Obsolete class.
Functionality was moved to "Commons Numbers".
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.math4.complex;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.complex.Complex;
import org.apache.commons.math4.TestUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math4.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.commons.math4.util.IntegerSequence;
import org.apache.commons.math4.util.IntegerSequence.Range;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ComplexUtilsTest {
private final double inf = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
private final double negInf = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
private final double nan = Double.NaN;
private final double pi = FastMath.PI;
private final Complex negInfInf = Complex.ofCartesian(negInf, inf);
private final Complex infNegInf = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, negInf);
private final Complex infInf = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, inf);
private final Complex negInfNegInf = Complex.ofCartesian(negInf, negInf);
private final Complex infNaN = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, nan);
private static Complex c[]; // complex array with real values even and imag
// values odd
private static Complex cr[]; // complex array with real values consecutive
private static Complex ci[]; // complex array with imag values consecutive
private static double d[]; // real array with consecutive vals
private static double di[]; // real array with consecutive vals,
// 'interleaved' length
private static float f[]; // real array with consecutive vals
private static float fi[]; // real array with consec vals, interleaved
// length
private static double sr[]; // real component of split array, evens
private static double si[]; // imag component of split array, odds
private static float sfr[]; // real component of split array, float, evens
private static float sfi[]; // imag component of split array, float, odds
static Complex ans1, ans2; // answers to single value extraction methods
static Range range1, range2; // ranges used to test with
// IntegerRange
static Complex[] ansArrayc1r, ansArrayc1i, ansArrayc2r, ansArrayc2i, ansArrayc3, ansArrayc4; // answers
// to
// range
// extraction
// methods
static double[] ansArrayd1r, ansArrayd2r, ansArrayd1i, ansArrayd2i, ansArraydi1, ansArraydi2;
static float[] ansArrayf1r, ansArrayf2r, ansArrayf1i, ansArrayf2i, ansArrayfi1, ansArrayfi2;
static String msg; // error message for AssertEquals
static Complex[][] c2d, cr2d, ci2d; // for 2d methods
static Complex[][][] c3d, cr3d, ci3d; // for 3d methods
static double[][] d2d, di2d, sr2d, si2d;
static double[][][] d3d, di3d, sr3d, si3d;
static float[][] f2d, fi2d, sfr2d, sfi2d;
static float[][][] f3d, fi3d, sfr3d, sfi3d;
private static void setArrays() { // initial setup method
c = new Complex[10];
cr = new Complex[10];
ci = new Complex[10];
d = new double[10];
f = new float[10];
di = new double[20];
fi = new float[20];
sr = new double[10];
si = new double[10];
sfr = new float[10];
sfi = new float[10];
c2d = new Complex[10][10];
cr2d = new Complex[10][10];
ci2d = new Complex[10][10];
c3d = new Complex[10][10][10];
cr3d = new Complex[10][10][10];
ci3d = new Complex[10][10][10];
d2d = new double[10][10];
d3d = new double[10][10][10];
f2d = new float[10][10];
f3d = new float[10][10][10];
sr2d = new double[10][10];
sr3d = new double[10][10][10];
si2d = new double[10][10];
si3d = new double[10][10][10];
sfr2d = new float[10][10];
sfr3d = new float[10][10][10];
sfi2d = new float[10][10];
sfi3d = new float[10][10][10];
di2d = new double[10][20];
di3d = new double[10][10][20];
fi2d = new float[10][20];
fi3d = new float[10][10][20];
range1 = IntegerSequence.range(3, 7);
range2 = IntegerSequence.range(3, 7, 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2) {
d[i / 2] = i / 2;
f[i / 2] = i / 2;
di[i] = i;
di[i + 1] = i + 1;
fi[i] = i;
fi[i + 1] = i + 1;
c[i / 2] = Complex.ofCartesian(i, i + 1);
cr[i / 2] = Complex.ofReal(i / 2);
ci[i / 2] = Complex.ofCartesian(0, i / 2);
sr[i / 2] = i;
si[i / 2] = i + 1;
sfr[i / 2] = i;
sfi[i / 2] = i + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j += 2) {
d2d[i][j / 2] = 10 * i + j / 2;
f2d[i][j / 2] = 10 * i + j / 2;
sr2d[i][j / 2] = 10 * i + j;
si2d[i][j / 2] = 10 * i + j + 1;
sfr2d[i][j / 2] = 10 * i + j;
sfi2d[i][j / 2] = 10 * i + j + 1;
di2d[i][j] = 10 * i + j;
di2d[i][j + 1] = 10 * i + j + 1;
fi2d[i][j] = 10 * i + j;
fi2d[i][j + 1] = 10 * i + j + 1;
c2d[i][j / 2] = Complex.ofCartesian(10 * i + j, 10 * i + j + 1);
cr2d[i][j / 2] = Complex.ofReal(10 * i + j / 2);
ci2d[i][j / 2] = Complex.ofCartesian(0, 10 * i + j / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 20; k += 2) {
d3d[i][j][k / 2] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k / 2;
f3d[i][j][k / 2] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k / 2;
sr3d[i][j][k / 2] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k;
si3d[i][j][k / 2] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k + 1;
sfr3d[i][j][k / 2] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k;
sfi3d[i][j][k / 2] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k + 1;
di3d[i][j][k] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k;
di3d[i][j][k + 1] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k + 1;
fi3d[i][j][k] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k;
fi3d[i][j][k + 1] = 100 * i + 10 * j + k + 1;
c3d[i][j][k / 2] = Complex.ofCartesian(100 * i + 10 * j + k, 100 * i + 10 * j + k + 1);
cr3d[i][j][k / 2] = Complex.ofReal(100 * i + 10 * j + k / 2);
ci3d[i][j][k / 2] = Complex.ofCartesian(0, 100 * i + 10 * j + k / 2);
ansArrayc1r = new Complex[] { Complex.ofReal(3), Complex.ofReal(4), Complex.ofReal(5), Complex.ofReal(6), Complex.ofReal(7) };
ansArrayc2r = new Complex[] { Complex.ofReal(3), Complex.ofReal(5), Complex.ofReal(7) };
ansArrayc1i = new Complex[] { Complex.ofCartesian(0, 3), Complex.ofCartesian(0, 4), Complex.ofCartesian(0, 5), Complex.ofCartesian(0, 6),
Complex.ofCartesian(0, 7) };
ansArrayc2i = new Complex[] { Complex.ofCartesian(0, 3), Complex.ofCartesian(0, 5), Complex.ofCartesian(0, 7) };
ansArrayc3 = new Complex[] { Complex.ofCartesian(6, 7), Complex.ofCartesian(8, 9), Complex.ofCartesian(10, 11), Complex.ofCartesian(12, 13),
Complex.ofCartesian(14, 15) };
ansArrayc4 = new Complex[] { Complex.ofCartesian(6, 7), Complex.ofCartesian(10, 11), Complex.ofCartesian(14, 15) };
