Removed the checked "MathException" from the interpolator interfaces.
Updated all affected classes.
"LoessInterpolator": Replaced usage of "MathException" with specific

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Gilles Sadowski 2011-01-06 16:20:51 +00:00
parent 81d30ccd16
commit bef6c18699
14 changed files with 178 additions and 185 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
@ -36,8 +35,7 @@ public class BicubicSplineInterpolator
public BicubicSplineInterpolatingFunction interpolate(final double[] xval,
final double[] yval,
final double[][] fval)
throws MathException {
final double[][] fval) {
if (xval.length == 0 || yval.length == 0 || fval.length == 0) {
throw new NoDataException();

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.BivariateRealFunction;
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.BivariateRealFunction;
public interface BivariateRealGridInterpolator {
* Computes an interpolating function for the data set.
* Compute an interpolating function for the dataset.
* @param xval All the x-coordinates of the interpolation points, sorted
* in increasing order.
@ -35,10 +34,12 @@ public interface BivariateRealGridInterpolator {
* in increasing order.
* @param fval The values of the interpolation points on all the grid knots:
* {@code fval[i][j] = f(xval[i], yval[j])}.
* @return a function which interpolates the data set.
* @throws MathException if arguments violate assumptions made by the
* interpolation algorithm.
* @return a function which interpolates the dataset.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NoDataException if any of
* the arrays has zero length.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException
* if the array lengths are inconsistent.
BivariateRealFunction interpolate(double[] xval, double[] yval, double[][] fval)
throws MathException;
BivariateRealFunction interpolate(double[] xval, double[] yval,
double[][] fval);

