From 81b1571ad38e8648f004ca4ac06d253495f3207b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brent Worden Gamma createGammaDistribution Hypergeometric createHypogeometricDistribution
+ Normal (Gaussian) createNormalDistribution Poisson createPoissonDistribution t createTDistribution
+ Since there are numerous distributions and Commons-Math only directly supports a handfull,
+ it may be necessary to extend the distribution framework to satisfy individual needs. It
+ is recommended that the Distribution
, ContinuousDistribution
+ DiscreteDistribution
, and IntegerDistribution
interfaces serve as
+ base types for any extension. These serve as the basis for all the distributions directly
+ supported by Commons-Math and using those interfaces for implementation purposes will
+ insure any extension is compatible with the remainder of Commons-Math. To aid in
+ implementing a distribution extension, the AbstractDistribution
+ AbstractContinuousDistribution
, and AbstractIntegerDistribution
+ provide implementation building blocks and offer a lot of default distribution
+ functionality. By extending these abstract classes directly, a good portion of the
+ repetative distribution implementation is already developed and should same time and effort
+ in developing user defined distributions.