From 77a6b785d20681a25b701bef174d5acb90c31724 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luc Maisonobe
- The estimation package provides classes to fit some non-linear
- model to available observations depending on it. These
- problems are commonly called estimation problems.
- The estimation problems considered here are parametric
- problems where a user-provided model depends on initially
- unknown scalar parameters and several measurements made on
- values that depend on the model are available. As examples,
- one can consider the center and radius of a circle given
- points approximately lying on a ring, or a satellite orbit
- given range, range-rate and angular measurements from various
- ground stations.
- One important class of estimation problems is weighted least
- squares problems. They basically consist in finding the values
- for some parameters pk such that a cost function
- J = sum(wiri2) is minimized.
- The various ri terms represent the deviation
- ri = mesi - modi
- between the measurements and the parameterized models. The
- wi factors are the measurements weights, they are often
- chosen either all equal to 1.0 or proportional to the inverse of the
- variance of the measurement type. The solver adjusts the values of
- the estimated parameters pk which are not bound (i.e. the
- free parameters). It does not touch the parameters which have been
- put in a bound state by the user.
- The aim of this package is similar to the aim of the
- optimization package, but the algorithms are entirely
- different as:
- The problem modeling is the most important part for the - user. Understanding it is the key to proper use of the - package. One interface and two classes are provided for this - purpose: - EstimationProblem, - EstimatedParameter and - WeightedMeasurement. -
-- Consider the following example problem: we want to determine the - linear trajectory of a sailing ship by performing angular and - distance measurements from an observing spot on the shore. The - problem model is represented by two equations: -
- x(t) = x0+(t-t0)vx0
- y(t) = y0+(t-t0)vy0
- These two equations depend on four parameters (x0, y0, - vx0 and vy0). We want to determine these four parameters. -
-- Assuming the observing spot is located at the origin of the coordinates - system and that the angular measurements correspond to the angle between - the x axis and the line of sight, the theoretical values of the angular - measurements at ti and of the distance measurements at - tj are modeled as follows: -
- anglei,theo = atan2(y(ti), x(ti))
- distancej,theo = sqrt(x(tj)2+y(tj)2)
- The real observations generate a set of measurements values anglei,meas - and distancej,meas. -
-- The following class diagram shows one way to solve this problem using the - estimation package. The grey elements are already provided by the package - whereas the purple elements are developed by the user. -
- The TrajectoryDeterminationProblem
class holds the linear model
- equations x(t) and y(t). It delegate storage of the four parameters x0,
- y0, vx0 and vy0 and of the various measurements
- anglei,meas and distancej,meas to its base class
- SimpleEstimationProblem
. Since the theoretical values of the measurements
- anglei,theo and distancej,theo depend on the linear model,
- the two classes AngularMeasurement
and DistanceMeasurement
- are implemented as internal classes, thus having access to the equations of the
- linear model and to the parameters.
- Here are the various parts of the
- source file. This example, with an additional main
method is
- available here.
static fields are present because
- the WeightedMeasurement
class implements the
- Serializable
- Solving the problem is simply a matter of choosing an implementation
- of the
- Estimator interface and to pass the problem instance to its estimate
- method. Two implementations are already provided by the library:
- GaussNewtonEstimator and
- LevenbergMarquardtEstimator. The first one implements a simple Gauss-Newton
- algorithm, which is sufficient when the starting point (initial guess) is close
- enough to the solution. The second one implements a more complex Levenberg-Marquardt
- algorithm which is more robust when the initial guess is far from the solution.
- The following sequence diagram explains roughly what occurs under the hood
- in the estimate
- Basically, the estimator first retrieves the parameters and the measurements. - The estimation loop is based on the gradient of the sum of the squares of the - residuals, hence, the estimators get the various partial derivatives of all - measurements with respect to all parameters. A new state hopefully globally - reducing the residuals is estimated, and the parameters value are updated. - This estimation loops stops when either the convergence conditions are met - or the maximal number of iterations is exceeded. -
-- One important tuning parameter for weighted least-squares solving is the - weight attributed to each measurement. This weights has two purposes: -
-- The weight is a multiplicative factor for the square of the residuals. - A common choice is to use the inverse of the variance of the measurements error - as the weighting factor for all measurements for one type. On our sailing ship - example, we may have a range measurements accuracy of about 1 meter and an angular - measurements accuracy of about 0.01 degree, or 1.7 10-4 radians. So we - would use w=1.0 for distance measurements weight and w=3 107 for - angular measurements weight. If we knew that the measurements quality is bad - at tracking start because of measurement system warm-up delay for example, then - we would reduce the weight for the first measurements and use for example - w=0.1 and w=3 106 respectively, depending on the type. -
- After a problem has been set up, it is possible to fine tune the
- way it will be solved. For example, it may appear the measurements are not
- sufficient to get some parameters with sufficient confidence due to observability
- problems. It is possible to fix some parameters in order to prevent the solver
- from changing them. This is realized by passing true
to the
- setBound
method of the parameter.
