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Updated release notes, download page.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/math/trunk@926861 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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@ -1,448 +1,120 @@
Apache Commons Math Version 2.0
commons-math-2.1 RELEASE NOTES
This is a maintenance release including numerous bug fixes and enhancements.
This is a major release. It combines bug fixes, new features and
Changes in this version include:
changes to existing features. Most notable among the new features are:
- decomposition algorithms in the linear algebra package (LU, QR, Cholesky,
SVD, eigen decomposition) which are based on the popular JAMA API (but
much faster),
- support for sparse matrices and vectors,
- support for any field-based matrix (Complex, Fraction ...),
- support for genetic algorithms
- several new optimization algorithms (Dantzig's simplex for linear
constrained problems, conjugate gradient, Brent)
- support for curve fitting with special cases for harmonic and polynomial
- support for state derivative in ODE step handlers
- new multistep integrators (Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Moulton) with
variable stepsize
- regression algorithms
- rank transformations
- Mersenne twister pseudo random number generator
This release is NOT source and binary compatible with earlier versions
of Commons Math. Starting with version 2.0 of the library, the minimal
version of the Java platform required to compile and use commons-math
is Java 5. Users are encouraged to upgrade to this version, as in addition
to new features, this release includes numerous bug fixes. Users of
Commons Math 1.0-1.2 should recompile their code against the 2.0 jar.
Most of the compilation errors users will encounter after the switch
will be due to classes moved due to package reorganization. These errors
are simply solved by adjusting the import statements in users code.
Users can ask for help with migration or any other problem related
to commons math by sending a message to the apache commons users
mailing list: user@commons.apache.org.
New features:
New features:
o Added a way to compute both the final state in an Initial Value Problem (IVP)
o Added curve fitting with a general case and two specific cases
for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and its derivatives with respect to
(polynomial and harmonic).
initial state and with respect to some problem parameters. This allows wrapping
ODE solvers into optimization or root finding algorithms, which in turn can be
o Added a way to limit the number of functions evaluations in
used to solve Boundary Value Problems (BVP). There are no implementations (yet)
optimizers (the number of iterations could already be limited)
of BVP solvers in the library.
Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o MATH-323: Added SemiVariance statistic. Thanks to Larry Diamond.
o MATH-341: Added a warning in the getCoefficients method documentation for
o Added support for rank transformations.
PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm. Computation may be ill-conditioned
so this method should be used with care.
o Added an implementation of the Mersenne twister pseudo random number
o MATH-340: Fixed an error in BigFraction multiplication for large numerators that don't
generator from Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura
fit in a primitive int.
o MATH-334: Added min/max getters for real vectors (not yet in the RealVector interface for
o Added support for any type of field in linear algebra (FielxMatrix,
compatibility purposes, but in the AbstractRealVector abstract class).
FieldVector, FieldLUDecomposition)
o MATH-321: Singular Value Decomposition now computes either the compact SVD (using only
positive singular values) or truncated SVD (using a user-specified maximal
o The RealMatrixImpl implementation classes has been renamed
number of singular values).
Array2DRowRealMatrix to reflect its specificities and for
o MATH-300: Added support for multidimensional interpolation using the robust microsphere algorithm. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
consistency with the new implementations. The previous name is still
o MATH-287: Added support for weighted descriptive statistics. Thanks to Matthew Rowles.
available but is deprecated
o Added normalizeArray method to MathUtils.
o Added a block-based storage type for dense matrices improving speed
for large dimensions
o Added AggregateSummaryStatistics class to support aggregation of
SummaryStatistics. Thanks to John Bollinger.
o Added general Field and FieldElement interfaces to allow generic
algorithms to operate on fields. The library already provides
several implementations: Complex, Fraction, BigFraction and BigReal
o Added a SparseRealVector class that implements a sparse vector for
the RealVector interface.
o Added a getCovariance method to singular value decomposition Thanks
to Dimitri Pourbaix.