ansArrayd1r = new double[] { 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 };
ansArrayd1i = new double[] { 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
ansArrayd2r = new double[] { 6, 10, 14 };
ansArrayd2i = new double[] { 7, 11, 15 };
ansArrayf1r = new float[] { 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 };
ansArrayf1i = new float[] { 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
ansArrayf2r = new float[] { 6, 10, 14 };
ansArrayf2i = new float[] { 7, 11, 15 };
ansArraydi1 = new double[] { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
ansArrayfi1 = new float[] { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
ansArraydi2 = new double[] { 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 };
ansArrayfi2 = new float[] { 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 };
msg = "";
public void testPolar2Complex() {
TestUtils.assertEquals(Complex.ONE, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(1, 0), 10e-12);
TestUtils.assertEquals(Complex.ZERO, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(0, 1), 10e-12);
TestUtils.assertEquals(Complex.ZERO, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(0, -1), 10e-12);
TestUtils.assertEquals(Complex.I, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(1, pi / 2), 10e-12);
TestUtils.assertEquals(Complex.I.negate(), ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(1, -pi / 2), 10e-12);
double r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
r += i;
double theta = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
theta += pi / 6;
TestUtils.assertEquals(altPolar(r, theta), ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(r, theta), 10e-12);
theta = -2 * pi;
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
theta -= pi / 6;
TestUtils.assertEquals(altPolar(r, theta), ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(r, theta), 10e-12);
protected Complex altPolar(double r, double theta) {
return Complex.I.multiply(Complex.ofCartesian(theta, 0)).exp().multiply(Complex.ofCartesian(r, 0));
@Test(expected = MathIllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPolar2ComplexIllegalModulus() {
ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(-1, 0);
public void testPolar2ComplexNaN() {
Assert.assertTrue(ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(nan, 1).isNaN());
Assert.assertTrue(ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(1, nan).isNaN());
Assert.assertTrue(ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(nan, nan).isNaN());
public void testPolar2ComplexInf() {
Assert.assertTrue(ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(1, inf).isNaN());
Assert.assertTrue(ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(1, negInf).isNaN());
Assert.assertTrue(ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(inf, inf).isNaN());
Assert.assertTrue(ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(inf, negInf).isNaN());
TestUtils.assertSame(infInf, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(inf, pi / 4));
TestUtils.assertSame(infNaN, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(inf, 0));
TestUtils.assertSame(infNegInf, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(inf, -pi / 4));
TestUtils.assertSame(negInfInf, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(inf, 3 * pi / 4));
TestUtils.assertSame(negInfNegInf, ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(inf, 5 * pi / 4));
public void testCExtract() {
final double[] real = new double[] { negInf, -123.45, 0, 1, 234.56, pi, inf };
final Complex[] complex = ComplexUtils.real2Complex(real);
for (int i = 0; i < real.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(real[i], complex[i].getReal(), 0d);
public void testExtractionMethods() {
// Extract complex from real double array, index 3
TestUtils.assertSame(Complex.ofReal(3), ComplexUtils.extractComplexFromRealArray(d, 3));
// Extract complex from real float array, index 3
TestUtils.assertSame(Complex.ofReal(3), ComplexUtils.extractComplexFromRealArray(f, 3));
// Extract real double from complex array, index 3
TestUtils.assertSame(6, ComplexUtils.extractRealFromComplexArray(c, 3));
// Extract real float from complex array, index 3
TestUtils.assertSame(6, ComplexUtils.extractRealFloatFromComplexArray(c, 3));
// Extract complex from interleaved double array, index 3
TestUtils.assertSame(Complex.ofCartesian(6, 7), ComplexUtils.extractComplexFromInterleavedArray(d, 3));
// Extract complex from interleaved float array, index 3
TestUtils.assertSame(Complex.ofCartesian(6, 7), ComplexUtils.extractComplexFromInterleavedArray(f, 3));
// Extract interleaved double from complex array, index 3
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, new double[] { 6, 7 }, ComplexUtils.extractInterleavedFromComplexArray(c, 3),
// Extract interleaved float from complex array, index 3
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, new double[] { 6, 7 }, ComplexUtils.extractInterleavedFromComplexArray(c, 3),
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testRealToComplex() {
// Real double to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(d, 3, 7),0);
// Real float to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(f, 3, 7),0);
// Real double to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(d, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real float to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(f, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real double to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(d, range1),0);
// Real float to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(f, range1),0);
// Real double to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(d, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real float to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2r, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(f, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real double to complex, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, cr, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(d),0);
// Real float to complex, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, cr, ComplexUtils.real2Complex(f),0);
// 2d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Real double to complex, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, cr2d[i], ComplexUtils.real2Complex(d2d[i]),0);
// Real float to complex, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, cr2d[i], ComplexUtils.real2Complex(f2d[i]),0);
