mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 00:49:14 +00:00
Removed function "rescue" and "case 190" in function "bobyqb". git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/math/trunk@1158448 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -664,37 +664,6 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizer
// useful safeguard, but is not invoked in most applications of BOBYQA.
case 190: {
nfsav = getEvaluations();
kbase = trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex;
rescue(xbase, xpt,
fval, xopt, gopt, hq, pq, bmat,
zmat, sl, su, delta,
// XOPT is updated now in case the branch below to label 720 is taken.
// Any updating of GOPT occurs after the branch below to label 20, which
// leads to a trust region iteration as does the branch to label 60.
xoptsq = ZERO;
if (trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex != kbase) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xopt.setEntry(i, xpt.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex, i));
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = xopt.getEntry(i);
xoptsq += d1 * d1;
nresc = getEvaluations();
if (nfsav < getEvaluations()) {
nfsav = getEvaluations();
state = 20; break;
if (ntrits > 0) {
state = 60; break;
case 210: {
// Pick two alternative vectors of variables, relative to XBASE, that
// are suitable as new positions of the KNEW-th interpolation point.
@ -776,8 +745,8 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizer
if (ntrits == 0) {
// Computing 2nd power
d__1 = vlag.getEntry(knew); // XXX Same statement as a few lines below?
denom = d__1 * d__1 + alpha * beta;
final double d1 = vlag.getEntry(knew);
denom = d1 * d1 + alpha * beta;
if (denom < cauchy && cauchy > ZERO) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xnew.setEntry(i, xalt.getEntry(i));
@ -786,18 +755,9 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizer
cauchy = ZERO; // XXX Useful statement?
state = 230; break;
// Computing 2nd power
d__1 = vlag.getEntry(knew); // XXX Same statement as a few lines above?
if (denom <= HALF * (d__1 * d__1)) {
if (getEvaluations() > nresc) {
state = 190; break;
throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_MUCH_CANCELLATION, vquad);
// Alternatively, if NTRITS is positive, then set KNEW to the index of
// the next interpolation point to be deleted to make room for a trust
// region step. Again RESCUE may be called if rounding errors have damaged
// region step. Again RESCUE may be called if rounding errors have damaged_
// the chosen denominator, which is the reason for attempting to select
// KNEW before calculating the next value of the objective function.
@ -843,12 +803,6 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizer
d__2 = temp * (d__3 * d__3);
biglsq = Math.max(d__1, d__2);
if (scaden <= HALF * biglsq) {
if (getEvaluations() > nresc) {
state = 190; break;
throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_MUCH_CANCELLATION, vquad);
// Put the variables for the next calculation of the objective function
@ -1277,6 +1231,9 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizer
f = fval.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex);
return f;
default: {
throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, "bobyqb");
} // bobyqb
@ -1896,543 +1853,6 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizer
} while (getEvaluations() < npt);
} // prelim
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The first NDIM+NPT elements of the array W are used for working space.
* The final elements of BMAT and ZMAT are set in a well-conditioned way
* to the values that are appropriate for the new interpolation points.
* The elements of GOPT, HQ and PQ are also revised to the values that are
* appropriate to the final quadratic model.
* GOPT, HQ, PQ, BMAT, ZMAT, NDIM, SL and SU have the same meanings as
* the corresponding arguments of BOBYQB on the entry to RESCUE.
* NF is maintained as the number of calls of CALFUN so far, except that
* NF is set to -1 if the value of MAXFUN prevents further progress.
* KOPT is maintained so that FVAL(KOPT) is the least calculated function
* value. Its correct value must be given on entry. It is updated if a
* new least function value is found, but the corresponding changes to
* XOPT and GOPT have to be made later by the calling program.
* DELTA is the current trust region radius.
* VLAG is a working space vector that will be used for the values of the
* provisional Lagrange functions at each of the interpolation points.
* They are part of a product that requires VLAG to be of length NDIM.
* PTSAUX is also a working space array. For J=1,2,...,N, PTSAUX(1,J) and
* PTSAUX(2,J) specify the two positions of provisional interpolation
* points when a nonzero step is taken along e_J (the J-th coordinate
* direction) through XBASE+XOPT, as specified below. Usually these
* steps have length DELTA, but other lengths are chosen if necessary
* in order to satisfy the given bounds on the variables.