o Added method to walk matrix entries with or without changing them in
the visitor design pattern sense. Three different orders can be
used, row by row, column by column or optimized order according to
internal storage. Optimized order should be preferred when no
specific order is needed, because it will be more cache efficient.
o Added an int/double hash map (OpenIntToDoubleHashMap) with much
smaller memory overhead than standard java.util.Map (open addressing
and no boxing). Thanks to Ismael Juma.
o Support for one dimensional vectors has been added to the linear
algebra package with a RealVector interface, a RealVectorImpl
default implementation using a single double array to store elements
and a RealVectorFormat for input/output. Thanks to Andreas Rieger.
o New ODE integrators have been added: the explicit Adams-Bashforth
and implicit Adams-Moulton multistep methods. As the implementations
of these methods are based on Nordsieck vector rather than a
traditional array of previous steps, they both have been improved to
handle adaptive stepsize. These methods provide the same rich
features has the existing ones: continuous output, step handlers,
discrete events, G-stop ...
o All ODE integrators now support setting a maximal number of
evaluations of differential equations function. If this number is
exceeded, an exception will be thrown during integration. This can
be used to prevent infinite loops if for example error control or
discrete events create a really large number of extremely small
o All step interpolators for ODE integrators now provide interpolation
for both the state and its time derivatives. The interpolated
derivatives are the exact derivatives of the interpolated state,
thus preserving consistency. The general step handlers hence do not
need to call the derivation function anymore. The fixed step
handlers also get the time derivative of the state as an additional
argument along with the state when they are called.
o Switching functions can now throw dedicated SwitchException from all
their method. At upper call level, the various ODE integrators
handle these new exceptions and wrap them into IntegratorException
instances, hence the integrators methods signature did not change.
o Added factory methods to create Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre and
Legendre polynomials.
o Added add, subtract, negate, multiply and toString methods to
o Added a Legendre-Gauss integrator.
o Added add/subtract/multiply/divide functions with integer parameters
to Fraction
o Added some utility functions to compute powers with integral types
(int, long, BigInteger).
o Added a scalb method in MathUtils. This method is similar to the
method with same name added in java.lang.Math as of Java 6.
o Added several convenience methods and constants for Vector3D and
o MATH-114: Added PearsonsCorrelation class to compute correlation
matrices, standard errors and p-values for correlation
coefficients. Thanks to John Gant.
o MATH-114: Added Covariance class to compute variance-covariance
matrices in new correlation package.
o MATH-136: Added Spearman's rank correlation
(SpearmansCorrelation). Thanks to John Gant.
o MATH-152: Added support for multi-dimensional Fourier
transform. Thanks to Remi Arntzen.
o MATH-177: Added a new univariate sub-package below the optimization
package. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o MATH-178: Added support for the Zipf distribution. Thanks to Paul
o MATH-202: Added the getSwitchingFunctions and
clearSwitchingFunctions to the FirstOrderIntegrator interface and
all its implementations
o MATH-203: Added Mauro's patch to support multiple regression. Thanks
to Mauro Talevi.
o MATH-212: Added support for copying statistics. Changes to stats
classes include copy constructor, static copy(-,-) and instance
copy() methods. Added copy() to UnivariateStatistic and
StorelessUnivariateStatistic interfaces. Thanks to Jason
C. HandUber.
o MATH-215: Added Fast Hadamard Transform. Thanks to Bernhard
o MATH-219: Added removeData methods for the SimpleRegression
class. This allows to support regression calculations across a
sliding window of (time-based) observations without having to
recalculate for the entire window every time. Thanks to Andrew
o MATH-220: Added JAMA-like interfaces for eigen/singular
problems. The implementation are based on the very quick dqd/dqds
algorithms and some parts of the MRRR algorithm. This leads to very
fast and accurate solutions.