// 3d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// Real double to complex, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, cr3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.real2Complex(d3d[i][j]),0);
// Real float to complex, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, cr3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.real2Complex(f3d[i][j]),0);
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testComplexToReal() {
// Real complex to double, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd1r, ComplexUtils.complex2Real(c, 3, 7),0);
// Real complex to float, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf1r, ComplexUtils.complex2RealFloat(c, 3, 7),0);
// Real complex to double, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd2r, ComplexUtils.complex2Real(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real complex to float, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf2r, ComplexUtils.complex2RealFloat(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real complex to double, range 3-7, increment 1, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd1r, ComplexUtils.complex2Real(c, range1),0);
// Real complex to float, range 3-7, increment 1, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf1r, ComplexUtils.complex2RealFloat(c, range1),0);
// Real complex to double, range 3-7, increment 2, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd2r, ComplexUtils.complex2Real(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real complex to float, range 3-7, increment 2, using IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf2r, ComplexUtils.complex2RealFloat(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Real complex to double, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sr, ComplexUtils.complex2Real(c),0);
// Real complex to float, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sfr, ComplexUtils.complex2RealFloat(c),0);
// 2d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Real complex to double, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sr2d[i], ComplexUtils.complex2Real(c2d[i]),0);
// Real complex to float, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sfr2d[i], ComplexUtils.complex2RealFloat(c2d[i]),0);
// 3d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// Real complex to double, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sr3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.complex2Real(c3d[i][j]),0);
// Real complex to float, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sfr3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.complex2RealFloat(c3d[i][j]),0);
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testImaginaryToComplex() {
// Imaginary double to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(d, 3, 7),0);
// Imaginary float to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(f, 3, 7),0);
// Imaginary double to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(d, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary float to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(f, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary double to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(d, range1),0);
// Imaginary float to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc1i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(f, range1),0);
// Imaginary double to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(d, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary float to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc2i, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(f, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary double to complex, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ci, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(d),0);
// Imaginary float to complex, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ci, ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(f),0);
// 2d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Imaginary double to complex, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ci2d[i], ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(d2d[i]),0);
// Imaginary float to complex, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ci2d[i], ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(f2d[i]),0);
// 3d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// Imaginary double to complex, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ci3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(d3d[i][j]),0);
// Imaginary float to complex, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ci3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.imaginary2Complex(f3d[i][j]),0);
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testComplexToImaginary() {
// Imaginary complex to double, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd1i, ComplexUtils.complex2Imaginary(c, 3, 7),0);
// Imaginary complex to float, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf1i, ComplexUtils.complex2ImaginaryFloat(c, 3, 7),0);
// Imaginary complex to double, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd2i, ComplexUtils.complex2Imaginary(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary complex to float, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf2i, ComplexUtils.complex2ImaginaryFloat(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary complex to double, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd1i, ComplexUtils.complex2Imaginary(c, range1),0);
// Imaginary complex to float, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf1i, ComplexUtils.complex2ImaginaryFloat(c, range1),0);
// Imaginary complex to double, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayd2i, ComplexUtils.complex2Imaginary(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary complex to float, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayf2i, ComplexUtils.complex2ImaginaryFloat(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Imaginary complex to double, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, si, ComplexUtils.complex2Imaginary(c),0);
// Imaginary complex to float, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sfi, ComplexUtils.complex2ImaginaryFloat(c),0);
// 2d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Imaginary complex to double, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, si2d[i], ComplexUtils.complex2Imaginary(c2d[i]),0);