View File

@ -19,11 +19,16 @@ package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NotPositiveException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.OutOfRangeException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NoDataException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NumberIsTooSmallException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.util.Localizable;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.util.LocalizedFormats;
import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils;
* Implements the <a href="">
@ -43,22 +48,17 @@ import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath;
public class LoessInterpolator
implements UnivariateRealInterpolator, Serializable {
/** Default value of the bandwidth parameter. */
public static final double DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH = 0.3;
/** Default value of the number of robustness iterations. */
public static final int DEFAULT_ROBUSTNESS_ITERS = 2;
* Default value for accuracy.
* @since 2.1
public static final double DEFAULT_ACCURACY = 1e-12;
/** serializable version identifier. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5204927143605193821L;
* The bandwidth parameter: when computing the loess fit at
* a particular point, this fraction of source points closest
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* A sensible value is usually 0.25 to 0.5.
private final double bandwidth;
* The number of robustness iterations parameter: this many
* robustness iterations are done.
@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* robustness iterations) to 4.
private final int robustnessIters;
* If the median residual at a certain robustness iteration
* is less than this amount, no more iterations are done.
@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* Constructs a new {@link LoessInterpolator}
* Construct a new {@link LoessInterpolator}
* with given bandwidth and number of robustness iterations.
* <p>
* Calling this constructor is equivalent to calling {link {@link
@ -117,16 +115,15 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* A sensible value is usually 0 (just the initial fit without any
* robustness iterations) to 4, the default value is
* @throws MathException if bandwidth does not lie in the interval [0,1]
* or if robustnessIters is negative.
* @see #LoessInterpolator(double, int, double)
public LoessInterpolator(double bandwidth, int robustnessIters) throws MathException {
public LoessInterpolator(double bandwidth, int robustnessIters) {
this(bandwidth, robustnessIters, DEFAULT_ACCURACY);
* Constructs a new {@link LoessInterpolator}
* Construct a new {@link LoessInterpolator}
* with given bandwidth, number of robustness iterations and accuracy.
* @param bandwidth when computing the loess fit at
@ -141,19 +138,19 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* @param accuracy If the median residual at a certain robustness iteration
* is less than this amount, no more iterations are done.
* @throws MathException if bandwidth does not lie in the interval [0,1]
* or if robustnessIters is negative.
* @throws OutOfRangeException if bandwidth does not lie in the interval [0,1].
* @throws NotPositiveException if {@code robustnessIters} is negative.
* @see #LoessInterpolator(double, int)
* @since 2.1
public LoessInterpolator(double bandwidth, int robustnessIters, double accuracy) throws MathException {
if (bandwidth < 0 || bandwidth > 1) {
throw new MathException(LocalizedFormats.BANDWIDTH_OUT_OF_INTERVAL,
public LoessInterpolator(double bandwidth, int robustnessIters, double accuracy) {
if (bandwidth < 0 ||
bandwidth > 1) {
throw new OutOfRangeException(LocalizedFormats.BANDWIDTH, bandwidth, 0, 1);
this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
if (robustnessIters < 0) {
throw new MathException(LocalizedFormats.NEGATIVE_ROBUSTNESS_ITERATIONS, robustnessIters);
throw new NotPositiveException(LocalizedFormats.ROBUSTNESS_ITERATIONS, robustnessIters);
this.robustnessIters = robustnessIters;
this.accuracy = accuracy;
@ -169,51 +166,58 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* @param xval the arguments for the interpolation points
* @param yval the values for the interpolation points
* @return A cubic spline built upon a loess fit to the data at the original abscissae
* @throws MathException if some of the following conditions are false:
* <ul>
* <li> Arguments and values are of the same size that is greater than zero</li>
* <li> The arguments are in a strictly increasing order</li>
* <li> All arguments and values are finite real numbers</li>
* </ul>
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NonMonotonousSequenceException
* if {@code xval} not sorted in strictly increasing order.
* @throws DimensionMismatchException if {@code xval} and {@code yval} have
* different sizes.
* @throws NoDataException if {@code xval} or {@code yval} has zero size.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NotFiniteNumberException if
* any of the arguments and values are not finite real numbers.
* @throws NumberIsTooSmallException if the bandwidth is too small to
* accomodate the size of the input data (i.e. the bandwidth must be
* larger than 2/n).
public final PolynomialSplineFunction interpolate(
final double[] xval, final double[] yval) throws MathException {
public final PolynomialSplineFunction interpolate(final double[] xval, final double[] yval) {
return new SplineInterpolator().interpolate(xval, smooth(xval, yval));
* Compute a weighted loess fit on the data at the original abscissae.
* @param xval the arguments for the interpolation points
* @param yval the values for the interpolation points
* @param weights point weights: coefficients by which the robustness weight of a point is multiplied
* @return values of the loess fit at corresponding original abscissae
* @throws MathException if some of the following conditions are false:
* <ul>
* <li> Arguments and values are of the same size that is greater than zero</li>
* <li> The arguments are in a strictly increasing order</li>
* <li> All arguments and values are finite real numbers</li>
* </ul>
* @param xval Arguments for the interpolation points.
* @param yval Values for the interpolation points.
* @param weights point weights: coefficients by which the robustness weight
* of a point is multiplied.
* @return the values of the loess fit at corresponding original abscissae.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NonMonotonousSequenceException
* if {@code xval} not sorted in strictly increasing order.
* @throws DimensionMismatchException if {@code xval} and {@code yval} have
* different sizes.