o MATH-220: Added JAMA-like interfaces for decomposition
algorithms. These interfaces decompose a matrix as a product of
several other matrices with predefined properties and shapes
depending on the algorithm. These algorithms allow to solve the
equation A * X = B, either for an exact linear solution
(LU-decomposition, Cholesky decomposition) or an exact or
least-squares solution (QR-decomposition).
o MATH-222: Added beta distribution. Thanks to Ted Dunning.
o MATH-222: Added probability density functions computation for
distributions for which it is feasible. Thanks to Ted Dunning.
o MATH-229: Added a removal feature for observations in descriptive
statistics. Thanks to Cyril Briquet.
o MATH-230: Added support for sparse matrix. Thanks to Sujit Pal and
Ismael Juma.
o MATH-231: Added an abstract matrix implementation simplifying
extension by users.
o MATH-232: Added Frobenius matrix norm.
o MATH-234: Added setter methods for rows and columns in matrices.
o MATH-236: Added nth root computation for complex numbers. Thanks to
Bernhard Grünewaldt.
o MATH-246: Added an optimizer for constrained linear problems based
on 2-phases standard simplex. Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
o MATH-247: Added a MathUtils method to check equality given some
error bounds. Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
o MATH-251: Added a BigFraction class that does not overflow when big
numerators or denominators are used. Thanks to Benjamin Croizet.
o MATH-256: Added Fraction.toString()
o MATH-266: Added a clustering package with an implementation of the
k-means++ algorithm Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
o MATH-267: Added digamma function. Thanks to Ted Dunning.
o MATH-277: Added a scalar multiply to the Complex class Thanks to
Mark Anderson.
o MATH-278: Added robust locally weighted regression (Loess). Thanks
to Eugene Kirpichov.
o MATH-279: Added a check for too few rows with respect to the number
of predictors in linear regression Thanks to Michael Bjorkegren.
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed Bugs:
o MATH-335: Fraction.hashCode() implementation was not fully consistent with Fraction.equals().
o Fixed an infinite loop encountered in some backward integration
Changed hashCode() to use fields directly to agree with equals().
cases for ODE solvers. Thanks to Pascal Parraud.
o MATH-282: Resolved multiple problems leading to inaccuracy and/or failure to compute Normal,
ChiSquare and Poisson probabilities, Erf and Gamma functions. Made Brent solver
o Fixed inconsistencies in the naming scheme for static fields in
absolute accuracy configurable for all continuous distributions.
Vector3D and Rotation with respect to the overall library.
o MATH-347: Fixed too stringent interval check in Brent solver: initial guess is now
allowed to be at either interval end
o MATH-177: Redesigned the optimization framework for a simpler yet
o Fixed a problem with getInterpolatedDerivatives returning zero derivatives when
more powerful API. Added non-linear conjugate gradient optimizer.
an ODE step handler is configured to not use interpolation. It now returns a
constant but non-zero value consistent with at least one point inside the step
o MATH-193: Javadoc and style fixes. Thanks to Michael Heuer and Sebb.
o MATH-344: Fixed wrong return values when enpoints are roots in Brent solver with
a user provided initial guess
o MATH-198: Added an error detection for missing imaginary character
o MATH-343: Fixed a missing bracketing check of initial interval in Brent solver.
while parsing complex string Thanks to Frederick Salardi.
o MATH-342: In SVD, the matrices passed to EigenDecomposition are now symmetric
by construction (rather than simply by definition). In EigenDecomposition,
o MATH-199: Detect numerical problems in Q.R decomposition for
once the tridiagonal form is obtained, the non-significant elements are
Levenberg-Marquardt estimator and report them appropriately Thanks
set to 0.
to Mick.
o MATH-333: A EigenDecompositionImpl simplified makes it possible to compute
the SVD of a singular matrix (with the right number of elements in
o MATH-200: Fixed several crashes in getCovariances() and
the diagonal matrix) or a matrix with singular value(s) of multiplicity
guessParametersErrors() in AbstractEstimator when some parameters
greater than 1.