// Imaginary complex to float, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sfi2d[i], ComplexUtils.complex2ImaginaryFloat(c2d[i]),0);
// 3d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// Imaginary complex to double, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, si3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.complex2Imaginary(c3d[i][j]),0);
// Imaginary complex to float, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, sfi3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.complex2ImaginaryFloat(c3d[i][j]),0);
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testInterleavedToComplex() {
// Interleaved double to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as
// ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc3, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(di, 3, 7),0);
// Interleaved float to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc3, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(fi, 3, 7),0);
// Interleaved double to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as
// ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc4, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(di, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved float to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc4, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(fi, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved double to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc3, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(di, range1),0);
// Interleaved float to complex, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc3, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(fi, range1),0);
// Interleaved double to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc4, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(di, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved float to complex, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayc4, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(fi, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved double to complex, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(di),0);
// Interleaved float to complex, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c, ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(fi),0);
// 2d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Interleaved double to complex, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c2d[i], ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(di2d[i]),0);
// Interleaved float to complex, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c2d[i], ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(fi2d[i]),0);
// 3d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// Interleaved double to complex, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(di3d[i][j]),0);
// Interleaved float to complex, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.interleaved2Complex(fi3d[i][j]),0);
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testComplexToInterleaved() {
// Interleaved complex to double, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as
// ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArraydi1, ComplexUtils.complex2Interleaved(c, 3, 7),0);
// Interleaved complex to float, range 3-7, increment 1, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayfi1, ComplexUtils.complex2InterleavedFloat(c, 3, 7),0);
// Interleaved complex to double, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as
// ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArraydi2, ComplexUtils.complex2Interleaved(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved complex to float, range 3-7, increment 2, entered as ints
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayfi2, ComplexUtils.complex2InterleavedFloat(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved complex to double, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArraydi1, ComplexUtils.complex2Interleaved(c, range1),0);
// Interleaved complex to float, range 3-7, increment 1, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayfi1, ComplexUtils.complex2InterleavedFloat(c, range1),0);
// Interleaved complex to double, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArraydi2, ComplexUtils.complex2Interleaved(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved complex to float, range 3-7, increment 2, using
// IntegerSequence
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, ansArrayfi2, ComplexUtils.complex2InterleavedFloat(c, 3, 7, 2),0);
// Interleaved complex to double, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, di, ComplexUtils.complex2Interleaved(c),0);
// Interleaved complex to float, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, fi, ComplexUtils.complex2InterleavedFloat(c),0);
// 2d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Interleaved complex to double, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, di2d[i], ComplexUtils.complex2Interleaved(c2d[i]),0);
// Interleaved complex to float, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, fi2d[i], ComplexUtils.complex2InterleavedFloat(c2d[i]),0);
// 3d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// Interleaved complex to double, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, di3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.complex2Interleaved(c3d[i][j]),0);
// Interleaved complex to float, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, fi3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.complex2InterleavedFloat(c3d[i][j]),0);
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testSplit2Complex() {
// Split double to complex, whole array
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c, ComplexUtils.split2Complex(sr, si),0);
// 2d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Split double to complex, 2d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c2d[i], ComplexUtils.split2Complex(sr2d[i], si2d[i]),0);
// 3d
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// Split double to complex, 3d
TestUtils.assertEquals(msg, c3d[i][j], ComplexUtils.split2Complex(sr3d[i][j], si3d[i][j]),0);
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
public void testInitialize() {
Complex[] c = new Complex[10];
for (Complex cc : c) {
TestUtils.assertEquals(Complex.ofCartesian(0, 0), cc, 0);
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