* @throws NoDataException if {@code xval} or {@code yval} has zero size.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NotFiniteNumberException if
* any of the arguments and values are not finite real numbers.
* @throws NumberIsTooSmallException if the bandwidth is too small to
* accomodate the size of the input data (i.e. the bandwidth must be
* larger than 2/n).
* @since 2.1
public final double[] smooth(final double[] xval, final double[] yval, final double[] weights)
throws MathException {
public final double[] smooth(final double[] xval, final double[] yval,
final double[] weights) {
if (xval.length != yval.length) {
throw new MathException(LocalizedFormats.MISMATCHED_LOESS_ABSCISSA_ORDINATE_ARRAYS,
xval.length, yval.length);
throw new DimensionMismatchException(xval.length, yval.length);
final int n = xval.length;
if (n == 0) {
throw new MathException(LocalizedFormats.LOESS_EXPECTS_AT_LEAST_ONE_POINT);
throw new NoDataException();
checkAllFiniteReal(xval, LocalizedFormats.NON_REAL_FINITE_ABSCISSA);
checkAllFiniteReal(yval, LocalizedFormats.NON_REAL_FINITE_ORDINATE);
checkAllFiniteReal(weights, LocalizedFormats.NON_REAL_FINITE_WEIGHT);
if (n == 1) {
return new double[]{yval[0]};
@ -226,8 +230,8 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
int bandwidthInPoints = (int) (bandwidth * n);
if (bandwidthInPoints < 2) {
throw new MathException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_BANDWIDTH,
n, 2.0 / n, bandwidth);
throw new NumberIsTooSmallException(LocalizedFormats.BANDWIDTH,
bandwidthInPoints, 2, true);
final double[] res = new double[n];
@ -349,18 +353,20 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* @param xval the arguments for the interpolation points
* @param yval the values for the interpolation points
* @return values of the loess fit at corresponding original abscissae
* @throws MathException if some of the following conditions are false:
* <ul>
* <li> Arguments and values are of the same size that is greater than zero</li>
* <li> The arguments are in a strictly increasing order</li>
* <li> All arguments and values are finite real numbers</li>
* </ul>
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NonMonotonousSequenceException
* if {@code xval} not sorted in strictly increasing order.
* @throws DimensionMismatchException if {@code xval} and {@code yval} have
* different sizes.
* @throws NoDataException if {@code xval} or {@code yval} has zero size.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NotFiniteNumberException if
* any of the arguments and values are not finite real numbers.
* @throws NumberIsTooSmallException if the bandwidth is too small to
* accomodate the size of the input data (i.e. the bandwidth must be
* larger than 2/n).
public final double[] smooth(final double[] xval, final double[] yval)
throws MathException {
public final double[] smooth(final double[] xval, final double[] yval) {
if (xval.length != yval.length) {
throw new MathException(LocalizedFormats.MISMATCHED_LOESS_ABSCISSA_ORDINATE_ARRAYS,
xval.length, yval.length);
throw new DimensionMismatchException(xval.length, yval.length);
final double[] unitWeights = new double[xval.length];
@ -371,16 +377,17 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* Given an index interval into xval that embraces a certain number of
* points closest to xval[i-1], update the interval so that it embraces
* the same number of points closest to xval[i], ignoring zero weights.
* points closest to {@code xval[i-1]}, update the interval so that it
* embraces the same number of points closest to {@code xval[i]},
* ignoring zero weights.
* @param xval arguments array
* @param weights weights array
* @param i the index around which the new interval should be computed
* @param bandwidthInterval a two-element array {left, right} such that: <p/>
* <tt>(left==0 or xval[i] - xval[left-1] > xval[right] - xval[i])</tt>
* <p/> and also <p/>
* <tt>(right==xval.length-1 or xval[right+1] - xval[i] > xval[i] - xval[left])</tt>.
* @param xval Arguments array.
* @param weights Weights array.
* @param i Index around which the new interval should be computed.
* @param bandwidthInterval a two-element array {left, right} such that:
* {@code (left==0 or xval[i] - xval[left-1] > xval[right] - xval[i])}
* and
* {@code (right==xval.length-1 or xval[right+1] - xval[i] > xval[i] - xval[left])}.
* The array will be updated.
private static void updateBandwidthInterval(final double[] xval, final double[] weights,
@ -400,15 +407,17 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* Returns the smallest index j such that j > i && (j==weights.length || weights[j] != 0)
* @param weights weights array
* @param i the index from which to start search; must be < weights.length
* @return the smallest index j such that j > i && (j==weights.length || weights[j] != 0)
* Return the smallest index {@code j} such that
* {@code j > i && (j == weights.length || weights[j] != 0)}.
* @param weights Weights array.
* @param i Index from which to start search.
* @return the smallest compliant index.
private static int nextNonzero(final double[] weights, final int i) {
int j = i + 1;
while(j < weights.length && weights[j] == 0) {
return j;
@ -418,8 +427,8 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* <a href="">tricube</a>
* weight function
* @param x the argument
* @return (1-|x|^3)^3
* @param x Argument.
* @return <code>(1 - |x|<sup>3</sup>)<sup>3</sup></code>.
private static double tricube(final double x) {
final double tmp = 1 - x * x * x;
@ -429,35 +438,13 @@ public class LoessInterpolator
* Check that all elements of an array are finite real numbers.
* @param values the values array
* @param pattern pattern of the error message
* @throws MathException if one of the values is not a finite real number
* @param values Values array.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NotFiniteNumberException
* if one of the values is not a finite real number.
private static void checkAllFiniteReal(final double[] values, final Localizable pattern)
throws MathException {
private static void checkAllFiniteReal(final double[] values) {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
final double x = values[i];
if (Double.isInfinite(x) || Double.isNaN(x)) {
throw new MathException(pattern, i, x);
* Check that elements of the abscissae array are in a strictly
* increasing order.
* @param xval the abscissae array
* @throws MathException if the abscissae array
* is not in a strictly increasing order
private static void checkStrictlyIncreasing(final double[] xval)
throws MathException {
for (int i = 0; i < xval.length; ++i) {
if (i >= 1 && xval[i - 1] >= xval[i]) {
throw new MathException(LocalizedFormats.OUT_OF_ORDER_ABSCISSA_ARRAY,
i - 1, xval[i - 1], i, xval[i]);