* PTSID is also a working space array. It has NPT components that denote
* provisional new positions of the original interpolation points, in
* case changes are needed to restore the linear independence of the
* interpolation conditions. The K-th point is a candidate for change
* if and only if PTSID(K) is nonzero. In this case let p and q be the
* int parts of PTSID(K) and (PTSID(K)-p) multiplied by N+1. If p
* and q are both positive, the step from XBASE+XOPT to the new K-th
* interpolation point is PTSAUX(1,p)*e_p + PTSAUX(1,q)*e_q. Otherwise
* the step is PTSAUX(1,p)*e_p or PTSAUX(2,q)*e_q in the cases q=0 or
* p=0, respectively.
* @param xbase
* @param xpt
* @param fval
* @param xopt
* @param gopt
* @param hq
* @param pq
* @param bmat
* @param zmat
* @param sl
* @param su
* @param delta
* @param vlag
private void rescue(
ArrayRealVector xbase,
Array2DRowRealMatrix xpt,
ArrayRealVector fval,
ArrayRealVector xopt,
ArrayRealVector gopt,
ArrayRealVector hq,
ArrayRealVector pq,
Array2DRowRealMatrix bmat,
Array2DRowRealMatrix zmat,
ArrayRealVector sl,
ArrayRealVector su,
double delta,
ArrayRealVector vlag
) {
// System.out.println("rescue"); // XXX
final int n = currentBest.getDimension();
final int npt = numberOfInterpolationPoints;
final int ndim = bmat.getRowDimension();
final Array2DRowRealMatrix ptsaux = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(n, 2);
final ArrayRealVector ptsid = new ArrayRealVector(npt);
final ArrayRealVector work1 = new ArrayRealVector(npt); // Originally: w(1 .. npt).
final ArrayRealVector work2 = new ArrayRealVector(n); // Originally: w(npt+1 .. npt+n).
final ArrayRealVector work3 = new ArrayRealVector(npt); // Originally: w(npt+n+1 .. npt+n+npt).
final int np = n + 1;
final double sfrac = HALF / (double) np;
final int nptm = npt - np;
// System generated locals
double d__1, d__2, d__3, d__4;
// Local variables
double f;
int ih, jp, ip, iq;
double xp = 0, xq = 0, den = 0;
int ihp = 0;
int jpn, kpt;
double sum = 0, diff = 0, beta = 0;
int kold;
double winc;
int nrem, knew;
double temp, bsum;
double hdiag = 0, fbase = 0, denom = 0, vquad = 0, sumpq = 0;
double dsqmin, distsq, vlmxsq;
// Set some constants.
// Function Body
// Shift the interpolation points so that XOPT becomes the origin, and set
// the elements of ZMAT to zero. The value of SUMPQ is required in the
// updating of HQ below. The squares of the distances from XOPT to the
// other interpolation points are set at the end of W. Increments of WINC
// may be added later to these squares to balance the consideration of
// the choice of point that is going to become current.
sumpq = ZERO;
winc = ZERO;
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
distsq = ZERO;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
xpt.setEntry(k, j, xpt.getEntry(k, j) - xopt.getEntry(j));
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = xpt.getEntry(k, j);
distsq += d1 * d1;
sumpq += pq.getEntry(k);
work3.setEntry(k, distsq);
winc = Math.max(winc, distsq);
for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
zmat.setEntry(k, j, ZERO);
// Update HQ so that HQ and PQ define the second derivatives of the model
// after XBASE has been shifted to the trust region centre.
ih = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
work2.setEntry(j, HALF * sumpq * xopt.getEntry(j));
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
work2.setEntry(j, work2.getEntry(j) + pq.getEntry(k) * xpt.getEntry(k, j));
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
hq.setEntry(ih, hq.getEntry(ih) + work2.getEntry(i) * xopt.getEntry(j) + work2.getEntry(j) * xopt.getEntry(i));
// Shift XBASE, SL, SU and XOPT. Set the elements of BMAT to zero, and
// also set the elements of PTSAUX.
