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<title>Commons Lang - Tasks outstanding</title>
<author email="commons-dev@jakarta.apache.org">Commons Documentation Team</author>
<section name="Tasks outstanding">
The following tasks are on the TODO list:
<li>Write user guide</li>
<li>Improve maven script to generate previous version javadoc as per collections</li>
<li>DateRange/Duration class</li>
<li>DurationFormatUtils to be completed and made public</li>
<li>CloneUtils - utility class to enable cloning via various different mechanisms</li>
<li>CharUtils - Utilities to work on a char[] in the same way as a String</li>
<li>StringBuf - A StringBuffer implementation with additional methods from StringUtils</li>
<li>Money and Currency - Maybe separate project</li>
<li>Code examples - Document as many static methods as possible with example usage</li>
<li>Complete new Tokeniser class</li>
<li>Mutable Number classes - like Integer/Double but mutable</li>
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