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm;
@ -45,10 +44,14 @@ public class NevilleInterpolator implements UnivariateRealInterpolator,
* @param x the interpolating points array
* @param y the interpolating values array
* @return a function which interpolates the data set
* @throws MathException if arguments are invalid
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException if
* the array lengths are different.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NumberIsTooSmallException if
* the number of points is less than 2.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NonMonotonousSequenceException
* if two abscissae have the same value.
public PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm interpolate(double x[], double y[])
throws MathException {
public PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm interpolate(double x[], double y[]) {
return new PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm(x, y);

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NoDataException;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.general.GaussNewtonOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.fitting.PolynomialFitter;
@ -73,8 +72,7 @@ public class SmoothingPolynomialBicubicSplineInterpolator
public BicubicSplineInterpolatingFunction interpolate(final double[] xval,
final double[] yval,
final double[][] fval)
throws MathException {
final double[][] fval) {
if (xval.length == 0 || yval.length == 0 || fval.length == 0) {
throw new NoDataException();

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NoDataException;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils;
@ -35,8 +34,7 @@ public class TricubicSplineInterpolator
public TricubicSplineInterpolatingFunction interpolate(final double[] xval,
final double[] yval,
final double[] zval,
final double[][][] fval)
throws MathException {
final double[][][] fval) {
if (xval.length == 0 || yval.length == 0 || zval.length == 0 || fval.length == 0) {
throw new NoDataException();

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.TrivariateRealFunction;
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.TrivariateRealFunction;
public interface TrivariateRealGridInterpolator {
* Computes an interpolating function for the data set.
* Compute an interpolating function for the dataset.
* @param xval All the x-coordinates of the interpolation points, sorted
* in increasing order.
@ -39,11 +38,11 @@ public interface TrivariateRealGridInterpolator {
* @param fval the values of the interpolation points on all the grid knots:
* {@code fval[i][j][k] = f(xval[i], yval[j], zval[k])}.
* @return a function that interpolates the data set.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NoDataException if any of the arrays has zero length.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException if the array lengths are inconsistent.
* @throws MathException if arguments violate assumptions made by the
* interpolation algorithm.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NoDataException if any of
* the arrays has zero length.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException
* if the array lengths are inconsistent.
TrivariateRealFunction interpolate(double[] xval, double[] yval, double[] zval, double[][][] fval)
throws MathException;
TrivariateRealFunction interpolate(double[] xval, double[] yval, double[] zval,
double[][][] fval);

