diff --git a/STATUS.html b/STATUS.html
index c991a6e7d..c82cac998 100644
--- a/STATUS.html
+++ b/STATUS.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
The Jakarta Commons Lang Component
-$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.17 2002/09/18 20:12:43 scolebourne Exp $
+$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.18 2002/09/19 07:02:30 bayard Exp $
[Release Info]
@@ -85,10 +85,9 @@ still under discussion, so please mail the list before actioning.
MathUtils - possible addition of mathmatics helper. Could go in NumberUtils
CalendarUtils - possible addition of a calendar utility class (from Serge Knystautas)
CloneUtils - utility class to enable cloning via various different mechanisms
StringUtils containsOnly method - proposed new method to check if a string contains only certain chars
StringUtils truncateNicely method - A substring with some extra power to choose where to cut off. It was in Avalon and was added separately to String Taglib from a code submission. This suggests it may have some comonality
StringUtils parseBoolean method - This method is in OSCore's TextUtils and seems very reusable. It could go in a BooleanUtils if such a need was seen
StringUtils uncapitaliseAllWords method - String Taglib has shown that this method is missing from StringUtils.
StringUtils truncateNicely method - A substring with some extra power to choose where to cut off. It was in Avalon and was added separately to String Taglib from a code submission. This suggests it may have some commonality. [CODED]
StringUtils parseBoolean method - This method is in OSCore's TextUtils and seems very reusable. It could go in a BooleanUtils if such a need was seen. [CODED]
StringUtils uncapitaliseAllWords method - String Taglib has shown that this method is missing from StringUtils. [CODED]
StringUtils unescape method - String Taglib has shown that this method is missing from StringUtils. It would take a String with "\n" in and convert it to the Java character. unescape and escape should be symmetric.
ArrayUtils - opinion seems to be that this belongs with [lang] and not [collections]
diff --git a/src/test/org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtilsTest.java b/src/test/org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtilsTest.java
index 28d6564d2..4a9250495 100644
--- a/src/test/org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtilsTest.java
+++ b/src/test/org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtilsTest.java
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ import junit.textui.TestRunner;
* @author Stephen Colebourne
* @author Ringo De Smet
* @author