are bound. The methods now explicitly give result only about unbound
o Fixed a spurious exception in EigenDecompositionImpl when a 3x3 block
parameters. Thanks to Plamen Petrov.
had two identical eigenvalues.
o MATH-338: Fixed automatic step initialization in embedded Runge-Kutta integrators.
o MATH-201: Fixed truncation error in t-test classes for large t
The relative tolerance setting was never used, only the absolute tolerance
values. Thanks to Peter Wyngaard.
was used. Thanks to Vincent Morand.
o MATH-329: Fixed regression in Frequency.getPct(Object) introduced in 2.0. Cumulative
o MATH-204: Added root checks for the endpoints. Thanks to Mick.
percent was being returned for Object arguments in place of percent.
o MATH-320: Fixed Singular Value Decomposition solving of singular systems.
o MATH-205: Fixed formula in fast cosine transformer javadoc
o MATH-326: Fixed a wrong implementation of the Linf norm in vectors. Thanks to Jake Mannix.
comments. Thanks to Roman Werpachowski.
o MATH-324: Fixed a convergence discrepancy with respect to theory in Gragg-Bulirsch-Stoer
integrator. Thanks to Vincent Morand.
o MATH-207: Added Genetic Algorithm implementation. Thanks to David
o Fixed a wrong dimension check in SVD solver. Thanks to Dimitri Pourbaix.
o MATH-313: Added composition features for real functions. Thanks to Jake Mannix.
o MATH-312: Added mapping and iteration methods to vectors. Provided a default implementation
o MATH-209: Fixed dimension error on output vector for the operate
for the numerous simple methods in the RealVectorInterface. Thanks to Jake Mannix.
method in RealMatrixImpl and BigMatrixImpl classes. Thanks to Thomas
o MATH-322: Fixed an error in handling very close events in ODE integration.
o MATH-305: Fixed an overflow error in MathUtils.distance that was causing KMeansPlusPlusClusterer
to fail with a NullPointerException when component distances between points
o MATH-210: Changed return type for
exceeded Integer.MAXVALUE. Thanks to Erik van Ingen.
FirstOrderIntegrator.getSwitchingFunctions() to a collection of
o MATH-318: Fixed an index computation error in eigen decomposition. Once again, kudos to Dimitri
SwitchingFunction instances. This better suits the intended use of
for debugging this. Thanks to Dimitri Pourbaix.
the method and fixes a visibility error since the previous return
o MATH-308: Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in eigen decomposition. Kudos to Dimitri
type referenced the package private SwitchState class.
for debugging this, it was really difficult. Thanks to Dimitri Pourbaix.
o MATH-309: Fixed parameter test in RandomDataImpl#nextExponential. The method now throws
o MATH-213: Changed return type for FirstOrderIntegrator.integrate()
IllegalArgumentException for mean = 0. Thanks to Mikkel Meyer Andersen.
to double in order to retrieve exact stop time. This allows to
o MATH-306: Removed dead code from Complex#divide. Thanks to Joerg Huber.
handle properly integration interruption due to an EventHandler
o MATH-294: Fixed implementation of RandomDataImpl#nextPoisson by implementing an alternative
instance asking to stop the integration when its associated event is
algorithm for large means.
triggered. The state was already set to the current state at
o MATH-298: Fixed implementation of EmpiricalDistributionImpl#getUpperBounds to match
interruption time, but it was difficult to get the corresponding
interface contract. Added getGeneratorUpperBounds method to
time (it involved setting a step handler monitoring the last step
EmpiricalDistributionImpl providing previous behavior.
o MATH-296: Fixed wrong results on Loess interpolation, also added a way to set weights
for smoothing and to ignore zero weights for coefficients computation Thanks to Eugene Kirpichov.