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;
@ -25,15 +24,14 @@ import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;
* @version $Revision$ $Date$
public interface UnivariateRealInterpolator {
* Computes an interpolating function for the data set.
* @param xval the arguments for the interpolation points
* @param yval the values for the interpolation points
* @return a function which interpolates the data set
* @throws MathException if arguments violate assumptions made by the
* interpolation algorithm
* Compute an interpolating function for the dataset.
* @param xval Arguments for the interpolation points.
* @param yval Values for the interpolation points.
* @return a function which interpolates the dataset.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.MathRuntimeException if the
* arguments violate assumptions made by the interpolation algorithm.
UnivariateRealFunction interpolate(double xval[], double yval[])
throws MathException;
UnivariateRealFunction interpolate(double xval[], double yval[]);

View File

@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ public class PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm implements UnivariateRealFunction {
* @param x interpolating points
* @param y function values at interpolating points
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if input arrays are not valid
* @throws DimensionMismatchException if the array lengths are different.
* @throws NumberIsTooSmallException if the number of points is less than 2.
* @throws org.apache.commons.math.exception.NonMonotonousSequenceException
* if two abscissae have the same value.
public PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm(double x[], double y[]) {
this.x = new double[x.length];

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ public class NotFiniteNumberException extends MathIllegalNumberException {
* @param args Optional arguments.
public NotFiniteNumberException(Number wrong,
Object ... arguments) {
this(null, wrong, arguments);
Object ... args) {
this(null, wrong, args);
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ public class NotFiniteNumberException extends MathIllegalNumberException {
public NotFiniteNumberException(Localizable specific,
Number wrong,
Object ... arguments) {
Object ... args) {
super(specific, LocalizedFormats.NOT_FINITE_NUMBER,
wrong, arguments);
wrong, args);

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public enum LocalizedFormats implements Localizable {
ASSYMETRIC_EIGEN_NOT_SUPPORTED("eigen decomposition of assymetric matrices not supported yet"),
AT_LEAST_ONE_COLUMN("matrix must have at least one column"),
AT_LEAST_ONE_ROW("matrix must have at least one row"),
BANDWIDTH_OUT_OF_INTERVAL("bandwidth must be in the interval [0,1], but got {0}"),
BANDWIDTH("bandwidth ({0})"),
BINOMIAL_INVALID_PARAMETERS_ORDER("must have n >= k for binomial coefficient (n, k), got k = {0}, n = {1}"),
BINOMIAL_NEGATIVE_PARAMETER("must have n >= 0 for binomial coefficient (n, k), got n = {0}"),
CANNOT_CLEAR_STATISTIC_CONSTRUCTED_FROM_EXTERNAL_MOMENTS("statistics constructed from external moments cannot be cleared"),
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public enum LocalizedFormats implements Localizable {
NUMBER_OF_SUCCESSES("number of successes ({0})"), /* keep */
NEGATIVE_NUMBER_OF_TRIALS("number of trials must be non-negative ({0})"),
NUMBER_OF_TRIALS("number of trials ({0})"),
NEGATIVE_ROBUSTNESS_ITERATIONS("the number of robustness iterations must be non-negative, but got {0}"),
ROBUSTNESS_ITERATIONS("number of robustness iterations ({0})"),
START_POSITION("start position ({0})"), /* keep */
NON_CONVERGENT_CONTINUED_FRACTION("Continued fraction convergents failed to converge (in less than {0} iterations) for value {1}"),
NON_POSITIVE_MICROSPHERE_ELEMENTS("number of microsphere elements must be positive, but got {0}"),
@ -285,7 +285,6 @@ public enum LocalizedFormats implements Localizable {
SUBARRAY_ENDS_AFTER_ARRAY_END("subarray ends after array end"),
TOO_LARGE_CUTOFF_SINGULAR_VALUE("cutoff singular value is {0}, should be at most {1}"),
TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS_TO_DISCARD_FROM_ARRAY("cannot discard {0} elements from a {1} elements array"),
TOO_SMALL_BANDWIDTH("the bandwidth must be large enough to accomodate at least 2 points. There are {0} data points, and bandwidth must be at least {1} but it is only {2}"),
TOO_SMALL_COST_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE("cost relative tolerance is too small ({0}), no further reduction in the sum of squares is possible"),
TOO_SMALL_INTEGRATION_INTERVAL("too small integration interval: length = {0}"),
TOO_SMALL_ORTHOGONALITY_TOLERANCE("orthogonality tolerance is too small ({0}), solution is orthogonal to the jacobian"),

