Finalized fix for MATH-880.
This version should be much more robust on polygons computation than the earlier ones. Note that the hyperplaneThickness parameter is a key tuning parameter in difficult cases like the one involved in the issue. As shown in the corresponding unit test, the value had to be raised to 1.0e-8 in order for the test to pass correctly. JIRA: MATH-880 git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,6 +111,20 @@ public class PolygonsSet extends AbstractRegion<Euclidean2D, Euclidean1D> {
* constructor} using {@link SubHyperplane subhyperplanes}.</p>
* <p>If the list is empty, the region will represent the whole
* space.</p>
* <p>
* Polygons with thin pikes or dents are inherently difficult to handle because
* they involve lines with almost opposite directions at some vertices. Polygons
* whose vertices come from some physical measurement with noise are also
* difficult because an edge that should be straight may be broken in lots of
* different pieces with almost equal directions. In both cases, computing the
* lines intersections is not numerically robust due to the almost 0 or almost
* π angle. Such cases need to carefully adjust the {@code hyperplaneThickness}
* parameter. A too small value would often lead to completely wrong polygons
* with large area wrongly identified as inside or outside. Large values are
* often much safer. As a rule of thumb, a value slightly below the size of the
* most accurate detail needed is a good value for the {@code hyperplaneThickness}
* parameter.
* </p>
* @param hyperplaneThickness tolerance below which points are considered to
* belong to the hyperplane (which is therefore more a slab)
* @param vertices vertices of the simple loop boundary
@ -157,20 +171,50 @@ public class PolygonsSet extends AbstractRegion<Euclidean2D, Euclidean1D> {
private static BSPTree<Euclidean2D> verticesToTree(final double hyperplaneThickness,
final Vector2D ... vertices) {
if (vertices.length == 0) {
final int n = vertices.length;
if (n == 0) {
// the tree represents the whole space
return new BSPTree<Euclidean2D>(Boolean.TRUE);
// at start, none of the edges have been processed
final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> tree = new BSPTree<Euclidean2D>();
List<Vertex> list = new ArrayList<PolygonsSet.Vertex>(vertices.length);
for (final Vector2D vertex : vertices) {
list.add(new Vertex(vertex));
// build the vertices
final Vertex[] vArray = new Vertex[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
vArray[i] = new Vertex(vertices[i]);
// build the edges
List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// get the endpoints of the edge
final Vertex start = vArray[i];
final Vertex end = vArray[(i + 1) % n];
// get the line supporting the edge, taking care not to recreate it
// if it was already created earlier due to another edge being aligned
// with the current one
Line line = start.sharedLineWith(end);
if (line == null) {
line = new Line(start.getLocation(), end.getLocation());
// create the edge and store it
edges.add(new Edge(start, end, line));
// check if another vertex also happens to be on this line
for (final Vertex vertex : vArray) {
if (vertex != start && vertex != end &&
FastMath.abs(line.getOffset(vertex.getLocation())) <= hyperplaneThickness) {
// build the tree top-down
insertVertices(hyperplaneThickness, tree, list);
final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> tree = new BSPTree<Euclidean2D>();
insertEdges(hyperplaneThickness, tree, edges);
return tree;
@ -181,45 +225,32 @@ public class PolygonsSet extends AbstractRegion<Euclidean2D, Euclidean1D> {
* belong to the hyperplane (which is therefore more a slab)
* @param node current tree node (it is a leaf node at the beginning
* of the call)
* @param vertices list of vertices belonging to the boundary of the
* cell defined by the node
* @param edges list of edges to insert in the cell defined by this node
* (excluding edges not belonging to the cell defined by this node)
private static void insertVertices(final double hyperplaneThickness,
private static void insertEdges(final double hyperplaneThickness,
final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> node,
final List<Vertex> vertices) {
final List<Edge> edges) {
Vertex current = vertices.get(vertices.size() - 1);
// find an edge with an hyperplane that can be inserted in the node
int index = 0;
Line inserted = null;
while (inserted == null && index < vertices.size()) {
