test DurationFormatUtilsTest.testEdgeDuration fails in
o LANG-613: ConstructorUtils.getAccessibleConstructor() Does Not Check the
Accessibility of Enclosing Classes
o LANG-951: Fragments are wrong by 1 day when using fragment YEAR or MONTH.
Thanks to Sebastian Götz.
Thanks to Sebastian Götz.
o LANG-950: FastDateParser does not handle two digit year parsing like
o LANG-949: FastDateParserTest.testParses does not test FastDateParser
o LANG-915: Wrong locale handling in LocaleUtils.toLocale().
Thanks to Sergio Fernández.
Thanks to Sergio Fernández.
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ o LANG-462: FastDateFormat supports parse methods.
o LANG-932: Spelling fixes. Thanks to Ville Skyttä.
o LANG-932: Spelling fixes. Thanks to Ville Skyttä.
o LANG-929: OctalUnescaper tried to parse all of \279.
o LANG-928: OctalUnescaper had bugs when parsing octals starting with a zero.
o LANG-905: EqualsBuilder returned true when comparing arrays, even when the
@ -572,6 +572,7 @@
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ public static final String escapeHtml3(final String input) {
* escapes. Supports HTML 4.0 entities.</p>
* <p>For example, the string {@code "<Français>"}
* will become {@code "<Français>"}</p>
* will become {@code "<Français>"}</p>
* <p>If an entity is unrecognized, it is left alone, and inserted
* verbatim into the result string. e.g. {@code ">&zzzz;x"} will
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ public class EntityArrays {
{"\u00A6", "¦"}, // broken bar = broken vertical bar
{"\u00A7", "§"}, // section sign
{"\u00A8", "¨"}, // diaeresis = spacing diaeresis
{"\u00A9", "©"}, // © - copyright sign
{"\u00A9", "©"}, // © - copyright sign
{"\u00AA", "ª"}, // feminine ordinal indicator
{"\u00AB", "«"}, // left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet
{"\u00AC", "¬"}, // not sign
{"\u00AD", "­"}, // soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen
{"\u00AE", "®"}, // ® - registered trademark sign
{"\u00AE", "®"}, // ® - registered trademark sign
{"\u00AF", "¯"}, // macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar
{"\u00B0", "°"}, // degree sign
{"\u00B1", "±"}, // plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign
@ -64,70 +64,70 @@ public class EntityArrays {
{"\u00BD", "½"}, // vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half
{"\u00BE", "¾"}, // vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters
{"\u00BF", "¿"}, // inverted question mark = turned question mark
{"\u00C0", "À"}, // À - uppercase A, grave accent
{"\u00C1", "Á"}, // Á - uppercase A, acute accent
{"\u00C2", "Â"}, // Â - uppercase A, circumflex accent
{"\u00C3", "Ã"}, // Ã - uppercase A, tilde
{"\u00C4", "Ä"}, // Ä - uppercase A, umlaut
{"\u00C5", "Å"}, // Å - uppercase A, ring
{"\u00C6", "Æ"}, // Æ - uppercase AE
{"\u00C7", "Ç"}, // Ç - uppercase C, cedilla
{"\u00C8", "È"}, // È - uppercase E, grave accent
{"\u00C9", "É"}, // É - uppercase E, acute accent
{"\u00CA", "Ê"}, // Ê - uppercase E, circumflex accent
{"\u00CB", "Ë"}, // Ë - uppercase E, umlaut
{"\u00CC", "Ì"}, // Ì - uppercase I, grave accent
{"\u00CD", "Í"}, // Í - uppercase I, acute accent
{"\u00CE", "Î"}, // Î - uppercase I, circumflex accent
{"\u00CF", "Ï"}, // Ï - uppercase I, umlaut
{"\u00D0", "Ð"}, // Ð - uppercase Eth, Icelandic
{"\u00D1", "Ñ"}, // Ñ - uppercase N, tilde
{"\u00D2", "Ò"}, // Ò - uppercase O, grave accent
{"\u00D3", "Ó"}, // Ó - uppercase O, acute accent
{"\u00D4", "Ô"}, // Ô - uppercase O, circumflex accent
{"\u00D5", "Õ"}, // Õ - uppercase O, tilde
{"\u00D6", "Ö"}, // Ö - uppercase O, umlaut
{"\u00C0", "À"}, // À - uppercase A, grave accent
{"\u00C1", "Á"}, // Á - uppercase A, acute accent
{"\u00C2", "Â"}, // Â - uppercase A, circumflex accent
{"\u00C3", "Ã"}, // Ã - uppercase A, tilde
{"\u00C4", "Ä"}, // Ä - uppercase A, umlaut
{"\u00C5", "Å"}, // Å - uppercase A, ring
{"\u00C6", "Æ"}, // Æ - uppercase AE
