The analysis package provides numerical root-finding and interpolation implementations for real-valued functions of one real variable.
Possible future additions may include numerical differentation, integration and optimization.
A org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealSolver. provides the means to find roots of univariate real-valued functions. A root is the value where the function takes the value 0. Commons-Math includes implementations of the following root-finding algorithms:
There are numerous non-obvious traps and pitfalls in root finding. First, the usual disclaimers due to the nature how real world computers calculate values apply. If the computation of the function provides numerical instabilities, for example due to bit cancellation, the root finding algorithms may behave badly and fail to converge or even return bogus values. There will not necessarily be an indication that the computed root is way off the true value. Secondly, the root finding problem itself may be inherently ill-conditioned. There is a "domain of indeterminacy", the interval for which the function has near zero absolute values around the true root, which may be large. Even worse, small problems like roundoff error may cause the function value to "numerically oscillate" between negative and positive values. This may again result in roots way off the true value, without indication. There is not much a generic algorithm can do if ill-conditioned problems are met. A way around this is to transform the problem in order to get a better conditioned function. Proper selection of a root-finding algorithm and its configuration parameters requires knowledge of the analytical properties of the function under analysis and numerical analysis techniques. Users are encouraged to consult a numerical analysis text (or an numerical analyst) when selecting and configuring a solver.
In order to use the root-finding features, first a solver object must
be created. It is encouraged that all solver object creation occurs
via the org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealSolverFactory
class. UnivariateRealSolverFactory
is a simple factory
used to create all of the solver objects supported by Commons-Math.
The typical usage of UnivariateRealSolverFactory
to create a solver object would be:
The solvers that can be instantiated via the
are detailed below:
Solver | Factory Method | Notes on Use |
Bisection | newBisectionSolver | Root must be bracketted. Linear, guaranteed convergence |
Brent | newBrentSolver | Root must be bracketted. Super-linear, guaranteed convergence |
Newton | newNewtonSolver | Uses single value for initialization. Super-linear, non-guaranteed convergence Function must be differentiable |
Secant | newSecantSolver | Root must be bracketted. Super-linear, non-guaranteed convergence |
Using a solver object, roots of functions are easily found using the solve
methods. For a function f
, and two domain values, min
, solve
computes a value c
such that:
f(c) = 0.0
(see "function value accuracy")min <= c <= max
Typical usage:
The BrentSolve
uses the Brent-Dekker algorithm which is
fast and robust. This algorithm is recommended for most users and the
is the default solver provided by the
. If there are multiple roots
in the interval, or there is a large domain of indeterminacy, the
algorithm will converge to a random root in the interval without
indication that there are problems. Interestingly, the examined text
book implementations all disagree in details of the convergence
criteria. Also each implementation had problems for one of the test
cases, so the expressions had to be fudged further. Don't expect to
get exactly the same root values as for other implementations of this
The SecantSolver
uses a variant of the well known secant
algorithm. It may be a bit faster than the Brent solver for a class
of well-behaved functions.
The BisectionSolver
is included for completeness and for
establishing a fall back in cases of emergency. The algorithm is
simple, most likely bug free and guaranteed to converge even in very
adverse circumstances which might cause other algorithms to
malfunction. The drawback is of course that it is also guaranteed
to be slow.
The UnivariateRealSolver
interface exposes many
properties to control the convergence of a solver. For the most part,
these properties should not have to change from their default values
to produce good results. In the circumstances where changing these
property values is needed, it is easily done through getter and setter
methods on UnivariateRealSolver
Property | Methods | Purpose |
Absolute accuracy |
The Absolute Accuracy is (estimated) maximal difference between the computed root and the true root of the function. This is what most people think of as "accuracy" intuitively. The default value is choosen as a sane value for most real world problems, for roots in the range from -100 to +100. For accurate computation of roots near zero, in the range form -0.0001 to +0.0001, the value may be decreased. For computing roots much larger in absolute value than 100, the default absolute accuracy may never be reached because the given relative accuracy is reached first. |
Relative accuracy |
The Relative Accuracy is the maximal difference between the computed root and the true root, divided by the maximum of the absolute values of the numbers. This accuracy measurement is better suited for numerical calculations with computers, due to the way floating point numbers are represented. The default value is choosen so that algorithms will get a result even for roots with large absolute values, even while it may be impossible to reach the given absolute accuracy. |
Function value accuracy |
This value is used by some algorithms in order to prevent numerical instabilities. If the function is evaluated to an absolute value smaller than the Function Value Accuracy, the algorithms assume they hit a root and return the value immediately. The default value is a "very small value". If the goal is to get a near zero function value rather than an accurate root, computation may be sped up by setting this value appropriately. |
Maximum iteration count |
This is the maximal number of iterations the algorith will try.
If this number is exceeded, non-convergence is assumed and a
ConvergenceException exception is thrown. The
default value is 100, which should be plenty, given that a
bisection algorithm can't get any more accurate after 52
iterations because of the number of mantissa bits in a double
precision floating point number. If a number of ill-conditioned
problems is to be solved, this number can be decreased in order
to avoid wasting time.
is used to find a univariate real-valued function f
for a given set of ordered pairs
) yields
to the best accuracy possible.
Currently, only an interpolator for generating natural cubic splines is available. There is
no interpolator factory, mainly because the interpolation algorithm is more determined
by the kind of the interpolated function rather than the set of points to interpolate.
There aren't currently any accuracy controls either, as interpolation
accuracy is in general determined by the algorithm.
Typical usage:
A natural cubic spline is a function consisting of a polynominal of
third degree for each subinterval determined by the x-coordinates of the
interpolated points. A function interpolating N
value pairs consists of N-1
polynominals. The function
is continuous, smooth and can be differentiated twice. The second
derivative is continuous but not smooth. The x values passed to the
interpolator must be ordered in ascending order. It is not valid to
evaluate the function for values outside the range