final Vertex previous = current;
current = vertices.get(index++);
if (previous.outgoingNeedsProcessing() && current.incomingNeedsProcessing()) {
if (previous.shareNodeWith(current)) {
// both vertices are already handled by an existing node,
// closer to the tree root, they were probably created
// when split points were introduced
inserted = null;
} else {
inserted = new Line(previous.getLocation(), current.getLocation());
if (node.insertCut(inserted)) {
Edge inserted =null;
while (inserted == null && index < edges.size()) {
inserted = edges.get(index++);
if (inserted.getNode() == null) {
if (node.insertCut(inserted.getLine())) {
} else {
inserted = null;
} else {
inserted = null;
if (node.getCut() == null) {
if (inserted == null) {
// no suitable edge was found, the node remains a leaf node
// we need to set its inside/outside boolean indicator
final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> parent = node.getParent();
if (parent == null || node == parent.getMinus()) {
@ -229,67 +260,58 @@ public class PolygonsSet extends AbstractRegion<Euclidean2D, Euclidean1D> {
// distribute the remaining vertices in the two sub-trees
Side currentSide = Side.HYPER;
final List<Vertex> plusList = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
int plusCount = 0;
final List<Vertex> minusList = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
int minusCount = 0;
while (index < vertices.size()) {
final Vertex previous = current;
final Side previousSide = currentSide;
current = vertices.get(index++);
final double currentOffset = inserted.getOffset(current.getLocation());
currentSide = (FastMath.abs(currentOffset) <= hyperplaneThickness) ?
Side.HYPER :
((currentOffset < 0) ? Side.MINUS : Side.PLUS);
switch (currentSide) {
// we have split the node by inserted an edge as a cut sub-hyperplane
// distribute the remaining edges in the two sub-trees
final List<Edge> plusList = new ArrayList<Edge>();
final List<Edge> minusList = new ArrayList<Edge>();
for (final Edge edge : edges) {
if (edge != inserted) {
final double startOffset = inserted.getLine().getOffset(edge.getStart().getLocation());
final double endOffset = inserted.getLine().getOffset(edge.getEnd().getLocation());
Side startSide = (FastMath.abs(startOffset) <= hyperplaneThickness) ?
Side.HYPER : ((startOffset < 0) ? Side.MINUS : Side.PLUS);
Side endSide = (FastMath.abs(endOffset) <= hyperplaneThickness) ?
Side.HYPER : ((endOffset < 0) ? Side.MINUS : Side.PLUS);
switch (startSide) {
case PLUS:
if (previousSide == Side.MINUS) {
if (endSide == Side.MINUS) {
// we need to insert a split point on the hyperplane
final Line line = new Line(previous.getLocation(), current.getLocation());
final Vertex splitPoint = new Vertex(inserted.intersection(line));
if (current.incomingNeedsProcessing() || current.outgoingNeedsProcessing()) {
final Vertex splitPoint = edge.split(inserted.getLine());
} else {
case MINUS:
if (previousSide == Side.PLUS) {
if (endSide == Side.PLUS) {
// we need to insert a split point on the hyperplane
final Line line = new Line(previous.getLocation(), current.getLocation());
final Vertex splitPoint = new Vertex(inserted.intersection(line));
if (current.incomingNeedsProcessing() || current.outgoingNeedsProcessing()) {
final Vertex splitPoint = edge.split(inserted.getLine());
} else {
if (endSide == Side.PLUS) {
} else if (endSide == Side.MINUS) {
// recurse through lower levels
if (plusCount > 0) {
insertVertices(hyperplaneThickness, node.getPlus(), plusList);
if (!plusList.isEmpty()) {
insertEdges(hyperplaneThickness, node.getPlus(), plusList);
} else {
if (minusCount > 0) {
insertVertices(hyperplaneThickness, node.getMinus(), minusList);
if (!minusList.isEmpty()) {
insertEdges(hyperplaneThickness, node.getMinus(), minusList);
} else {
@ -302,23 +324,23 @@ public class PolygonsSet extends AbstractRegion<Euclidean2D, Euclidean1D> {
/** Vertex location. */
private final Vector2D location;
/** Nodes associated with the hyperplane containing this vertex. */
private final List<BSPTree<Euclidean2D>> nodes;
/** Incoming edge. */
private Edge incoming;
/** Indicator for incoming edges that still need processing. */
private boolean incomingNeedsProcessing;
/** Outgoing edge. */
private Edge outgoing;
/** Indicator for outgoing edges that still need processing. */
private boolean outgoingNeedsProcessing;
/** Lines bound with this vertex. */
private final List<Line> lines;
/** Build a non-processed vertex not owned by any node yet.