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ARRAY_SUMS_TO_ZERO = somme du tableau nulle
ASSYMETRIC_EIGEN_NOT_SUPPORTED = la d\u00e9composition en valeurs/vecteurs propres de matrices
AT_LEAST_ONE_COLUMN = une matrice doit comporter au moins une colonne
AT_LEAST_ONE_ROW = une matrice doit comporter au moins une ligne
BANDWIDTH_OUT_OF_INTERVAL = la bande passante devrait \u00eatre dans l''intervalle [0,1], elle est de {0}
BANDWIDTH = bande passante ({0})
BINOMIAL_INVALID_PARAMETERS_ORDER = n doit \u00eatre sup\u00e9rieur ou \u00e9gal \u00e0 k pour le coefficient du bin\u00f4me (n, k), or k = {0}, n = {1}
BINOMIAL_NEGATIVE_PARAMETER = n doit \u00eatre positif pour le coefficient du bin\u00f4me (n, k), or n = {0}
CANNOT_CLEAR_STATISTIC_CONSTRUCTED_FROM_EXTERNAL_MOMENTS = les statistiques bas\u00e9es sur des moments externes ne peuvent pas \u00eatre remises \u00e0 z\u00e9ro
@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ SINGULAR_MATRIX = matrice singuli\u00e8re
SUBARRAY_ENDS_AFTER_ARRAY_END = le sous-tableau se termine apr\u00e8s la fin du tableau
TOO_LARGE_CUTOFF_SINGULAR_VALUE = la valeur singuli\u00e8re de coupure vaut {0}, elle ne devrait pas d\u00e9passer {1}
TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS_TO_DISCARD_FROM_ARRAY = impossible d''enlever {0} \u00e9l\u00e9ments d''un tableau en contenant {1}
TOO_SMALL_BANDWIDTH = la largeur de bande doit \u00eatre assez grande pour supporter au moins 2 points. Il y a {0} donn\u00e9es et la largeur de bande doit \u00eatre au moins de {1}, or elle est seulement de {2}
TOO_SMALL_COST_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE = trop petite tol\u00e9rance relative sur le co\u00fbt ({0}), aucune r\u00e9duction de la somme des carr\u00e9s n''est possible
TOO_SMALL_INTEGRATION_INTERVAL = intervalle d''int\u00e9gration trop petit : {0}
TOO_SMALL_ORTHOGONALITY_TOLERANCE = trop petite tol\u00e9rance sur l''orthogonalit\u00e9 ({0}), la solution est orthogonale \u00e0 la jacobienne

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@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ The <action> type attribute can be add,update,fix,remove.
If the output is not quite correct, check for invisible trailing spaces!
<release version="3.0" date="TBD" description="TBD">
<action dev="erans" type="fix" issue="MATH-458">
Removed "MathException" from the "throws" clause of the "interpolate" method
of the interpolators interfaces (package "analysis.interpolation").
<action dev="erans" type="fix" issue="MATH-461">
In order to comply with the new runtime exceptions policy, the classes
"RealVectorFormat", "ComplexFormat", "Vector3DFormat" and "CompositeFormat"