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
xbase.setEntry(j, xbase.getEntry(j) + xopt.getEntry(j));
sl.setEntry(j, sl.getEntry(j) - xopt.getEntry(j));
su.setEntry(j, su.getEntry(j) - xopt.getEntry(j));
xopt.setEntry(j, ZERO);
// Computing MIN
d__1 = delta;
d__2 = su.getEntry(j);
ptsaux.setEntry(j, 0, Math.min(d__1, d__2));
// Computing MAX
d__1 = -delta;
d__2 = sl.getEntry(j);
ptsaux.setEntry(j, 1, Math.max(d__1, d__2));
if (ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0) + ptsaux.getEntry(j, 1) < ZERO) {
temp = ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0);
ptsaux.setEntry(j, 0, ptsaux.getEntry(j, 1));
ptsaux.setEntry(j, 1, temp);
d__2 = ptsaux.getEntry(j, 1);
d__1 = ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0);
if (Math.abs(d__2) < HALF * Math.abs(d__1)) {
ptsaux.setEntry(j, 1, HALF * ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
bmat.setEntry(i, j, ZERO);
fbase = fval.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex);
// Set the identifiers of the artificial interpolation points that are
// along a coordinate direction from XOPT, and set the corresponding
// nonzero elements of BMAT and ZMAT.
ptsid.setEntry(0, sfrac);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
jp = j + 1;
jpn = jp + n;
ptsid.setEntry(jp, 1.0 + j + sfrac);
if (jpn <= npt) {
ptsid.setEntry(jpn, (1.0+j) / (double) np + sfrac);
temp = ONE / (ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0) - ptsaux.getEntry(j, 1));
bmat.setEntry(jp, j, -temp + ONE / ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0));
bmat.setEntry(jpn, j, temp + ONE / ptsaux.getEntry(j, 1));
bmat.setEntry(0, j, -bmat.getEntry(jp, j) - bmat.getEntry(jpn, j));
final double d1 = ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0) * ptsaux.getEntry(j, 1);
zmat.setEntry(0, j, Math.sqrt(TWO) / Math.abs(d1));
zmat.setEntry(jp, j, zmat.getEntry(0, j) *
ptsaux.getEntry(j, 1) * temp);
zmat.setEntry(jpn, j, -zmat.getEntry(0, j) *
ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0) * temp);
} else {
bmat.setEntry(0, j, -ONE / ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0));
bmat.setEntry(jp, j, ONE / ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0));
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = ptsaux.getEntry(j, 0);
bmat.setEntry(j + npt, j, -HALF * (d1 * d1));
// Set any remaining identifiers with their nonzero elements of ZMAT.
if (npt >= n + np) {
for (int k = np << 1; k <= npt; k++) {
int iw = (int) (((double) (k - np) - HALF) / (double) n);
ip = k - np - iw * n;
iq = ip + iw;
if (iq > n) {
iq -= n;
ptsid.setEntry(k, (double) ip + (double) iq / (double) np +
temp = ONE / (ptsaux.getEntry(ip, 0) * ptsaux.getEntry(iq, 0));
zmat.setEntry(0, (k - np), temp);
zmat.setEntry(ip + 1, k - np, -temp);
zmat.setEntry(iq + 1, k - np, -temp);
zmat.setEntry(k, k - np, temp);
nrem = npt;
kold = 1;
knew = trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex;
// Reorder the provisional points in the way that exchanges PTSID(KOLD)
// with PTSID(KNEW).
int state = 80;
for(;;) switch (state) {
case 80: {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
temp = bmat.getEntry(kold, j);
bmat.setEntry(kold, j, bmat.getEntry(knew, j));
bmat.setEntry(knew, j, temp);
for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
temp = zmat.getEntry(kold, j);
zmat.setEntry(kold, j, zmat.getEntry(knew, j));
zmat.setEntry(knew, j, temp);
ptsid.setEntry(kold, ptsid.getEntry(knew));
ptsid.setEntry(knew, ZERO);
work3.setEntry(knew, ZERO);
if (knew != trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex) {
temp = vlag.getEntry(kold);
vlag.setEntry(kold, vlag.getEntry(knew));
vlag.setEntry(knew, temp);
// Update the BMAT and ZMAT matrices so that the status of the KNEW-th
// interpolation point can be changed from provisional to original. The
// branch to label 350 occurs if all the original points are reinstated.
// The nonnegative values of W(NDIM+K) are required in the search below.
update(bmat, zmat, vlag,
beta, denom, knew);
if (nrem == 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
work3.setEntry(k, Math.abs(work3.getEntry(k)));
// Pick the index KNEW of an original interpolation point that has not
// yet replaced one of the provisional interpolation points, giving
// attention to the closeness to XOPT and to previous tries with KNEW.
case 120: {
dsqmin = ZERO;
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
final double v1 = work3.getEntry(k);
if (v1 > ZERO) {
if (dsqmin == ZERO ||
v1 < dsqmin) {
knew = k;
dsqmin = v1;
if (dsqmin == ZERO) {
state = 260; break;
// Form the W-vector of the chosen original interpolation point.