* @param location vertex location
public Vertex(final Vector2D location) {
this.location = location;
this.nodes = new ArrayList<BSPTree<Euclidean2D>>();
this.incomingNeedsProcessing = true;
this.outgoingNeedsProcessing = true;
this.incoming = null;
this.outgoing = null;
this.lines = new ArrayList<Line>();
/** Get Vertex location.
@ -328,57 +350,160 @@ public class PolygonsSet extends AbstractRegion<Euclidean2D, Euclidean1D> {
return location;
/** Check if the instance and another vertex share a node.
/** Bind a line considered to contain this vertex.
* @param line line to bind with this vertex
public void bindWith(final Line line) {
/** Get the common line bound with both the instance and another vertex, if any.
* <p>
* When two vertices share a node, this means they are already handled
* by the hyperplane of this node, so there is no need to create a cut
* hyperplane for them.
* When two vertices are both bound to the same line, this means they are
* already handled by node associated with this line, so there is no need
* to create a cut hyperplane for them.
* </p>
* @param vertex other vertex to check instance against
* @return true if the instance and another vertex share a node
* @return line bound with both the instance and another vertex, or null if the
* two vertices do not share a line yet
public boolean shareNodeWith(final Vertex vertex) {
for (final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> node1 : nodes) {
for (final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> node2 : vertex.nodes) {
if (node1 == node2) {
return true;
public Line sharedLineWith(final Vertex vertex) {
for (final Line line1 : lines) {
for (final Line line2 : vertex.lines) {
if (line1 == line2) {
return line1;
return false;
return null;
/** Add a node whose hyperplane contains this vertex.
* @param node node whose hyperplane contains this vertex
/** Set incoming edge.
* <p>
* The line supporting the incoming edge is automatically bound
* with the instance.
* </p>
* @param incoming incoming edge
public void addNode(final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> node) {
public void setIncoming(final Edge incoming) {
this.incoming = incoming;
/** Check incoming edge processed indicator.
* @return true if incoming edge needs processing
/** Get incoming edge.
* @return incoming edge
public boolean incomingNeedsProcessing() {
return incomingNeedsProcessing;
public Edge getIncoming() {
return incoming;
/** Check outgoing edge processed indicator.
* @return true if outgoing edge needs processing
/** Set outgoing edge.
* <p>
* The line supporting the outgoing edge is automatically bound
* with the instance.
* </p>
* @param incoming outgoing edge
public boolean outgoingNeedsProcessing() {
return outgoingNeedsProcessing;
public void setOutgoing(final Edge outgoing) {
this.outgoing = outgoing;
/** Mark the incoming edge as processed.
/** Get outgoing edge.
* @return outgoing edge
public void incomingProcessed() {
incomingNeedsProcessing = false;
public Edge getOutgoing() {
return outgoing;
/** Mark the outgoing edge as processed.
/** Internal class for holding edges while they are processed to build a BSP tree. */
private static class Edge {
/** Start vertex. */
private final Vertex start;
/** End vertex. */
private final Vertex end;
/** Line supporting the edge. */
private final Line line;
/** Node whose cut hyperplane contains this edge. */
private BSPTree<Euclidean2D> node;
/** Build an edge not contained in any node yet.
* @param start start vertex
* @param end end vertex
* @param line line supporting the edge
public void outgoingProcessed() {
outgoingNeedsProcessing = false;
public Edge(final Vertex start, final Vertex end, final Line line) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.line = line;
this.node = null;
// connect the vertices back to the edge
/** Get start vertex.
* @return start vertex
public Vertex getStart() {
return start;
/** Get end vertex.
* @return end vertex
public Vertex getEnd() {
return end;
/** Get the line supporting this edge.
* @return line supporting this edge
public Line getLine() {
return line;
/** Set the node whose cut hyperplane contains this edge.
* @param node node whose cut hyperplane contains this edge
public void setNode(final BSPTree<Euclidean2D> node) {
this.node = node;
/** Get the node whose cut hyperplane contains this edge.
