MATH-395: Another bug uncovered; all things being equal, the code now behaves

like the Puthon implementation.
MATH-397: Modified "BrentOptimizer" following the changes in

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Gilles Sadowski 2010-07-28 12:03:41 +00:00
parent 7572385a7e
commit 962315ba93
5 changed files with 81 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ public abstract class ConvergingAlgorithmImpl implements ConvergingAlgorithm {
* Increment the iterations counter by 1.
* @throws OptimizationException if the maximal number
* @throws MaxIterationsExceededException if the maximal number
* of iterations is exceeded.
* @since 2.2
protected void incrementIterationsCounter()
throws ConvergenceException {
throws MaxIterationsExceededException {
if (++iterationCount > maximalIterationCount) {
throw new ConvergenceException(new MaxIterationsExceededException(maximalIterationCount));
throw new MaxIterationsExceededException(maximalIterationCount);

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@ -260,5 +260,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer
* @return the optimum.
protected abstract double doOptimize();
protected abstract double doOptimize()
throws MaxIterationsExceededException, FunctionEvaluationException;

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@ -41,39 +41,37 @@ public class BrentOptimizer extends AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer {
* Construct a solver.
public BrentOptimizer() {
super(100, 1E-10);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double optimize(final UnivariateRealFunction f, final GoalType goalType,
final double min, final double max, final double startValue)
throws MaxIterationsExceededException, FunctionEvaluationException {
return localMin(f, goalType, min, startValue, max,
getRelativeAccuracy(), getAbsoluteAccuracy());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double optimize(final UnivariateRealFunction f, final GoalType goalType,
final double min, final double max)
throws MaxIterationsExceededException, FunctionEvaluationException {
return optimize(f, goalType, min, max, min + GOLDEN_SECTION * (max - min));
* Find the minimum of the function {@code f} within the interval {@code (a, b)}.
* Perform the optimization.
* If the function {@code f} is defined on the interval {@code (a, b)}, then
* this method finds an approximation {@code x} to the point at which {@code f}
* attains its minimum.<br/>
* {@code t} and {@code eps} define a tolerance {@code tol = eps |x| + t} and
* {@code f} is never evaluated at two points closer together than {@code tol}.
* {@code eps} should be no smaller than <em>2 macheps</em> and preferable not
* much less than <em>sqrt(macheps)</em>, where <em>macheps</em> is the relative
* machine precision. {@code t} should be positive.
* @param f the function to solve.
* @param goalType type of optimization goal: either {@link GoalType#MAXIMIZE}
* or {@link GoalType#MINIMIZE}.
* @return the optimum.
protected double doOptimize()
throws MaxIterationsExceededException, FunctionEvaluationException {
return localMin(getGoalType() == GoalType.MINIMIZE,
getMin(), getStartValue(), getMax(),
getRelativeAccuracy(), getAbsoluteAccuracy());
* Find the minimum of the function within the interval {@code (lo, hi)}.
* If the function is defined on the interval {@code (lo, hi)}, then
* this method finds an approximation {@code x} to the point at which
* the function attains its minimum.<br/>
* {@code t} and {@code eps} define a tolerance {@code tol = eps |x| + t}
* and the function is never evaluated at two points closer together than
* {@code tol}. {@code eps} should be no smaller than <em>2 macheps</em> and
* preferable not much less than <em>sqrt(macheps)</em>, where
* <em>macheps</em> is the relative machine precision. {@code t} should be
* positive.
* @param isMinim {@code true} when minimizing the function.
* @param lo Lower bound of the interval.
* @param mid Point inside the interval {@code [lo, hi]}.
* @param hi Higher bound of the interval.
@ -85,8 +83,7 @@ public class BrentOptimizer extends AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer {
* @throws FunctionEvaluationException if an error occurs evaluating
* the function.
private double localMin(UnivariateRealFunction f,
GoalType goalType,
private double localMin(boolean isMinim,
double lo, double mid, double hi,
double eps, double t)
throws MaxIterationsExceededException, FunctionEvaluationException {
@ -108,16 +105,16 @@ public class BrentOptimizer extends AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer {
double x = mid;
double v = x;
double w = x;
double d = 0;
double e = 0;
double fx = computeObjectiveValue(f, x);
if (goalType == GoalType.MAXIMIZE) {
double fx = computeObjectiveValue(x);
if (!isMinim) {
fx = -fx;
double fv = fx;
double fw = fx;
int count = 0;
while (count < maximalIterationCount) {
while (true) {
double m = 0.5 * (a + b);
final double tol1 = eps * Math.abs(x) + t;
final double tol2 = 2 * tol1;
@ -127,7 +124,6 @@ public class BrentOptimizer extends AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer {
double p = 0;
double q = 0;
double r = 0;
double d = 0;
double u = 0;
if (Math.abs(e) > tol1) { // Fit parabola.
@ -191,8 +187,8 @@ public class BrentOptimizer extends AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer {
u = x + d;
double fu = computeObjectiveValue(f, u);
if (goalType == GoalType.MAXIMIZE) {
double fu = computeObjectiveValue(u);
if (!isMinim) {
fu = -fu;
@ -229,16 +225,10 @@ public class BrentOptimizer extends AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer {
} else { // termination
setResult(x, (goalType == GoalType.MAXIMIZE) ? -fx : fx, count);
setFunctionValue(isMinim ? fx : -fx);
return x;
throw new MaxIterationsExceededException(maximalIterationCount);
/** Temporary workaround. */
protected double doOptimize() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

