diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index e50df2047..f4ed80efe 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@
+ * For a given n it implements the formula:
+ * z_k = pow( abs , 1.0/n ) * (cos(phi + k * 2π) + i * (sin(phi + k * 2π)
+ * with k=0, 1, ..., n-1
and pow(abs, 1.0 / n)
is the nth root of the absolute-value.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param n degree of root
+ * @return Collection
+ *
+ */
+ public void testNthRoot_normal_thirdRoot() {
+ // The complex number we want to compute all third-roots for.
+ Complex z = new Complex(-2,2);
+ // The List holding all third roots
+ Complex[] thirdRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(3).toArray(new Complex[0]);
+ // Returned Collection must not be empty!
+ assertEquals(3, thirdRootsOfZ.length);
+ // test z_0
+ assertEquals(1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_1
+ assertEquals(-1.3660254037844386, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(0.36602540378443843, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_2
+ assertEquals(0.366025403784439, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(-1.3660254037844384, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test: computing fourth roots of z.
+ *
+ * z = -2 + 2 * i
+ * => z_0 = 1 + i
+ * => z_1 = -1.3660 + 0.3660 * i
+ * => z_2 = 0.3660 - 1.3660 * i
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public void testNthRoot_normal_fourthRoot() {
+ // The complex number we want to compute all third-roots for.
+ Complex z = new Complex(5,-2);
+ // The List holding all fourth roots
+ Complex[] fourthRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(4).toArray(new Complex[0]);
+ // Returned Collection must not be empty!
+ assertEquals(4, fourthRootsOfZ.length);
+ // test z_0
+ assertEquals(1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(-0.14469266210702247, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_1
+ assertEquals(0.14469266210702256, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_2
+ assertEquals(-1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(0.14469266210702267, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_3
+ assertEquals(-0.14469266210702275, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(-1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test: computing third roots of z.
+ *
+ * z = 5 - 2 * i
+ * => z_0 = 1.5164 - 0.1446 * i
+ * => z_1 = 0.1446 + 1.5164 * i
+ * => z_2 = -1.5164 + 0.1446 * i
+ * => z_3 = -1.5164 - 0.1446 * i
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public void testNthRoot_cornercase_thirdRoot_imaginaryPartEmpty() {
+ // The number 8 has three third roots. One we all already know is the number 2.
+ // But there are two more complex roots.
+ Complex z = new Complex(8,0);
+ // The List holding all third roots
+ Complex[] thirdRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(3).toArray(new Complex[0]);
+ // Returned Collection must not be empty!
+ assertEquals(3, thirdRootsOfZ.length);
+ // test z_0
+ assertEquals(2.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(0.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_1
+ assertEquals(-1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(1.7320508075688774, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_2
+ assertEquals(-1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(-1.732050807568877, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test: computing third roots of z with real part 0.
+ *
+ * z = 8
+ * => z_0 = 2
+ * => z_1 = -1 + 1.73205 * i
+ * => z_2 = -1 - 1.73205 * i
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public void testNthRoot_cornercase_thirdRoot_realPartEmpty() {
+ // complex number with only imaginary part
+ Complex z = new Complex(0,2);
+ // The List holding all third roots
+ Complex[] thirdRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(3).toArray(new Complex[0]);
+ // Returned Collection must not be empty!
+ assertEquals(3, thirdRootsOfZ.length);
+ // test z_0
+ assertEquals(1.0911236359717216, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(0.6299605249474365, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_1
+ assertEquals(-1.0911236359717216, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(0.6299605249474365, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ // test z_2
+ assertEquals(-2.3144374213981936E-16, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
+ assertEquals(-1.2599210498948732, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test cornercases with NaN and Infinity.
+ */
+ public void testNthRoot_cornercase_NAN_Inf() {
+ // third root of z = 1 + NaN * i
+ for (Complex c : oneNaN.nthRoot(3)) {
+ // both parts should be nan
+ assertEquals(nan, c.getReal());
+ assertEquals(nan, c.getImaginary());
+ }
+ // third root of z = inf + NaN * i
+ for (Complex c : infNaN.nthRoot(3)) {
+ // both parts should be nan
+ assertEquals(nan, c.getReal());
+ assertEquals(nan, c.getImaginary());
+ }
+ // third root of z = neginf + 1 * i
+ Complex[] zInfOne = negInfOne.nthRoot(2).toArray(new Complex[0]);
+ // first root
+ assertEquals(inf, zInfOne[0].getReal());
+ assertEquals(inf, zInfOne[0].getImaginary());
+ // second root
+ assertEquals(neginf, zInfOne[1].getReal());
+ assertEquals(neginf, zInfOne[1].getImaginary());
+ }
+ * z = 2 * i
+ * => z_0 = 1.0911 + 0.6299 * i
+ * => z_1 = -1.0911 + 0.6299 * i
+ * => z_2 = -2.3144 - 1.2599 * i
+ *
+ *