* @return node whose cut hyperplane contains this edge
* (null if edge has not yet been inserted into the BSP tree)
public BSPTree<Euclidean2D> getNode() {
return node;
/** Split the edge.
* <p>
* Once split, this edge is not referenced anymore by the vertices,
* it is replaced by the two half-edges and an intermediate splitting
* vertex is introduced to connect these two halves.
* </p>
* @param splitLine line splitting the edge in two halves
* @return split vertex (its incoming and outgoing edges are the two halves)
public Vertex split(final Line splitLine) {
final Vertex splitVertex = new Vertex(line.intersection(splitLine));
final Edge startHalf = new Edge(start, splitVertex, line);
final Edge endHalf = new Edge(splitVertex, end, line);
startHalf.node = node;
endHalf.node = node;
return splitVertex;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
package org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -801,6 +801,14 @@ public class PolygonsSetTest {
public void testSqueezedHexa() {
PolygonsSet set = new PolygonsSet(1.0e-10,
new Vector2D(-6, -4), new Vector2D(-8, -8), new Vector2D( 8, -8),
new Vector2D( 6, -4), new Vector2D(10, 4), new Vector2D(-10, 4));
Assert.assertEquals(Location.OUTSIDE, set.checkPoint(new Vector2D(0, 6)));
public void testIssue880Simplified() {
@ -821,7 +829,7 @@ public class PolygonsSetTest {
public void testIssue880Complete() throws FileNotFoundException {
public void testIssue880Complete() throws IOException {
Vector2D[] vertices1 = new Vector2D[] {
new Vector2D( 90.08714908223715, 38.370299337260235),
new Vector2D( 90.08709517675004, 38.3702895991413),
@ -894,12 +902,13 @@ public class PolygonsSetTest {
new Vector2D( 90.09081227075944, 38.37526295920463),
new Vector2D( 90.09081378927135, 38.375193883266434)
PolygonsSet set1 = new PolygonsSet(1.0e-10, vertices1);
PolygonsSet set1 = new PolygonsSet(1.0e-8, vertices1);
Assert.assertEquals(Location.OUTSIDE, set1.checkPoint(new Vector2D(90.0905, 38.3755)));
Assert.assertEquals(Location.INSIDE, set1.checkPoint(new Vector2D(90.09084, 38.3755)));
// TODO: the following assertion fails and should not
// this is due to a small spurious triangle being included in the polygon
// Assert.assertEquals(Location.OUTSIDE, set1.checkPoint(new Vector2D(90.0913, 38.3755)));
Assert.assertEquals(Location.OUTSIDE, set1.checkPoint(new Vector2D(90.0913, 38.3755)));
Assert.assertEquals(Location.INSIDE, set1.checkPoint(new Vector2D(90.1042, 38.3739)));
Assert.assertEquals(Location.INSIDE, set1.checkPoint(new Vector2D(90.1111, 38.3673)));
Assert.assertEquals(Location.OUTSIDE, set1.checkPoint(new Vector2D(90.0959, 38.3457)));
Vector2D[] vertices2 = new Vector2D[] {
new Vector2D( 90.13067558880044, 38.36977255037573),
@ -965,17 +974,14 @@ public class PolygonsSetTest {
new Vector2D( 90.16746107640665, 38.40902614307544),
new Vector2D( 90.16122795307462, 38.39773101873203)
PolygonsSet set2 = new PolygonsSet(1.0e-10, vertices2);
PolygonsSet set2 = new PolygonsSet(1.0e-8, vertices2);
PolygonsSet set = (PolygonsSet) new
Vector2D[][] vertices = set.getVertices();
Assert.assertTrue(vertices[0][0] != null);
// TODO: the resulting polygon has two boundaries but should have only one
// this is because for an unknown reason the boundary has two infinitely close
// parallel paths near the top left of the polygon
Assert.assertEquals(2, vertices.length);
Vector2D[][] verticies = set.getVertices();
Assert.assertTrue(verticies[0][0] != null);
Assert.assertEquals(1, verticies.length);
private PolygonsSet buildSet(Vector2D[][] vertices) {
Reference in New Issue