- It is also possible to ignore some measurements by passing true
to the
- setIgnored
method of the measurement. A typical use is to
The ode package provides classes to solve Ordinary Differential Equations problems.
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ automatic guess is wrong.Discrete events detection is based on switching functions. The user provides a simple g(t, y) @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ public int eventOccurred(double t, double[] y) { }
First order ODE problems are defined by implementing the FirstOrderDifferentialEquations @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public int eventOccurred(double t, double[] y) { that implement it are allowed to handle them as they want.
The tables below show the various integrators available for non-stiff problems.
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/userguide/optimization.xml b/src/site/xdoc/userguide/optimization.xml index e56cd200e..69a83ab58 100644 --- a/src/site/xdoc/userguide/optimization.xml +++ b/src/site/xdoc/userguide/optimization.xml @@ -26,28 +26,93 @@ -- The optimization package provides algorithms to optimize (i.e. minimize) some - objective or cost function. The package is split in several sub-packages - dedicated to different kind of functions or algorithms. + The optimization package provides algorithms to optimize (i.e. either minimize + or maximize) some objective or cost function. The package is split in several + sub-packages dedicated to different kind of functions or algorithms.
- A
- org.apache.commons.math.optimization.univariate.UnivariateRealMinimizer
- is used to find the minimal values of a univariate real-valued function f
+ The top level optimization package provides common interfaces for the optimization
+ algorithms provided in sub-packages. The main interfaces defines objective functions
+ and optimizers.
+ Objective functions interfaces are intended to be implemented by + user code to represent the problem to minimize or maximize. When the goal is to + minimize, the objective function is often called a cost function. Objective + functions can be either scalar or vectorial and can be either differentiable or + not. There are four different interfaces, one for each case: +
+ Optimizers are the algorithms that will either minimize or maximize, the objective function + by changing its input variables set until an optimal set is found. There are only three + interfaces defining the common behavior of optimizers, one for each type of objective + function except + VectorialObjectiveFunction: +
+ + ++ Despite there are only three types of supported optimizers, it is possible to optimize a + transform a non-differentiable + VectorialObjectiveFunction by transforming into a + ScalarObjectiveFunction thanks to the + LeastSquaresConverter helper class. The transformed function can be optimized using any + implementation of the + ScalarOptimizer interface. +
+ ++ There are also three special implementations which wrap classical optimizers in order to + add them a multi-start feature. This feature call the underlying optimizer several times + in sequence with different starting points and returns the best optimum found or all optima + if desired. This is a classical way to prevent being trapped into a local extremum when + looking for a global one. The multi-start wrappers are + MultiStartScalarOptimizer, + MultiStartScalarDifferentiableOptimizer and + MultiStartVectorialDifferentiableOptimizer. +
+ A
+ UnivariateRealMinimizer is used to find the minimal values of a univariate scalar-valued function
+ f
Minimization algorithms usage is very similar to root-finding algorithms usage explained
@@ -55,11 +120,14 @@
finding algorithms is replaced by minimize
+ This package provides an implementation of George Dantzig's simplex algorithm + for solving linear optimization problems with linear equality and inequality + constraints.
Direct search methods only use cost function values, they don't need derivatives and don't either try to compute approximation of @@ -97,8 +165,45 @@ multi-directional method.
+ The general package deals with non-linear vectorial optimization problems when + the partial derivatives of the objective function are available. +
++ One important class of estimation problems is weighted least + squares problems. They basically consist in finding the values + for some parameters pk such that a cost function + J = sum(wi(mesi - modi)2) is + minimized. The various (targeti - modeli(pk)) + terms are called residuals. They represent the deviation between a set of + target values targeti and theoretical values computed from + models modeli depending on free parameters pk. + The wi factors are weights. One classical use case is when the + target values are experimental observations or measurements. +
++ Solving a least-squares problem is finding the free parameters pk + of the theoretical models such that they are close to the target values, i.e. + when the residual are small. +
++ Two optimizers are available in the general package, both devoted to least-squares + problems. The first one is based on the + Gauss-Newton method. The second one is the + Levenberg-Marquardt method. +
+ In order to solve a vectorial optimization problem, the user must provide it as
+ an object implementing the
+ VectorialDifferentiableObjectiveFunction interface. The object will be provided to
+ the estimate
method of the optimizer, along with the target and weight arrays,
+ thus allowing the optimizer to compute the residuals at will. The last parameter to the
+ estimate
method is the point from which the optimizer will start its
+ search for the optimal point.