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@ -16,8 +16,15 @@
package org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NotPositiveException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.OutOfRangeException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NoDataException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NonMonotonousSequenceException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NotFiniteNumberException;
import org.apache.commons.math.exception.NumberIsTooSmallException;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -27,7 +34,7 @@ import org.junit.Test;
public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
public void testOnOnePoint() throws MathException {
public void testOnOnePoint() {
double[] xval = {0.5};
double[] yval = {0.7};
double[] res = new LoessInterpolator().smooth(xval, yval);
@ -36,7 +43,7 @@ public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
public void testOnTwoPoints() throws MathException {
public void testOnTwoPoints() {
double[] xval = {0.5, 0.6};
double[] yval = {0.7, 0.8};
double[] res = new LoessInterpolator().smooth(xval, yval);
@ -46,7 +53,7 @@ public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
public void testOnStraightLine() throws MathException {
public void testOnStraightLine() {
double[] xval = {1,2,3,4,5};
double[] yval = {2,4,6,8,10};
LoessInterpolator li = new LoessInterpolator(0.6, 2, 1e-12);
@ -58,7 +65,7 @@ public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
public void testOnDistortedSine() throws MathException {
public void testOnDistortedSine() {
int numPoints = 100;
double[] xval = new double[numPoints];
double[] yval = new double[numPoints];
@ -90,7 +97,7 @@ public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
public void testIncreasingBandwidthIncreasesSmoothness() throws MathException {
public void testIncreasingBandwidthIncreasesSmoothness() {
int numPoints = 100;
double[] xval = new double[numPoints];
double[] yval = new double[numPoints];
@ -121,7 +128,7 @@ public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
public void testIncreasingRobustnessItersIncreasesSmoothnessWithOutliers() throws MathException {
public void testIncreasingRobustnessItersIncreasesSmoothnessWithOutliers() {
int numPoints = 100;
double[] xval = new double[numPoints];
double[] yval = new double[numPoints];
@ -153,74 +160,74 @@ public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
public void testUnequalSizeArguments() throws MathException {
public void testUnequalSizeArguments() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {1,2,3}, new double[] {1,2,3,4});
public void testEmptyData() throws MathException {
public void testEmptyData() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {}, new double[] {});
public void testNonStrictlyIncreasing1() throws MathException {
public void testNonStrictlyIncreasing1() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {4,3,1,2}, new double[] {3,4,5,6});
public void testNonStrictlyIncreasing2() throws MathException {
public void testNonStrictlyIncreasing2() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {1,2,2,3}, new double[] {3,4,5,6});
public void testNotAllFiniteReal1() throws MathException {
public void testNotAllFiniteReal1() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {1,2,Double.NaN}, new double[] {3,4,5});
public void testNotAllFiniteReal2() throws MathException {
public void testNotAllFiniteReal2() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {1,2,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}, new double[] {3,4,5});
public void testNotAllFiniteReal3() throws MathException {
public void testNotAllFiniteReal3() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {1,2,Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, new double[] {3,4,5});
public void testNotAllFiniteReal4() throws MathException {
public void testNotAllFiniteReal4() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {3,4,5}, new double[] {1,2,Double.NaN});
public void testNotAllFiniteReal5() throws MathException {
public void testNotAllFiniteReal5() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {3,4,5}, new double[] {1,2,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY});
public void testNotAllFiniteReal6() throws MathException {
public void testNotAllFiniteReal6() {
new LoessInterpolator().smooth(new double[] {3,4,5}, new double[] {1,2,Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY});
public void testInsufficientBandwidth() throws MathException {
public void testInsufficientBandwidth() {
LoessInterpolator li = new LoessInterpolator(0.1, 3, 1e-12);
li.smooth(new double[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}, new double[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12});
public void testCompletelyIncorrectBandwidth1() throws MathException {
public void testCompletelyIncorrectBandwidth1() {
new LoessInterpolator(-0.2, 3, 1e-12);
public void testCompletelyIncorrectBandwidth2() throws MathException {
public void testCompletelyIncorrectBandwidth2() {
new LoessInterpolator(1.1, 3, 1e-12);
public void testMath296withoutWeights() throws MathException {
public void testMath296withoutWeights() {
double[] xval = {
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0};
@ -251,5 +258,4 @@ public class LoessInterpolatorTest {
x += dx * (1 + (2 * FastMath.random() - 1) * xnoise);