{"\u00C7", "Ç"}, // Ç - uppercase C, cedilla
{"\u00C8", "È"}, // È - uppercase E, grave accent
{"\u00C9", "É"}, // É - uppercase E, acute accent
{"\u00CA", "Ê"}, // Ê - uppercase E, circumflex accent
{"\u00CB", "Ë"}, // Ë - uppercase E, umlaut
{"\u00CC", "Ì"}, // Ì - uppercase I, grave accent
{"\u00CD", "Í"}, // Í - uppercase I, acute accent
{"\u00CE", "Î"}, // Î - uppercase I, circumflex accent
{"\u00CF", "Ï"}, // Ï - uppercase I, umlaut
{"\u00D0", "Ð"}, // Ð - uppercase Eth, Icelandic
{"\u00D1", "Ñ"}, // Ñ - uppercase N, tilde
{"\u00D2", "Ò"}, // Ò - uppercase O, grave accent
{"\u00D3", "Ó"}, // Ó - uppercase O, acute accent
{"\u00D4", "Ô"}, // Ô - uppercase O, circumflex accent
{"\u00D5", "Õ"}, // Õ - uppercase O, tilde
{"\u00D6", "Ö"}, // Ö - uppercase O, umlaut
{"\u00D7", "×"}, // multiplication sign
{"\u00D8", "Ø"}, // Ø - uppercase O, slash
{"\u00D9", "Ù"}, // Ù - uppercase U, grave accent
{"\u00DA", "Ú"}, // Ú - uppercase U, acute accent
{"\u00DB", "Û"}, // Û - uppercase U, circumflex accent
{"\u00DC", "Ü"}, // Ü - uppercase U, umlaut
{"\u00DD", "Ý"}, // Ý - uppercase Y, acute accent
{"\u00DE", "Þ"}, // Þ - uppercase THORN, Icelandic
{"\u00DF", "ß"}, // ß - lowercase sharps, German
{"\u00E0", "à"}, // à - lowercase a, grave accent
{"\u00E1", "á"}, // á - lowercase a, acute accent
{"\u00E2", "â"}, // â - lowercase a, circumflex accent
{"\u00E3", "ã"}, // ã - lowercase a, tilde
{"\u00E4", "ä"}, // ä - lowercase a, umlaut
{"\u00E5", "å"}, // å - lowercase a, ring
{"\u00E6", "æ"}, // æ - lowercase ae
{"\u00E7", "ç"}, // ç - lowercase c, cedilla
{"\u00E8", "è"}, // è - lowercase e, grave accent
{"\u00E9", "é"}, // é - lowercase e, acute accent
{"\u00EA", "ê"}, // ê - lowercase e, circumflex accent
{"\u00EB", "ë"}, // ë - lowercase e, umlaut
{"\u00EC", "ì"}, // ì - lowercase i, grave accent
{"\u00ED", "í"}, // í - lowercase i, acute accent
{"\u00EE", "î"}, // î - lowercase i, circumflex accent
{"\u00EF", "ï"}, // ï - lowercase i, umlaut
{"\u00F0", "ð"}, // ð - lowercase eth, Icelandic
{"\u00F1", "ñ"}, // ñ - lowercase n, tilde
{"\u00F2", "ò"}, // ò - lowercase o, grave accent
{"\u00F3", "ó"}, // ó - lowercase o, acute accent
{"\u00F4", "ô"}, // ô - lowercase o, circumflex accent
{"\u00F5", "õ"}, // õ - lowercase o, tilde
{"\u00F6", "ö"}, // ö - lowercase o, umlaut
{"\u00D8", "Ø"}, // Ø - uppercase O, slash
{"\u00D9", "Ù"}, // Ù - uppercase U, grave accent
{"\u00DA", "Ú"}, // Ú - uppercase U, acute accent
{"\u00DB", "Û"}, // Û - uppercase U, circumflex accent
{"\u00DC", "Ü"}, // Ü - uppercase U, umlaut
{"\u00DD", "Ý"}, // Ý - uppercase Y, acute accent
{"\u00DE", "Þ"}, // Þ - uppercase THORN, Icelandic
{"\u00DF", "ß"}, // ß - lowercase sharps, German
{"\u00E0", "à"}, // à - lowercase a, grave accent
{"\u00E1", "á"}, // á - lowercase a, acute accent
{"\u00E2", "â"}, // â - lowercase a, circumflex accent
{"\u00E3", "ã"}, // ã - lowercase a, tilde
{"\u00E4", "ä"}, // ä - lowercase a, umlaut
{"\u00E5", "å"}, // å - lowercase a, ring
{"\u00E6", "æ"}, // æ - lowercase ae
{"\u00E7", "ç"}, // ç - lowercase c, cedilla
{"\u00E8", "è"}, // è - lowercase e, grave accent
{"\u00E9", "é"}, // é - lowercase e, acute accent
{"\u00EA", "ê"}, // ê - lowercase e, circumflex accent
{"\u00EB", "ë"}, // ë - lowercase e, umlaut
{"\u00EC", "ì"}, // ì - lowercase i, grave accent
{"\u00ED", "í"}, // í - lowercase i, acute accent
{"\u00EE", "î"}, // î - lowercase i, circumflex accent
{"\u00EF", "ï"}, // ï - lowercase i, umlaut
{"\u00F0", "ð"}, // ð - lowercase eth, Icelandic
{"\u00F1", "ñ"}, // ñ - lowercase n, tilde
{"\u00F2", "ò"}, // ò - lowercase o, grave accent
{"\u00F3", "ó"}, // ó - lowercase o, acute accent
{"\u00F4", "ô"}, // ô - lowercase o, circumflex accent
{"\u00F5", "õ"}, // õ - lowercase o, tilde
{"\u00F6", "ö"}, // ö - lowercase o, umlaut
{"\u00F7", "÷"}, // division sign
{"\u00F8", "ø"}, // ø - lowercase o, slash
{"\u00F9", "ù"}, // ù - lowercase u, grave accent