o MATH-214: Replaced size adjustment of all steps of fixed steps
o MATH-293: Fixed a OutOfBoundException in simplex solver when some constraints are tight. Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
Runge-Kutta integrators by a truncation of the last step only.
o MATH-291: Fixed misleading number formats in error messages for adaptive
stepsize integrators. Thanks to Sebb.
o MATH-216: Improved fast Fourier transform efficiency. Thanks to
o MATH-290: Fixed a NullPointerException in simplex solver when no solution is possible
Cyril Briquet.
and some constraints are negative. Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
o MATH-289: Removed an unused argument in a private method in simplex solver.
o MATH-221: Changed the Complex.equals() method so that it considers
o MATH-288: Fixed an error induced by entries set to 0 in simplex solver. Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
+0 and -0 are equal, as required by IEEE-754 standard. Thanks to
o MATH-286: Fixed an error leading the simplex solver to compute the right solution
Dieter Roth.
but return another one. Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
o MATH-283: Prevent infinite loops in multi-directional direct optimization method when
o MATH-223: Greatly improved QR-decomposition speed using transposed
the start point is exactly at the optimal point. Thanks to Michael Nischt.
matrices internally. Thanks to John Mulcahy.
o MATH-297: Prevent possible zero divides on eigenvectors of indefinite matrices Thanks to Axel Kramer.
o MATH-226: Fixed an error in CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator leading
to a component of the generated vector being constant. Thanks to
Stuart Siegel.
o MATH-227: Fixed F distribution inverse CDF computation for small
denominator degrees of freedom. Thanks to Joerg Henning.
o MATH-238: Fixed an error in gcd computation for large values. Thanks
to Christian Semrau.
o MATH-240: Fixed error in factorial computation for 17 <= n <= 20.
Thanks to Christian Semrau.
o MATH-241: Fixed error in binomial coefficient computation. Thanks to
Christian Semrau.
o MATH-243: Fixed an error in computing gcd and lcm for some extreme
values at integer range boundaries. Thanks to Christian Semrau.
o MATH-248: Greatly improved multiplication speed for sparse matrices
o MATH-252: Fixed a comparison error when two different fractions
evaluate to the same double due to limited precision.
o MATH-253: Fixed threading issues with MathException and
MathRuntimeException Thanks to Sebb.
o MATH-254: Fixed threading issues with UnivariateRealSolverUtils
factory Thanks to Sebb.
o MATH-255: Reduced visibility of MessagesResources_fr.contents field
to private Thanks to Sebb.
o MATH-257: Fixed inconsistent access to multidimensional array in
FastFourierTransformer Thanks to Sebb.
o MATH-263: Added getNorm1, getNormInf, distance1 and distanceInf to
the Vector3D class
o MATH-264: Added an utility equality method between double numbers
using tolerance in ulps (Units in Last Position) Thanks to Gilles
o MATH-265: Added distance1, distance and distanceInf utility methods
for double and int arrays in MathUtils Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
o MATH-272: Fixed a problem when setting some variables (several
variables were set instead of only one) Thanks to Benjamin McCann.
o MATH-273: Fixed a wrong check for basic variables Thanks to Benjamin
o MATH-274: Fixed detection of not positive definite matrices in
Cholesky decomposition
o MATH-280: The behavior of the bracket method in
UnivariateRealSolverUtils has been changed to return successfully
when a tentative bracketing interval has a root exactly at one of
its end points. Previously, such intervals triggered an exception.
o MATH-281: Fixed an error in RealMatrix javadoc
o MATH-332: Added density functions to remaining continuous distributions (F, T, Weibull, Cauchy).
