<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- * ======================================================================== * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================== --> <!-- Customized version of maven annnouncement plugin style sheet to create release notes for commons-math. --> <jsl:stylesheet select="$doc" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:jsl="jelly:jsl" xmlns:x="jelly:xml" xmlns:u="jelly:util" xmlns:maven="jelly:maven" xmlns="dummy" trim="true"> <!-- This stylesheet expects the versionVariable to be defined before calling it --> <jsl:template match="document/body/release"> <x:set var="version" select="string(@version)"/> <x:set var="description" select="string(@description)"/> <j:if test="${versionVariable.equals(version)}"> <j:whitespace trim="false"> Apache Commons Math Version ${version} RELEASE NOTES </j:whitespace> <j:useBean var="formatter" class="org.apache.maven.announcement.Formatter"/> <j:set var="header" trim="true" value="${description}"/> <j:forEach var="line" items="${formatter.format(header,78)}"> <j:whitespace trim="false"> ${line}</j:whitespace> </j:forEach> For more information on Apache Commons Math, see ${pom.url} <j:whitespace trim="false"> SUMMARY OF CHANGES</j:whitespace> <x:set var="actions" select="action[@type='add']" sort="@type" /> <j:if test="${!empty(actions)}"> <j:whitespace trim="false"> ADDITIONS </j:whitespace> <j:forEach var="action" items="${actions}"> <x:set var="item" select="."/><jsl:applyTemplates select="$action"/> <j:whitespace trim="false"> </j:whitespace> </j:forEach> </j:if> <x:set var="actions" select="action[@type='fix']" sort="@type" /> <j:if test="${!empty(actions)}"> <j:whitespace trim="false"> BUG FIXES </j:whitespace> <j:forEach var="action" items="${actions}"> <x:set var="item" select="."/><jsl:applyTemplates select="$action"/> <j:whitespace trim="false"> </j:whitespace> </j:forEach> </j:if> <x:set var="actions" select="action[@type='update']" sort="@type" /> <j:if test="${!empty(actions)}"> <j:whitespace trim="false"> UPDATES </j:whitespace> <j:forEach var="action" items="${actions}"> <x:set var="item" select="."/><jsl:applyTemplates select="$action"/> <j:whitespace trim="false"> </j:whitespace> </j:forEach> </j:if> <x:set var="actions" select="action[@type='remove']" sort="@type" /> <j:if test="${!empty(actions)}"> <j:whitespace trim="false"> Removed features: </j:whitespace> <j:forEach var="action" items="${actions}"> <x:set var="item" select="."/><jsl:applyTemplates select="$action"/> </j:forEach> </j:if> <j:whitespace trim="false"> DEPRECATIONS SUMMARY * The abstract factory pattern used to enable pluggable implementations in the statistics, analysis and distributions packages has been deprecated and replaced by setter injection. * Non-localized exception messages and associated constructors have been deprecated and replaced by localized versions. * Most methods from the ComplexUtils class have been deprecated, with implementations moved to the Complex class. See "clirr-report.html" included in the docs directory of the binary distribution for a detailed list of API changes. The "errors" reported at the top of the report are due to protected fields being moved to superclasses. These fields are still available, so there is no backward compatibility issue. BUILDING COMMONS MATH Commons math can be built from the source distribution using Maven 1, Maven 2, or Ant, launching any one of these from the top-level directory of the unpacked zip or tarball. For detailed build instructions and information about how to contribute to Commons Math, see "developers.html" in the docs directory of the binary distribution. </j:whitespace> </j:if> </jsl:template> <jsl:template match="action" trim="true"> <x:set var="body" select="string(.)"/> <j:set var="counter" value=""/> <j:set var="issue"><x:expr select="@issue"/></j:set> <j:set var="dueto"><x:expr select="@due-to"/></j:set> <j:set var="text" trim="true"> <j:if test="${issue != ''}"><j:whitespace>${issue}.</j:whitespace></j:if> ${body} <j:if test="${dueto != ''}"><j:whitespace> Thanks to ${dueto}.</j:whitespace></j:if> </j:set> <j:forEach var="line" items="${formatter.format(text,75)}"> <j:choose> <j:when test="${counter.length() == '0'}"> <j:whitespace trim="false"> * ${line}</j:whitespace> </j:when> <j:otherwise> <j:whitespace trim="false"> ${line}</j:whitespace> </j:otherwise> </j:choose> <j:set var="counter" value="${counter}X"/> </j:forEach> </jsl:template> <jsl:template match="@*"/> <jsl:template match="text()"/> </jsl:stylesheet>