{"\u00FA", "ú"}, // ú - lowercase u, acute accent
{"\u00FB", "û"}, // û - lowercase u, circumflex accent
{"\u00FC", "ü"}, // ü - lowercase u, umlaut
{"\u00FD", "ý"}, // ý - lowercase y, acute accent
{"\u00FE", "þ"}, // þ - lowercase thorn, Icelandic
{"\u00FF", "ÿ"}, // ÿ - lowercase y, umlaut
{"\u00F8", "ø"}, // ø - lowercase o, slash
{"\u00F9", "ù"}, // ù - lowercase u, grave accent
{"\u00FA", "ú"}, // ú - lowercase u, acute accent
{"\u00FB", "û"}, // û - lowercase u, circumflex accent
{"\u00FC", "ü"}, // ü - lowercase u, umlaut
{"\u00FD", "ý"}, // ý - lowercase y, acute accent
{"\u00FE", "þ"}, // þ - lowercase thorn, Icelandic
{"\u00FF", "ÿ"}, // ÿ - lowercase y, umlaut
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
AddCharset utf-8 .txt .html
@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ o LANG-943: Test DurationFormatUtilsTest.testEdgeDuration fails in
o LANG-613: ConstructorUtils.getAccessibleConstructor() Does Not Check the
Accessibility of Enclosing Classes
o LANG-951: Fragments are wrong by 1 day when using fragment YEAR or MONTH.
Thanks to Sebastian Götz.
Thanks to Sebastian Götz.
o LANG-950: FastDateParser does not handle two digit year parsing like
o LANG-949: FastDateParserTest.testParses does not test FastDateParser
o LANG-915: Wrong locale handling in LocaleUtils.toLocale().
Thanks to Sergio Fernández.
Thanks to Sergio Fernández.
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ o LANG-462: FastDateFormat supports parse methods.
o LANG-932: Spelling fixes. Thanks to Ville Skyttä.
o LANG-932: Spelling fixes. Thanks to Ville Skyttä.
o LANG-929: OctalUnescaper tried to parse all of \279.
o LANG-928: OctalUnescaper had bugs when parsing octals starting with a zero.
o LANG-905: EqualsBuilder returned true when comparing arrays, even when the
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ o LANG-1080: Add NoClassNameToStringStyle implementation of ToStringStyle.
Thanks to Innokenty Shuvalov.
o LANG-883: Add StringUtils.containsAny(CharSequence, CharSequence...) method.
Thanks to Daniel Stewart.
o LANG-1052: Multiline recursive to string style. Thanks to Jan Matèrne.
o LANG-1052: Multiline recursive to string style. Thanks to Jan Matèrne.
o LANG-536: Add isSorted() to ArrayUtils. Thanks to James Sawle.
o LANG-1033: Add StringUtils.countMatches(CharSequence, char)
o LANG-1021: Provide methods to retrieve all fields/methods annotated with a
specific type. Thanks to Alexander Müller.
specific type. Thanks to Alexander Müller.
o LANG-1016: NumberUtils#isParsable method(s). Thanks to
Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez.
Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez.
o LANG-999: Add fuzzy String matching logic to StringUtils. Thanks to
Ben Ripkens.
o LANG-994: Add zero copy read method to StrBuilder. Thanks to
@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ o LANG-943: Test DurationFormatUtilsTest.testEdgeDuration fails in
o LANG-613: ConstructorUtils.getAccessibleConstructor() Does Not Check the
Accessibility of Enclosing Classes
o LANG-951: Fragments are wrong by 1 day when using fragment YEAR or MONTH.
Thanks to Sebastian Götz.
Thanks to Sebastian Götz.
o LANG-950: FastDateParser does not handle two digit year parsing like
o LANG-949: FastDateParserTest.testParses does not test FastDateParser
o LANG-915: Wrong locale handling in LocaleUtils.toLocale().
Thanks to Sergio Fernández.
Thanks to Sergio Fernández.
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ o LANG-462: FastDateFormat supports parse methods.
o LANG-932: Spelling fixes. Thanks to Ville Skyttä.
o LANG-932: Spelling fixes. Thanks to Ville Skyttä.
o LANG-929: OctalUnescaper tried to parse all of \279.
o LANG-928: OctalUnescaper had bugs when parsing octals starting with a zero.
o LANG-905: EqualsBuilder returned true when comparing arrays, even when the
Reference in New Issue
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