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
work2.setEntry(j, xpt.getEntry(knew, j));
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
sum = ZERO;
if (k == trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex) {
} else if (ptsid.getEntry(k) == ZERO) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
sum += work2.getEntry(j) * xpt.getEntry(k, j);
} else {
ip = (int) ptsid.getEntry(k);
if (ip > 0) {
sum = work2.getEntry(ip - 1) * ptsaux.getEntry(ip - 1, 0);
iq = (int) ((double) np * ptsid.getEntry(k) - (double) (ip * np));
if (iq > 0) {
int iw = 0;
if (ip == 0) {
iw = 1;
sum += work2.getEntry(iq - 1) * ptsaux.getEntry(iq - 1, iw);
work1.setEntry(k, HALF * sum * sum);
// Calculate VLAG and BETA for the required updating of the H matrix if
// XPT(KNEW,.) is reinstated in the set of interpolation points.
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
sum = ZERO;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
sum += bmat.getEntry(k, j) * work2.getEntry(j);
vlag.setEntry(k, sum);
beta = ZERO;
for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
sum = ZERO;
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
sum += zmat.getEntry(k, j) * work1.getEntry(k);
beta -= sum * sum;
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
vlag.setEntry(k, vlag.getEntry(k) + sum * zmat.getEntry(k, j));
bsum = ZERO;
distsq = ZERO;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
sum = ZERO;
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
sum += bmat.getEntry(k, j) * work1.getEntry(k);
jp = j + npt;
bsum += sum * work2.getEntry(j);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
sum += bmat.getEntry(npt + k, j) * work2.getEntry(k);
bsum += sum * work2.getEntry(j);
vlag.setEntry(jp, sum);
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = xpt.getEntry(knew, j);
distsq += d1 * d1;
beta = HALF * distsq * distsq + beta - bsum;
vlag.setEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex, vlag.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex) + ONE);
// KOLD is set to the index of the provisional interpolation point that is
// going to be deleted to make way for the KNEW-th original interpolation
// point. The choice of KOLD is governed by the avoidance of a small value
// of the denominator in the updating calculation of UPDATE.
denom = ZERO;
vlmxsq = ZERO;
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
if (ptsid.getEntry(k) != ZERO) {
hdiag = ZERO;
for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = zmat.getEntry(k, j);
hdiag += d1 * d1;
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = vlag.getEntry(k);
den = beta * hdiag + d1 * d1;
if (den > denom) {
kold = k;
denom = den;
// Computing MAX
// Computing 2nd power
final double d3 = vlag.getEntry(k);
vlmxsq = Math.max(vlmxsq , d3 * d3);
if (denom <= vlmxsq * .01) {
work3.setEntry(knew, -work3.getEntry(knew) - winc);
state = 120; break;
state = 80; break;
// When label 260 is reached, all the final positions of the interpolation
// points have been chosen although any changes have not been included yet
// in XPT. Also the final BMAT and ZMAT matrices are complete, but, apart
// from the shift of XBASE, the updating of the quadratic model remains to
// be done. The following cycle through the new interpolation points begins
// by putting the new point in XPT(KPT,.) and by setting PQ(KPT) to zero,
// except that a RETURN occurs if MAXFUN prohibits another value of F.
case 260: {
for (kpt = 0; kpt < npt; kpt++) {
if (ptsid.getEntry(kpt) == ZERO) {
ih = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
work2.setEntry(j, xpt.getEntry(kpt, j));
xpt.setEntry(kpt, j, ZERO);
temp = pq.getEntry(kpt) * work2.getEntry(j);
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
hq.setEntry(ih, hq.getEntry(ih) + temp * work2.getEntry(i));
pq.setEntry(kpt, ZERO);
ip = (int) ptsid.getEntry(kpt);
iq = (int) ((double) np * ptsid.getEntry(kpt) - (double) (ip * np));
if (ip > 0) {
xp = ptsaux.getEntry(ip - 1, 0);
xpt.setEntry(kpt, ip - 1, xp);
if (iq > 0) {
xq = ptsaux.getEntry(iq - 1, 0);
if (ip == 0) {
xq = ptsaux.getEntry(iq - 1, 1);
xpt.setEntry(kpt, iq - 1, xq);
// Set VQUAD to the value of the current model at the new point.