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@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ public class MultiStartUnivariateRealOptimizerTest {
assertEquals(-1.0, f.value(optima[i]), 1.0e-10);
assertEquals(f.value(optima[i]), optimaValues[i], 1.0e-10);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() > 1500);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() < 1700);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() > 150);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() < 250);
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ public class MultiStartUnivariateRealOptimizerTest {
double result = minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, -0.3, -0.2);
assertEquals(-0.27195612525275803, result, 1.0e-13);
assertEquals(-0.27195612525275803, minimizer.getResult(), 1.0e-13);
assertEquals(-0.2719561270319131, result, 1.0e-13);
assertEquals(-0.2719561270319131, minimizer.getResult(), 1.0e-13);
assertEquals(-0.04433426954946637, minimizer.getFunctionValue(), 1.0e-13);
double[] optima = minimizer.getOptima();
@ -93,10 +93,9 @@ public class MultiStartUnivariateRealOptimizerTest {
for (int i = 0; i < optima.length; ++i) {
assertEquals(f.value(optima[i]), optimaValues[i], 1.0e-10);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() >= 300);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() <= 420);
assertTrue(minimizer.getIterationCount() >= 100);
assertTrue(minimizer.getIterationCount() <= 140);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() >= 120);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() <= 170);
assertTrue(minimizer.getIterationCount() >= 120);
assertTrue(minimizer.getIterationCount() <= 170);

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.SinFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.GoalType;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.UnivariateRealOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -50,13 +51,13 @@ public final class BrentOptimizerTest {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("wrong exception caught");
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 4, 5), 70 * minimizer.getAbsoluteAccuracy());
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 4, 5), 10 * minimizer.getRelativeAccuracy());
assertTrue(minimizer.getIterationCount() <= 50);
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 1, 5), 70 * minimizer.getAbsoluteAccuracy());
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 1, 5), 10 * minimizer.getRelativeAccuracy());
assertTrue(minimizer.getIterationCount() <= 50);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() <= 100);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() >= 30);
assertTrue(minimizer.getEvaluations() >= 15);
try {
minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 4, 5);
fail("an exception should have been thrown");
@ -82,35 +83,35 @@ public final class BrentOptimizerTest {
public void testQuinticMinPythonComparison() throws MathException {
public void testQuinticMinStatistics() throws MathException {
// The function has local minima at -0.27195613 and 0.82221643.
UnivariateRealFunction f = new QuinticFunction();
UnivariateRealOptimizer minimizer = new BrentOptimizer();
double result;
int nIter, nEval;
final DescriptiveStatistics[] stat = new DescriptiveStatistics[3];
for (int i = 0; i < stat.length; i++) {
stat[i] = new DescriptiveStatistics();
result = minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, -0.3, -0.2, -0.25);
nIter = minimizer.getIterationCount();
nEval = minimizer.getEvaluations();
// XXX Python: -0.27195612805911351 (instead of -0.2719561279558559).
assertEquals(-0.2719561279558559, result, 1e-12);
// XXX Python: 15 (instead of 18).
assertEquals(18, nEval);
// XXX Python: 11 (instead of 17).
assertEquals(17, nIter);
final double min = -0.75;
final double max = 0.25;
final int nSamples = 200;
final double delta = (max - min) / nSamples;
for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++) {
final double start = min + i * delta;
stat[0].addValue(minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, min, max, start));
result = minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 0.7, 0.9, 0.8);
nIter = minimizer.getIterationCount();
nEval = minimizer.getEvaluations();
// XXX Python: 0.82221643488363705 (instead of 0.8222164326561908).
assertEquals(0.8222164326561908, result, 1e-12);
// XXX Python: 25 (instead of 43).
assertEquals(43, nEval);
// XXX Python: 21 (instead of 24).
assertEquals(24, nIter);
final double meanOptValue = stat[0].getMean();
final double medianIter = stat[1].getPercentile(50);
final double medianEval = stat[2].getPercentile(50);
assertTrue(meanOptValue > -0.27195612812 && meanOptValue < -0.27195612811);
assertEquals(medianIter, 17, Math.ulp(1d));
assertEquals(medianEval, 18, Math.ulp(1d));
@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ public final class BrentOptimizerTest {
UnivariateRealFunction f = new QuinticFunction();
UnivariateRealOptimizer minimizer = new BrentOptimizer();
assertEquals(0.27195613, minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, 0.2, 0.3), 1.0e-8);
try {
minimizer.optimize(f, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, 0.2, 0.3);
fail("an exception should have been thrown");
@ -136,11 +137,13 @@ public final class BrentOptimizerTest {
UnivariateRealFunction f = new SinFunction();
UnivariateRealOptimizer solver = new BrentOptimizer();
// endpoint is minimum
double result = solver.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 3 * Math.PI / 2, 5);
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, result, 70 * solver.getAbsoluteAccuracy());
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, result, 10 * solver.getRelativeAccuracy());
result = solver.optimize(f, GoalType.MINIMIZE, 4, 3 * Math.PI / 2);
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, result, 80 * solver.getAbsoluteAccuracy());
assertEquals(3 * Math.PI / 2, result, 10 * solver.getRelativeAccuracy());