As of Math 2.1, all continuous distributions implement density functions. The HasDensity
interface has been deprecated and in version 3.0, density(double) will be added to the
ContinuousDistribution interface. Thanks to Mikkel Meyer Andersen.
o MATH-337: Changed equals() methods to use instanceof check rather than catching ClassCastException;
this also allows some null checks to be omitted.
o MATH-336: Removed unnecessary null checks in equals methods.
o MATH-239: Added MathUtils methods to compute gcd and lcm for long arguments. Thanks to Christian Semrau.
o MATH-287: Added support for weighted univariate statistics. Thanks to Matthew Rowles.
o MATH-315: Added generationsEvolved property to GeneticAlgorithm to track the number of generations
evolved by the evolve() method before reaching the StoppingCondition. Thanks to Mikkel Meyer Andersen.
o MATH-311: Changed probability calculations for Binomial, Poisson, and Hypergeometric
distributions to use Catherine Loader's saddle point approximations. Thanks to Nipun Jawalkar.
o Changed the return type of the various interpolation algorithms to
the specific implementation of UnivariateRealFunction each one uses
For complete information on commons-math, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the commons-math website:
o Completed internationalization of all error messages
o Integration algorithms now can have both relative and absolute
accuracy settings.
o The analysis package has been reorganized with several sub-packages.
o The ODE integrators now support several step handlers at once,
instead of just one. This is more consistent with event handlers
management. The setStepHandler method has therefore been replaced
by addStephandler, the getStepHandler method has been replaced by
getStepHandlers which returns a Collection and a clearStepHandlers
method has been added.
o Events handlers in the ODE package now also provide the switching
function variation (increasing/decreasing) when an event occurs
o Clarified the ODE package by breaking in into several sub-packages
and renaming classes (SwitchingFunctions/EventHandler,
o The FirstOrderDifferentialEquations, FirstOrderIntegrator and
FixedStepHandler interfaces now extends Serializable, allowing
integrators, problems and handlers to be embedded into users
Serializable classes.
o Replaced public no argument constructors with IDENTITY or ZERO
static instances for immutable classes Vector3D and Rotation.
o Greatly improved RealMatrixImpl and BigMatrixImpl performances, both
in terms of speed and in terms of temporary memory footprint.
o Starting with version 2.0 of the library, the minimal version of the
Java platform required to compile and use commons-math is Java 5.
This version is widely deployed now on many systems. It brings
new important features for specific mathematical developments, for
example new functions (log10, cbrt, ulp, signum, cosh, sinh, tanh,
hypot, expm1, log1p), autoboxing, MathContext or RoundingMode. It
also brings important features for general development, for example
enums, generics or annotations.
o Removed deprecated features. This includes the following
changes. Factory-based instantiation replaced by setter injection in
1.2 in several classes have been removed. Protected fields in
matrices implementations have been declared final and
private. Identity factory methods moved to MatrixUtils class have
been removed. Complex utilities methods that have been superseded by
Complex instance methods have been removed.
o MATH-189: Changed FractionFormat to extend NumberFormat.
o MATH-217: Changed OLS regression implementation added in MATH-203 to
use QR decomposition to solve the normal equations.
o MATH-218: The root solvers and the integrators now take the function
to solve as a parameter to the solve/integrate methods, thus
allowing to reuse the same solver/integrator for different
o MATH-242: Forced symmetry in binomialCoefficientLog and added test
cases for MathUtils. Thanks to Christian Semrau.
o MATH-276: Optimized Complex isNaN(), isInfinite() by moving
computation to constructor. Thanks to Mark Anderson.
For complete information on commons-math, including instructions on
how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement,
see the commons-math website:
@ -95,32 +95,32 @@ limitations under the License.
<section name="Commons Math 2.0 ">
<section name="Commons Math 2.1 ">
<subsection name="Binaries">
<subsection name="Binaries">
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<subsection name="Source">
<subsection name="Source">
<td><a href="[preferred]/commons/math/source/commons-math-2.0-src.tar.gz">commons-math-2.0-src.tar.gz</a></td>
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<td><a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/commons/math/source/commons-math-2.0-src.tar.gz.md5">md5</a></td>
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Reference in New Issue
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