vquad = fbase;
if (ip > 0) {
ihp = (ip + ip * ip) / 2;
vquad += xp * (gopt.getEntry(ip - 1) + HALF * xp * hq.getEntry(ihp - 1));
if (iq > 0) {
int ihq = (iq + iq * iq) / 2;
vquad += xq * (gopt.getEntry(iq - 1) + HALF * xq * hq.getEntry(ihq - 1));
if (ip > 0) {
int iiw = Math.max(ihp, ihq) - Math.abs(ip - iq);
vquad += xp * xq * hq.getEntry(iiw - 1);
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
temp = ZERO;
if (ip > 0) {
temp += xp * xpt.getEntry(k, ip - 1);
if (iq > 0) {
temp += xq * xpt.getEntry(k, iq - 1);
vquad += HALF * pq.getEntry(k) * temp * temp;
// Calculate F at the new interpolation point, and set DIFF to the factor
// that is going to multiply the KPT-th Lagrange function when the model
// is updated to provide interpolation to the new function value.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Computing MIN
// Computing MAX
d__3 = lowerBound[i];
d__4 = xbase.getEntry(i) + xpt.getEntry(kpt, i);
d__1 = Math.max(d__3, d__4);
d__2 = upperBound[i];
work2.setEntry(i, Math.min(d__1, d__2));
if (xpt.getEntry(kpt, i) == sl.getEntry(i)) {
work2.setEntry(i, lowerBound[i]);
if (xpt.getEntry(kpt, i) == su.getEntry(i)) {
work2.setEntry(i, upperBound[i]);
f = computeObjectiveValue(work2.getData());
if (!isMinimize)
f = -f;
fval.setEntry(kpt, f);
if (f < fval.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex)) {
trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex = kpt;
diff = f - vquad;
// Update the quadratic model. The RETURN from the subroutine occurs when
// all the new interpolation points are included in the model.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
gopt.setEntry(i, gopt.getEntry(i) + diff * bmat.getEntry(kpt, i));
for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
sum = ZERO;
for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
sum += zmat.getEntry(k, j) * zmat.getEntry(kpt, j);
temp = diff * sum;
if (ptsid.getEntry(k) == ZERO) {
pq.setEntry(k, pq.getEntry(k) + temp);
} else {
ip = (int) ptsid.getEntry(k);
iq = (int) ((double) np * ptsid.getEntry(k) - (double) (ip * np));
int ihq = (iq * iq + iq) / 2;
if (ip == 0) {
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = ptsaux.getEntry(iq - 1, 1);
hq.setEntry(ihq - 1, hq.getEntry(ihq - 1) + temp * (d1 * d1));
} else {
ihp = (ip * ip + ip) / 2;
// Computing 2nd power
final double d1 = ptsaux.getEntry(ip - 1, 0);
hq.setEntry(ihp - 1, hq.getEntry(ihp - 1) + temp * (d1 * d1));
if (iq > 0) {
// Computing 2nd power
final double d2 = ptsaux.getEntry(iq - 1, 0);
hq.setEntry(ihq - 1, hq.getEntry(ihq - 1) + temp * (d2 * d2));
int iw = Math.max(ihp,ihq) - Math.abs(iq - ip);
hq.setEntry(iw - 1, hq.getEntry(iw - 1)
+ temp * ptsaux.getEntry(ip - 1, 0) * ptsaux.getEntry(iq - 1, 0));
ptsid.setEntry(kpt, ZERO);
} // rescue
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2966,6 +2386,9 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizer
hred.setEntry(i, hs.getEntry(i));
state = 120; break;
default: {
throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, "trsbox");
} // trsbox
@ -75,16 +75,6 @@ public class BOBYQAOptimizerTest {
1e-13, 1e-6, lowMaxEval, null);
public void testRescue() {
double[] startPoint = point(DIM, 1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
RealPointValuePair expected = new RealPointValuePair(point(DIM, 0), 0);
doTest(new MinusElli(), startPoint, boundaries,
1e-13, 1e-6, 1000, expected);
public void testRosen() {
double[] startPoint = point(DIM,0.1);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user